Monday, December 26, 2016


An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy

By Manly P. Hall

Twenty-five Centuries of Wisdom

Discover the Secrets within the Symbolic Figures, Allegories, Oral Traditions and Rituals of Humankind.

Manly P. Hall’s  exhaustive research concentrates the teachings of nearly six hundred distinguished authorities on religion and philosophy, bringing to you an interpretation of the themes underlying the ancient mythology, philosophy, religion, rituals, and arcane mysteries of all ages. In its original format designed by J. Henry Nash, this unique volume can be treasured and passed on as an heirloom with the assurance that its in-depth studies of some forty ancient and modern systems of spiritual development can contribute to each to each individual’s quest for self-knowledge and philosophical awareness.

First published in 1928, this volume includes fifty-four stunning full-page color plates by noted artist J. Augustus Knapp, and two hundred black and white illustrations from rare occult works and manuscripts. To this day it remains unrivaled in its scope, synthesis and graphic beauty; a must for any serious student of mystical philosophy.

 “A masterful summation of the esoteric teachings of the ages.” - Huston Smith, Ph.D., Author, The Worlds Religions

“Into this volume has been compressed the quintessence of a colossal learning. It is a living human document, pulsating with the mental and spiritual vibrations of a profound thinker who takes knowledge for his province and reduces whole libraries to a single tome.” - George Barron, Curator of the De Young Museum of San Francisco

“Simply put, this is the most beautiful and complete occult book ever published. It represents a lifetime of research into the mythology, symbolism, and magical practices of countless cultures. From the secrets of Isis to the teachings of mystic Christianity, nearly every occult dogma imaginable is represented here…this is the definitive guide to secret societies, famous figures, and more—a must for every personal library.”- Llewellyn New Times

“Manly Hall’s great work is a classic in the world’s literature. It will guide historians, philosophers, and lay seekers of esoteric wisdom for centuries.” - Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D., Apollo 14 Astronaut

Table of Contents to

The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies Which Have Influenced Modern Masonic Symbolism—

Ancient  systems of education—Celsus concerning the Christians—Druidic Mysteries—Rites of Mithras—Gnostic Mysteries—Simon Magus and Basilides—Abraxas—The Mysteries of Serapis—Labyrinth Symbolism—Gothic Mysteries—Eleusinian Mysteries—Orphic Mysteries—Bacchic Mysteries—Dionysiac Mysteries

Atlantis and the Gods of Antiquity—

Plato’s Atlantis in the light of modern science—The Myth of the Dying God—The Rite of Tammuz and Ishtar—The Mysteries of Atys and Adonis—The Rites of Sabazius—The Cabiric Mysteries of Samothrace

The Life and Writings of Thoth Hermes Trismegistus—

Suppositions of the identity of Hermes—The mutilated Hermetic Fragments—The Book of Thoth—Poimandres, the Vision of Hermes—The Mystery of the Universal Mind—The Seven Governors of the World

The Initiation of the Pyramid—

Opening of the Great Pyramid by Caliph al Mamoun—The passageways and chambers—The riddle of the Sphinx—The Pyramid Mysteries—The secret of the Pyramid coffer—The dwelling place of the Hidden God

Isis, the Virgin of the World—

The birthdays of the gods—The murder of Osiris—The Hermetic Isis—The symbols peculiar to Isis—The Troubadours—The mummification of the Dead

The Sun, A Universal Deity—

The Solar Trinity—Christianity and the Sun—The birthday of the Sun—The three Suns—The celestial inhabitants of the Sun—The midnight Sun

The Zodiac and Its Signs—

Primitive astronomical instruments—The equinoxes and solstices—The astrological ages of the world—The circular zodiac of Tentyra—An interpretation of zodiacal signs—The horoscope of the world

The Bembine Table of Isis—

Plato’s initiation in the Great Pyramid—The history of the Bembine Table—Platonic theory of ideas—The interplay of the three philosophical zodiacs—The Chaldean philosophy of triads—The Orphic Egg

Wonders of Antiquity—

The ever-burning lamps—The oracle of Delphi—The Dodonean oracle—The oracle of Trophonius—The initiated architects—The Seven Wonder of the world

The Life and Philosophy of Pythagoras—

Pythagoras and the School of Crotona—Pythagoric fundamentals—Thy symmetrical solids—The symbolic aphorism of Pythagoras—Pythagorean astronomy—Kepler’s theory of the Universe

Pythagorean Mathematics—

The theory of numbers—The numerical values of letters—Method of securing the numerical power of words—An introduction to the Pythagorean theory of numbers—The sieve of Eratosthenes—The meanings of the ten numbers

