Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"Surrender" is Angel Card I received at the Sirius Annual Retreat

Lantern on the Last Day of Winter
I sent this letter to the internal listserv for Sirius Community and also eCricket listserv for the Hearthstone Village and beyond... It presents my intention for the Spring Equinox celebration, that already began changing form before it began at 7:30 pm on March 20th at the foot of the stairs leading to the Octagon in the Community Center... I lit the Threshold Lantern before beginning our processional climb, only to watch it go out when reaching the top step, as its candle was totally spent. So, I was humbled by surrender to the unknown and went "off script" by lighting the Meditation Candle at center of the star pattern on floor of the Octagon. During our recent Annual Retreat at Sirius Community, the "Surrender" Angel Card came up for me and impacted me deeply. I shared this insight with those of us who participated in our Celebration of Spring and opened the floor for "popcorn style" sharing of what Spring and the symbolism of rebirth means to each one of us. Everyone living at The Lighthouse in our Community was in the Octagon among us present. One of the Founders and an Intern represented the Long House, a Member from Morning Star, plus a member from the Phoenix House, and a Hearthstone Villager living across Baker Road from Sirius, participated in this event; my first as a Full Member of this Community living on the land in the Connecting Space, between The Lighthouse and Kailasa... I AM prepared to do my part in brightening our Light on this Hill in Shutesbury, Massachusetts and drawing energy into this Ecovillage for renewal of Life, as Spring renews the Earth after the dormancy of Winter has receded with increasing sunlight following passage of the Vernal Equinox... ~ JDHWB-R

I AM playing the role of the Hermit (9th Archetype in the Tarot Major Arcana) at 7:00 pm, leading us upstairs to the Octagon inside our Community Center, as about a foot of snow remains on the ground at Sirius Stone Circle Sanctuary where turning of the wheel of the year ceremonies for the seasons are usually held. Here is description of this card according to my intuitive interpretation of the Universal Waite Tarot (1992)...

9 - THE HERMIT - Introspection and Internal Illumination (Teth; Virgo)

Seeks Wisdom of the Source....

The Light shines from within the Soul; the view from the Summit which puts life into its proper perspective. This vantage point is accessed via looking to God who dwells within us; the infinite Creator being the reservoir of all the answers which the Seeker pursues. Each one of us is symbolized by the Lantern image; God's Light of inner awareness being the Candle Flame. Wisdom is the transcendental interpretation of knowledge as illuminated by the Light shining within one's Soul. All barriers of the material World are beneath the Cosmic Consciousness of the Hermit who has already traveled his Path of Quest. His search has led him to the Summit of his own perfection. Now, from this great height he can see 360 degrees without obscuration. His Lantern is held high as an inspiration to all who aspire to attain the Wisdom which he has come to realize during the process of his own Soul journey. The isolation and abstinence image sometimes given to the Hermit is one of the past; a glimpse of his travels through the physical and emotional wasteland where the misrepresentations of life as seen through the perception of the Physical Plane have been experienced and eventually transcended. This Archetype passed through a period of solitude and alienation during this walk through the proverbial "Valley of the Shadow of Death" that could have driven him Mad had it not been for the Light in his Lantern penetrating the Darkness and illuminating his Soul thus granting him hope of deliverance. The Hermit has indeed been carried through this initiatory Journey via his unwavering Faith in the Universal Source who Teaches and Guides all of us internally. The Lantern which he carries symbolizes his inner Vision provided via his "Third Eye" (Candle) which grants this Archetypal traveler a keen sense of Spiritual insight. PARALLEL ARCHETYPES: The Sage, The Old Wise Man, The Wandering Friar, The Lamplighter.

State of Mind: Counsel, Knowledge, Solicitude, Prudence, Discretion, Caution, Vigilance, Circumspection, Self-denial, Withdrawal, Regression, Annulment, Tendency to withhold emotion, Fear of discovery, Loner, Insensitive, Expressionless, Misleading, Misguiding, Illumination from within, Divine inspiration, Retirement from participation in current events

Please join us in the Community Center at Sirius, 72 Baker Road in Shutesbury!

Let us Greet the Arrival of Spring together in the Light of the Angel of Sirius...

Joseph H. Bryan-Royster (exploring membership at Sirius Community)

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