Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Love and Truthful Communication Go Hand in Hand and Are Needed NOW in Readiness for The Event...

If The Event happens tomorrow are you really ready for it? Yes you might shout out “let’s have it now I’m ready”. I have said and felt this myself for a long time but I now believe that we have not truly been ready until recently and even now we could be so very much more ready if we focus on the most important thing i.e. truthful loving communication. If you have an understanding of the true deeper significance of what this day of The Event really entails then you will already understand that all of the truth will finally be out in the open. Are you ready to have the truth of who you are completely out in the open? Do you have completely truthful relationships with all of those people who matter in your life? Could there be some area of truth that still needs to be addressed lovingly?

twins-dancingAs divine Source beings we are learning now that we can declare and decree what we wish to see in our lives when we also respect others choices too. We can declare that our relationships are full of loving truthful communication and we will then be supported by angelic light forces to actually bring this about. The key word is LOVING communication. I can e.g. tell someone that I desire to have a more truthful relationship with something like this; “all that I desire in my life from this day forward is to have loving truthful communication with everyone I know at an appropriate level. I need my relationships to be based on truth. I want peaceful mutually respectful relationships and if there are secrets of any kind I will not feel loved or respected or safe.” It is our duty to be truthful in our relationships. In any mature relationship both partners are 100% responsible for the relationship at all times.

When I express what I need from the heart it will open a doorway to deeper communication. Clarity is so important, uncertainty in relationships often arise from lack of true communication. The relentlessly loving WAVE of Love Energy from Source that will culminate in the Flash Wave of Light at Compression Breakthrough/The Event is bringing everything that is hidden to the surface now. Many relationships are being transformed and many are dissolving now because the truth is finally being communicated.

Lonely People

Archangel Michael recently addressed a wish from the Company of Heaven that we ‘see’, acknowledge and communicate lovingly with EVERYONE we meet. He also mentioned the sad situation of loneliness that exists on this planet – I hear that song in my head from Paul McCartney “all the lonely people where do they all come from?” He and Steve discussed the idea of actually looking at i.e. making eye contact with that person at your local food store at the banana counter and actually having a meaningful loving communication with them. Even if the conversation is only about the price or quality of bananas or whatever, that person / stranger will actually have an experience of a loving exchange of energy when you ‘meet them’ look at them, address them in a loving soft tone, they will be bathed in the love energy that you send out from your heart and it can make that persons entire day!

Love is contagious. It’s really all that anyone of us desires or needs. Remember Cobra informing us about the loving energy that exists beyond the veil? This is the energy that our Galactic Family experience in their exchanges. The energy that we exist in here would make them physically ill. Yet you and I know and feel in so many ways that this Tsunami Wave of Love has already created a so much more loving reality already. Miracles and magic occur at an increasing rate. Soldiers all over this globe are refusing in increasing numbers to take part in meaningless wars. When the veil is finally down that loving energy will be all around us. Let’s build on it here and now, let’s develop this loving energy to a point where no darkness can exist any longer. We are the chosen ones to do this. This is why we have come here in the first place. Love is the only way.

The Event this type of loving exchange between strangers will occur spontaneously ALL THE TIME everywhere on this planet. There will no longer be any lonely outsider type people. There will be healing for all kinds of trauma. Everyone will have a given place in society, there will be no homeless people, begging on our streets. Let’s try to create that sense of loving communication now! This is preparing for The Event big time!

by Therese Zumi

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