I spent the Christmas Holidays at home in New Bedford, Massachusetts with my wife Susan and daughter Mary, before traveling to western Connecticut for the annual family and friends party at the parents' home of a Metaphysician colleague who is visiting from Malibu, California... On New Year's Eve, I'll be attending First Night Northampton 2016. ~ JDHWB-R
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
125th Memorial Ceremony at Wounded Knee in South Dakota...
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The Centennial Ride to Wounded Knee in December, 1990 |
Peace Walk 2015 culminates at noon today in prayer and remembrance at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, where two participants from Sirius Community have been on this journey, in solidarity with the Big Foot Memorial/Future Generations Ride, since December 15th: the date Sitting Bull was assassinated in 1890 at Standing Rock. ~ JDHWB-R
Toward Indigenous and Global Healing
Our Call for Healing
You personally, your family, your friends, your community, your tribe, your church, your loved ones, your not so loved ones, your nation, your people, orphans, all homeless and hermits; We invite you to join in
Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee
Inaugural Global Ceremony to End Massacre
125th Memorial Ceremony at the site of the Wounded Knee massacre
25th Reunion of the Chief Big Foot Band Memorial Ride
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
12 Noon
ALL OF HUMANITY suffers multi-lineal, multi-generational trauma and carries a grief so deep, so profound, so massive as to bring us to our knees in awe, overwhelm, shock, and pain buried in denial. We have WOUNDED KNEES! WE HAVE WOUNDED HEARTS! All peoples have suffered for so very long, indeed our Earth is suffering with us! The choice in clearly dawning — either grow and heal together or perish if we continue alone.
Please join us by gathering at your local sites of massacre, holocaust, places of human grief and suffering, places of worship, or in your own home to perform ceremony with us.
Our mission is to ignite a wave of healing so deep, so rich, so pure and so true that its far-reaching nature will carry inspiration to one another in every heart and every mind in each and every human being. We invite all to turn now to consciously face, embrace and pledge to heal these our deepest wounds so that we can bask in our birthright of joy, wisdom, freedom, love, beauty and peace.
We are much more than we have known. Hand in hand, heart to heart, let us step forward together into this new Millennium to engender Peace! Let us embrace and learn from our suffering. Let us honor Life! The Great Mystery of Life!
Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee
Out of the boundless Love we hold for Creation;
Out of the deepest Grace from which the Universe unfolds;
Out of the sourcing of all Wisdom;
Out of embracing, ceaseless Compassion;
Out of the tender, yet raging fire of Courage;
From the depth of our Heart of Hearts
Let Us
Cherish ourselves
Cherish one another
Cherish all children
Cherish all women, men, elders
Cherish all of every belief persuasion,
Cherish all of humanity, inclusively in such great need.
Let us cherish the two leggeds, the four leggeds,
The winged ones, all creatures great and small,
Let us cherish and treasure our Earthly planetary home.
For we have not yet learned to do this.
To honor all who ever died in war and massacre
To honor all who have ever died in holocaust
To honor all who have been tortured and died; who have been tortured and lived
To honor the Great Wounding of Humanity
We gather to finally heal.
Let us pledge to end massacre
Let us pledge to end genocide
Let us pledge to end racism
Let us pledge to end war
Let us pour forth the power of forgiveness
Let us nest in “brotherly/sisterly love”
Let us learn the depth, breadth and eternal nature of our true power
Let us learn what it is to more deeply Love
Let us sit in healing ministrations,
Let us hold heartfelt deliberations, reconciliation councils,
Let us host workshops, talking circles, gazing sessions,
Let us sing, dance, make music, art singly and together,
Let us listen to our stories, dreams and visions,
Invite inspiration to walk hand in hand
Let communities gather and ignite new life ways
Let us pray, meditate, deepen into Soul
Let restorative justice reign with wisdom and love
We are much more than we have ever known.
