Friday, January 29, 2016



Jorge Almeida
Nov. 10, 2015

As we grow closer to The Event the Love/Light energy from the Galactic Central Sun/Pleroma intensifies/peaks in Waves. These Waves have been coming now at regular intervals for the past 2-3 years. As we approach the time of The Event these waves are arriving at closer intervals and in increasing strength. One of those peaks of energy within the Galactic Wave of Love will be the One that signals to the Resistance Movement that the time has come to initiate The Event. Within a very short time approximately 20 minutes things will start to happen. The plan that has been in the making for decades will come into play.
Cobra mentioned in his August 31st interview with Rob Potter that “It will be a very strong energetic event and people will be able to feel very strong energies and that might cause also strange physical sensations. This process will accelerate as it comes closer to the Event and peak at the moment of the Event.”

The Main 1st Wave of Ascension Will Occur Simultaneously with The Event

Many Lightworkers had hopes that the mass ascension process expected to take place at the time of the Shift of the Ages would occur on the 21/12/2012. Indeed many were ready to ascend then and many more are ready to ascend right now but we must remember that this process of ascension is totally unique in that the plan – Mothers plan – is that Gaia will be the place that the Ascended Beings exist upon. This will be the first ever mass ascension process to take place while remaining in the physical body {albeit upgraded from carbon to crystalline atoms}. Those ready to ascend {a very limited number as yet} are not going to head off to another dimension in their physical bodies {yes some who have made this free will decision may do so}, they will go through the ‘ascension portal’ and return / remain in their bodies to continue as 6th~7th dimensional beings living on a 5th dimensional Gaia.

Starting from the day of The Event this entire planet will be anchored dimensionally in the 4th~5th dimension. Shortly after The Event there will be ample possibilities / opportunities available for anyone who chooses to actively participate in their spiritual development and prepare for a process of ascension at a rate that suits them perfectly. The vast majority of people living on Gaia will be functioning / anchored in the upper 4th dimensional – lower 5th dimensional level.

Many wonder ‘how on earth’ things are going to change so quickly after The Event. Here I am referring to the practicalities of worldwide peace on Earth, worldwide prosperity, worldwide free energy etc. When the ‘veil’ is finally down, soldiers everywhere will lay down their weapons and refuse to kill others. When people finally learn through the mass media that they have been imprisoned and held hostage by warmongers etc. for so long, that the entire financial system etc. has been designed to be a source of income for our captors and keep us as slaves, the relief among people will know no bounds. There will be emotional outbursts of unprecedented joy followed by bouts of anger upon the realisation of how they have been fooled, this roller coaster of emotion will continue for days/weeks and ebb out. Then another wave will hit us and yet another and increase this download of Divine Love and Light Source energy so that we can anchor even more in the 4th – 5th dimension until we are attuned and in harmony and can co-create the paradise on Earth that was the original plan for this planet.

Here are some lines about this taken from a discussion between Steve Beckow** and Archangel Michael:

SB: Okay. But now, given what you’ve just said, it seems to be implied that while the tsunami of love, as I have been considering it so far, is going to happen over time, this actual immersion in the waters, then emergence from the waters, will be an event of some short duration. Is that correct?

AM: Once the tsunami starts, it is not designed; it is not the Mother’s plan to incapacitate you. Now, will there be that moment, of “Ah! Oh!” bliss? Yes. And for some, depending on their makeup, it may be rapid, or it may be brief.


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