Monday, August 3, 2015

Images from 2nd OPAL Summer Gathering 2015 at Strawberry Hill Farm in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, USA...

"We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For,
and We're Done Waiting!"

Rabia, Justin, Sam, Robin, and Paul

We gathered on Saturday at the Farm and walked through the vegetable garden together during the afternoon.

Paul, Sam, Julian, and Justin at  the table

Nancy in the barn

Linda, Claire, Rabia, and Sam in the kitchen

Robin, Sam, Paul, Justin and Julian

Rabia finishes weeding in the garden for the day

Julian, Claire, Joseph, Bill, Paul, Peter with his son, and Sam
(last pic by Robin Coulon, steward of Strawberry Hill Farm)

Our community evening meal brought us together with the fruits of Nature's bounty on the farmhouse sun porch.

The I AM in You is the Same I AM in Me. Namaste'

Update with more photos of our 2nd Gathering on Stillness in the Storm - posted on 8/11/2015:


  1. Thank you, Joseph.
    Nice pix!!

  2. Great post! I wasn't able to find a contact form on here, send me (Justin from Stillness in the Storm) an email We can touch base about blogging!