Leaders, dawning leaders, gather, bring your own
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers,
Hermits, orphans, grandparents
We call to one and all
Come with us in person
Or come with us in spirit
Come with us to Wounded Knee
Let our passion and compassion
Bring us here on bended knee
We bow to you Creation
Heal our Hearts at Wounded Knee.
Great Mystery,
Great Spirit,
Divine Grace which creates the galaxies,
the stars,
our earth
and gives us the mystery of life,
be with us,
anoint us,
guide us,
heal us.
“Mitakuye Oyasin”
[We are all related]
“We can end the transmission of wounding”
- James O’Dea
Please go to signature page to sign our Call & make this pledge
Toward Indigenous and Global Healing
Our Call for Healing
You personally, your family, your friends, your community, your tribe, your church, your loved ones, your not so loved ones, your nation, your people, orphans, all homeless and hermits; We invite you to join in
Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee
Inaugural Global Ceremony to End Massacre
125th Memorial Ceremony at the site of the Wounded Knee massacre
25th Reunion of the Chief Big Foot Band Memorial Ride
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
12 Noon
ALL OF HUMANITY suffers multi-lineal, multi-generational trauma and carries a grief so deep, so profound, so massive as to bring us to our knees in awe, overwhelm, shock, and pain buried in denial. We have WOUNDED KNEES! WE HAVE WOUNDED HEARTS! All peoples have suffered for so very long, indeed our Earth is suffering with us! The choice in clearly dawning — either grow and heal together or perish if we continue alone.
Please join us by gathering at your local sites of massacre, holocaust, places of human grief and suffering, places of worship, or in your own home to perform ceremony with us.
Our mission is to ignite a wave of healing so deep, so rich, so pure and so true that its far-reaching nature will carry inspiration to one another in every heart and every mind in each and every human being. We invite all to turn now to consciously face, embrace and pledge to heal these our deepest wounds so that we can bask in our birthright of joy, wisdom, freedom, love, beauty and peace.
We are much more than we have known. Hand in hand, heart to heart, let us step forward together into this new Millennium to engender Peace! Let us embrace and learn from our suffering. Let us honor Life! The Great Mystery of Life!
Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee
Out of the boundless Love we hold for Creation;
Out of the deepest Grace from which the Universe unfolds;
Out of the sourcing of all Wisdom;
Out of embracing, ceaseless Compassion;
Out of the tender, yet raging fire of Courage;
From the depth of our Heart of Hearts
Let Us
Cherish ourselves
Cherish one another
Cherish all children
Cherish all women, men, elders
Cherish all of every belief persuasion,
Cherish all of humanity, inclusively in such great need.
Let us cherish the two leggeds, the four leggeds,
The winged ones, all creatures great and small,
Let us cherish and treasure our Earthly planetary home.
For we have not yet learned to do this.
To honor all who ever died in war and massacre
To honor all who have ever died in holocaust
To honor all who have been tortured and died; who have been tortured and lived
To honor the Great Wounding of Humanity
We gather to finally heal.
Let us pledge to end massacre
Let us pledge to end genocide
Let us pledge to end racism
Let us pledge to end war
Let us pour forth the power of forgiveness
Let us nest in “brotherly/sisterly love”
Let us learn the depth, breadth and eternal nature of our true power
Let us learn what it is to more deeply Love
Let us sit in healing ministrations,
Let us hold heartfelt deliberations, reconciliation councils,
Let us host workshops, talking circles, gazing sessions,
Let us sing, dance, make music, art singly and together,
Let us listen to our stories, dreams and visions,
Invite inspiration to walk hand in hand
Let communities gather and ignite new life ways
Let us pray, meditate, deepen into Soul
Let restorative justice reign with wisdom and love
We are much more than we have ever known.
Leaders, dawning leaders, gather, bring your own
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers,
Hermits, orphans, grandparents
We call to one and all
Come with us in person
Or come with us in spirit
Come with us to Wounded Knee
Let our passion and compassion
Bring us here on bended knee
We bow to you Creation
Heal our Hearts at Wounded Knee.