The Human Body in Symbolism—

The philosophical manikin—The three universal centers—The temples of initiation—The hand in symbolism—The greater and lesser man—The Anthropos, or Oversoul

The Hiramic Legend—

The building of Solomon’s Temple—The murder of CHirman Abiff—The martyrdom of Jacques de Molay—The spirit fire and the pineal gland—The wanderings of the astronomical CHiram—Cleopatra’s Needle and Masons’ marks

The Pythagorean Theory of Music and Color—

Pythagoras and the diatonic scale—Therapeutic music—The music of the sphere—The use of color in symbolism—The colors of the spectrum and the musical scale—Zodiacal and planetary colors

Fishes, Insects, Animals, Reptiles, and Birds—

Jonah and the whale—The fish, the symbol of Christ—The Egyptian scarab—Jupiter’s fly—The serpent of wisdom—The sacred crocodile—The dove, the yonic emblem—The self-renewing phoenix—The Great Seal of the USA—Bast, the cat goddess of the Ptolemies—Apis, the sacred bull—The monoceros, or unicorn

Flowers, Plants, Fruits, and Trees—

The flower, a phallic symbol—The lotus blossom—The Scandinavian World Tree, Yggdrasil—The sprig of acacia—The juice of the grape—The magical powers of the mandrake

Stones, Metals, and Gems—

Prehistoric monuments—The tablets of the Law—The Holy Grail—The ages of the world—Talismanic jewels—Zodiacal and planetary stones and gems

Ceremonial Magic and Sorcery—

The black magic of Egypt—Doctor Johannes Faustus—The Mephistopheles of the Grimores—The invocation of spirits—Pacts with demons—The symbolism of the pentagram

The Elements and Their Inhabitant—

The Paracelsian theory of submundanes—The orders of elemental beings—The Gnomes, Undines, Salamanders, and Sylphs—Demonology—The incubus and succubus--Vampirism

Hermetic Pharmacology, Chemistry, and Therapeutics—

The healing methods of Paracelsus—Palingenesis—Hermetic theories concerning the cause of disease—Medicinal properties of herbs—The use of drugs in the Mysteries—The sect of the Assassins

The Qabbalah, The Secret Doctrine of Israel—

The written and unwritten laws—The origin of the Qabbalistic writings—Rabbi Simeon ben Jochai—The great Qabbalistic books—The divisions of the Qabbalistic system—The Sepher Yetzirah

Fundamentals of Qabbalistic Cosmogony—

AIN SOPH and the Cosmic Egg—The Qabbalistic system of worlds—Qabbalistic interpretation of Ezekial’s vision—The great image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream—The Grand Man in the universe—The fifty gates of life

The Tree of the Sephiroth—

The thirty-two paths of wisdom—The Greater and the Lesser Face—Kircher’s Sephirothic Tree—The mystery of Daath—The three pillars supporting the Sephirothic Tree—The four letters of the Sacred Name

Qabbalistic Keys to the Creation of Man—

Gematria, Notarikon, and Temurah—The Elohim—The four Adams—Arabian traditions concerning Adam—Adam as the archetype of mankind—The early Christian Church on the subject of marriage

An Analysis of the Tarot Cards—

The origin of playing cards—The rota mundi of the Rosicrucians—The problem of Tarot symbolism—The un-numbered card—The symbolism of the twenty-one major trumps—The suit cards

The Tabernacle in the Wilderness—

Moses, the Egyptian initiate—The building of the Tabernacle—The furnishings of the Tabernacle—The Ark of the Covenant—The Robes of Glory—The Urim and Thummim

The Fraternity of the Rose Cross—

The life of Father C.R.C.—Johan Valentine Andreae—The alchemical teachings of the Rosicrucians—Significance of the Rose Cross—The Rosicrucian Temple—The adepts of the Rose Cross

Rosicrucian Doctrines and Tenets—

The Confessio Fraternitatis—The Anatomy of Melancholy—John Heydon on Rosicrucianism—The three mountains of the wise—The philosophical egg—The objects of the Rosicrucian Order

Fifteen Rosicrucian and Qabbalistic Diagrams—

Schamayim, the Ocean of Spirit—The Seven Days of Creation—The symbolic tomb of Christian Rosencreutz—The regions of the elements—The New Jerusalem—The grand secret of Nature

Alchemy and Its Exponents—

The multiplication of metals—The medal of Emperor Leopold I—Paracelsus of Hohenheim—Raymond Lully—Nicholas Flammel—Count Bernard of Treviso

