Sunday, July 9, 2017

Transmutation of Zombie Apocalypse into The Great Awakening

Zombies descend on Hamburg and the undead walk the streets

Published on Jul 6, 2017

Original Documentation on Vimeo:
1000 GESTALTEN / G 20 Hamburg Summit

As police in Hamburg step up security ahead of the visit of 20 state heads there may be another problem they are less prepared for.

One thousand grey zombies are walking the town.

The 1000 undead are part of a performance art piece titled: 1000 Gestalten (1000 figures) happening on the edges of the G20 summit that kicks off on July 7.

"The goal of our performance today is to move the people in their hearts, to give them the motivation to get politically engaged again. We want to create an image, because we believe in the power of images...we want to motivate people to take part. To free themselves from their crusted shells, to take part in the political process," one of the event organisers, Catalina Lopez told Reuters TV.

For some the shuffling, silent zombie walk is a welcome alternative to the violence-prone protests that traditionally accompany G20 meetings.

Passers-by praised the effectiveness of the mass sleep-walkers as an allegory for political apathy in current times.

After passing through the streets of Germany's northern port city the zombies will free themselves from their encrusted shells to represent a joyous awakening.

Video Source:

WAKE UP EVERYBODY - Original Version
(Teddy Pendergrass, Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes)

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