Great Mystery,
Great Spirit,
Divine Grace which creates the galaxies,
the stars,
our earth
and gives us the mystery of life,
be with us,
anoint us,
guide us,
heal us.
“Mitakuye Oyasin”
[We are all related]
“We can end the transmission of wounding”
- James O’Dea
Please go to signature page to sign our Call & make this pledge
Source: http://healingheartsatwoundedknee.com/global/our-call/
Friday, December 25, 2015
Merry Christmas to Everyone from the Ninth Archetype...
Initiation - September 27, 2011 (Comet Elenin)
Commencement - December 21, 2012 (Galactic Alignment)
21 December 2012 1111 GMT/0611 EST ~ Two Lanterns Lighted
Initiation & Commencement Locus:
Underhill Secret Garden
16 Wheeler St.,
Gloucester, Massachusetts USA
Activation Loci:
As Above...
Attic Portal - April 15, 2014 (1st Blood Moon)
So Below...
Cellar Portal - October 8, 2014 (2nd Blood Moon)
As Is...
Watch Position - April 4, 2015 (3rd Blood Moon)
Bryan-Royster House
286 Carroll Street
New Bedford, Massachusetts USA
So Be It...
Forward Position - September 23, 2015 (Autumnal Equinox)
And So It Is...
Threshold Position - September 27, 2015 (4th Blood Moon)
From Threshold to Forward Position - December 21, 2015 (Winter Solstice)
Sirius Community
72 Baker Rd.,
Shutesbury, Massachusetts USA
I AM (Lamplighter, one of many aspects of Source)
Keep Walking in the Light as One Life…
Joseph David Henry Ware Bryan-Royster
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Threshold Lantern in Forward Position |
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Our Galaxy Awakens! | Evidence for Consciousness Shift - The Milky Way Galaxy's Supermassive Black Hole Is 10 Times More Active This Year
The universe and all life in it seem to be organized via a process of entrainment or synchronization. From the very large to the very small, from the material to the metaphysical, all things are in motion, swirling and cycling waves of energy, condensed matter and thought.
Related: Entrainment, Communication, Information and Evolution
The following article compiles scientific measurements of Sagittarius A*, the astronomical name given to the black hole at the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy.
A few items I found of note were the fact that x-ray emissions from the center of the galaxy have increased tenfold over the past year when compared to the previous 15 years of observation.
In the Reciprocal Systems (RS) model of the universe, as described by Dewey B Larson, material that has become energized beyond the speed of light emits radio emissions as it does so. When the material cools below the speed of light, then x-rays and gamma rays are produced [1]. Within the RS model, motion operating beyond the speed of light is in time-space, which is the metaphysical region of mind and consciousness.
What is suggested by this science is that the minds of living creatures are intimately associated with higher energetic activities of the cosmos. In RS theory, life is a two-fold product of material, below the speed of light motion, a body, and metaphysical, above the speed of light motion, a mind.
Related: Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 12: SSP Sciences - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Related: Science of Life, The Universe and Everything? | Dewey B Larson' Reciprocal Systems Theory - Walking the Path of Truth in a World of Deception
The center of the galaxy's recent increased activity, within an RS interpretation, suggests that material has been aggregating or condensing from the metaphysical region back into the material universe, able to be measured by the observatory as increased x-rays. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany are unsure what causes the increased emissions, but they have already acknowledged the presence of a "dusty object," which is verifies the RS interpretation.
It appears that the galaxy has been undergoing some process of reorganization, a condensing of material out of the metaphysical region of the universe, into the material sector. This suggest that the metaphysical region of the universe is also undergoing some level of reorganization, which we can effectively call a change in the consciousness of the galaxy itself. In other words, the galaxy itself seems to be undergoing a shift in consciousness, if an RS interpretation is correct.
Many researchers, mystics, and lightworkers have suggested that the Earth is presently being bathed in higher vibrational energies that affect consciousness. This recent discovery by the Max Planck Institute may be verifiable evidence that this evolutionary process is well underway. And if we consider the mechanics of entrainment, this process will continue to accelerate towards an eventual quantum leap event of reorganization.