The Theory and Practice of Alchemy—

The origin of alchemical philosophy—Alexander the Great and the talking trees—Nature and art—Alchemical symbolism—The Song of Solomon—The Philosopher’s Gold—The alchemical prayer—The Emerald Tablet of Hermes—A letter from the Brothers of R.C.—The magical Mountain of the Moon—An alchemical formula—The dew of the sages

The Chemical Marriage—

Christian Rosencreutz is invited to the Chemical Wedding—The Virgo Lucifera—The philosophical Inquisition—The Tower of Olympus—The homunculi—The Knights of the Golden Stone

Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Rosicrucians—

The Rosicrucian mask—Life of William Shakspere—Sir Francis Bacon—The acrostic signatures—The significant number thirty-three—The philosophic death

The Cryptogram as a Factor in Symbolic Philosophy—

Secret alphabets—The biliteral cipher—Pictorial ciphers—Acroamatic ciphers—Numerical and musical ciphers—Code ciphers

Freemasonic Symbolism—

The pillars raised by the sons of Seth—Enoch and the Royal Arches—The Dionysiac Architects—The Roman Collegia—Solomon, the personification of Universal Wisdom—Freemasonry’s priceless heritage

Mystic Christianity—

St. Iranaeus on the life of Christ—The original name of Jesus—The Christened man—The Essenes—The Arthurian cycle—Merlin the Mage

The Cross and the Crucifixion—

The Aurea Legenda—The lost libraries of Alexandria—The cross in pagan symbolism—The crucifixion, a cosmic allegory—The crucifixion of Quetzalcoatl—The nails of the Passion

The Mystery of the Apocalypse—

The sacred city of Ephesus—The authorship of the Apocalypse—The Alpha and Omega—The Lamb of God—The Four Horsemen—The number of the beast

The Faith of Islam—

The life of Mohammed—The revelation of the Koran—The valedictory pilgrimage—The tomb of the Prophet—The Caaba at Mecca—The secret doctrine of Islam

American Indian Symbolism—

The ceremony of the peace pipe—The historical Hiawatha—The Popul Vuh—American Indian sorcery—The Mysteries of Xibalba—The Midewiwin

The Mysteries and Their Emissaries—

The Golden Chain of Homer—Hypatia, the Alexandrian Neo-Platonist—The “divine” Cagliostro—The Comte de St.-Germain—The designing of the American flag—The Declaration of Independence

From the Foreword to

... Associations of men and women bound together by oaths and obligations into esoteric fraternities have descended from the earliest times and bear witness to a natural inclination to perpetuate doctrines which lead to the good of mankind.

With the growth of social consciousness, these secret societies became the custodians of the highest cultural concepts. Their initiation rites were symbolic pageantries suitable to inspire veneration for the Divine Mysteries, and admiration for the powers of nature and God. Most of they mythologies of classical nations were originally rituals of secret societies, and it is a mistake to assume that earlier cultures accepted as literal the elaborate theology and legendry found in their traditions.

Historically the secret societies were closely identified with state religions. Basic knowledge was believed to have been bestowed by the gods in a remote age. The esoteric philosophies have always been taught by means of secret organizations, to which candidates were admitted only after appropriate preparation and initiatory rites. These spiritual brotherhoods of scholars, sages, and mystics have flourished among all peoples, ancient and modern, and in all parts of the world.

In the program of the Mysteries each individual must grow into the comprehension of truth. Before he could be entrusted with the divine powers of mind and will, he must accept knowledge as a responsibility to his Creator and his world, rather than as an opportunity for the advancement of personal ambitions. The masters of the Mysteries taught secret practices and disciplines by which the properly qualified disciples could develop the potent abilities latent within the soul, and so, come into conscious communication with spiritual realities.

Initiates of the philosophical societies came to be regarded as possessing extraordinary faculties and powers. They enjoyed the special favor of the divinities, performed miracles, and were worthy of the title "Twice-Born", for they had come to second birth from the womb of the Mysteries. These adept-philosophers were the truly evolved human beings. Most of the arts and sciences which enriched the modern world were discovered, developed, and in many instances perfected by these initiate philosophers and priests ...

... This volume reveals that the lore and legendry of the world, the scriptures and sacred books, and the great philosophical systems all tell the same story. Human ambition may produce the tyrant; divine aspiration will produce the adept. This then, seems to me to be the significant message of Manly P. Hall's encyclopedic tome. - Henry L. Drake, The Philosophical Research Society.

Reader's Edition:

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