Related: The Energetic Evolution of The Solar System | At the Earth's Core: The Geophysics of Planetary Evolution
The above-linked article outlines what the evolution of the solar system would look like within the RS model of the universe. Which explains the expanding Earth data collected by researchers over the years, as well as the peculiar nature of quantized stellar activity; stars that are either blue, white, yellow, orange, red and so on.
Personally, I think we will see many more heralds of the cosmic shift that has been unfolding for years. The universe is fundamentally interconnected or holographic in nature, and as such, changes in consciousness will have a direct physical manifestation although it may not be easy to recognize.
The following related articles expand on the evolutionary model of the universe gaining popularity in these shifting times.
Related: Is This A Sign of Increased Energy Affecting The Earth? | Global Earthquake and Volcanic Activity Spiked Last Week
Related: All Life is Connected via EMF Entrainment | Solar Revolution Documentary (2012) - Reveals the Science of Entrainment, along with the Sun and Galaxies Influence on Human Affairs
Related: The Natural Law Basis of Harvest | The Spiritual Evolution of Gaia and All Who Dwell In the System of Sol
Related: Science and Evidence For The Transformation of the Solar System | The Divine Cosmos by David Wilcock
- Justin
Our Galaxy Awakens!
by Zen Gardner
by Zen Gardner
If anyone needs a confirmation of this energetic change we’re experiencing as well as expecting more of, scientists have just confirmed it. This is big news and should be an encouragement to many that what we’ve been sensing does indeed have a confirmed, identifiable physical counterpart.
Three orbiting X-ray space telescopes have detected an increased rate of X-ray flares from the usually quiet giant black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy after new long-term monitoring. Scientists are trying to learn whether this is normal behavior that was unnoticed due to limited monitoring, or these flares are triggered by the recent close passage of a mysterious, dusty object. [Emphasis mine]
By combining information from long monitoring campaigns by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton, with observations by the Swift satellite, astronomers were able to carefully trace the activity of the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole over the last 15 years. The supermassive black hole, a.k.a. Sagittarius A*, weighs in at slightly more than 4 million times the mass of the Sun. X-rays are produced by hot gas flowing toward the black hole.
The new study reveals that Sagittarius A* (Sgr A* for short) has been producing one bright X-ray flare about every ten days. However, within the past year, there has been a ten-fold increase in the rate of bright flares from Sgr A*, at about one every day. This increase happened soon after the close approach to Sgr A* by a mysterious object called G2.
“For several years, we’ve been tracking the X-ray emission from Sgr A*. This includes also the close passage of this dusty object” said Gabriele Ponti of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany. “A year or so ago, we thought it had absolutely no effect on Sgr A*, but our new data raise the possibility that that might not be the case.”
Originally, astronomers thought G2 was an extended cloud of gas and dust. However, after passing close to Sgr A* in late 2013, its appearance did not change much, apart from being slightly stretched by the gravity of the black hole. This led to new theories that G2 was not simply a gas cloud, but instead a star swathed in an extended dusty cocoon.
A Cloaked Star?
An interesting idea there, even though we know NASA and related agencies are filled with deceptive and false information. But I find it compelling that they’d announce finding a cocooned or cloaked star that unexplainably passes near the massive black hole at the center of the galaxy, which as we know is where the energetic forces emanate from and enlivens the stars and other bodies and all energetically connected aspects in our the milky way.
We know that the position of the stars and planets directly influences our lives. How much more then do massive energy shifts and pulses coming from the gigantic center of our galaxy?
There are many ideas about the nature of this energetic change many of us have been feeling some time. David Icke called them truth vibrations decades ago, while it’s recently been termed “Wave X” as well as ascension facilitating energy and many other things having to do with our spiritual growth and empowerment by helping to raise our vibrations and hence conscious awareness.
The Wave, CERN and Geoengineering
Certainly hidden science has known about this and other similar phenomena for a long time. That this information becomes available right now is rather prescient just as we see the attempt to put these last pieces of the global takeover into place.
An interesting idea there, even though we know NASA and related agencies are filled with deceptive and false information. But I find it compelling that they’d announce finding a cocooned or cloaked star that unexplainably passes near the massive black hole at the center of the galaxy, which as we know is where the energetic forces emanate from and enlivens the stars and other bodies and all energetically connected aspects in our the milky way.
We know that the position of the stars and planets directly influences our lives. How much more then do massive energy shifts and pulses coming from the gigantic center of our galaxy?
There are many ideas about the nature of this energetic change many of us have been feeling some time. David Icke called them truth vibrations decades ago, while it’s recently been termed “Wave X” as well as ascension facilitating energy and many other things having to do with our spiritual growth and empowerment by helping to raise our vibrations and hence conscious awareness.
The Wave, CERN and Geoengineering
Certainly hidden science has known about this and other similar phenomena for a long time. That this information becomes available right now is rather prescient just as we see the attempt to put these last pieces of the global takeover into place.
We know the geoengineering agenda has many purposes. It’s been thought by many that chemtrails are being put in place to block this energetic change from reaching us. It cannot succeed of course but it may hinder some influences, I don’t know. Now think about CERN with a magnetic force 100,000 times stronger than earth’s magnetic field, according to their own website. That’s a lot of power and extremely disruptive, the full use and effects of which we’re yet to see.
Is one of CERN’s purposes to deliberately tamper with our magnetic field, and is this an attempt to jam these incoming, empowering frequencies? At the least it will alter the very resonance of our planet and everyone on it. One thing we can be sure of, their mad intentions are not for humanity’s benefit.
Surf’s Up!
Whatever these energetic changes emanating from the center of our galaxy are, we certainly could use further empowerment and it sure appears Universe is supplying it! But remember, this nor anything else will be some kind of the cavalry coming to our rescue. It’s fully up to each of us individually us to utilize whatever is available to us. This and other influences already at our fingertips won’t do anything by themselves. It’s up to us to activate them in our lives.
So let’s see what it brings!
Surfs up! Enjoy the ride and look for the manifestations in your own life and let them unfold.
Much love, Zen
Source: http://in5d.com/our-galaxy-awakens/
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Sirius Community marked Winter Solstice with a Sacred Fire behind the Farmhouse where an Alchemical Fire was held on the 4th Blood Moon. This was lighted before dawn and kept burning throughout the day until dusk when the Threshold Lantern was illuminated by the Archetypal Hermit and carried to the rear of the Community Center, where members and guests gathered to walk in silence up to the Stone Circle Sanctuary to celebrate turning the wheel of the year at Yule. ~ JDHWB-R
Occult Meanings of Winter Solstice and Christmas | AstroTheology, Alchemy, Roman Solstice Practices, Occult Symbolism, Santa Claus, Reincarnation
The time of winter solstice is at hand!
The following is a very popular repost from last year on Stillness in the Storm
We need not blindly accept the consumeristic behaviors of our fellows. In times of old, individuals contemplated their life path and accomplishments, seeking to make the next year a grander unfoldment of one's dharma.
The roots of Astrotheology date back to the times of Atlantis, and were once used as an allegorical science for self discovery. This became the basis for Alchemy, Kabbalah, Astrology, Religion and the Ancient Mystery schools. Later it was used to manipulate the masses by hiding knowledge of consciousness from the people; known today as Occultism either Light or Dark. An entire host of exoteric religions, containing deep esoteric allegories, have an astrotheological basis and are pandemic throughout civilizations on Earth.
Note about the Value of a "Religious Experience": While I do contend that, religion in general, holds humanity back, used as a "box" for consciousness, the application of concepts and ideas which are embedded in religion can be of value. The effect of prayer, worship, meditation, mysticism and so on, on consciousness can not be overlooked, and often involves an image of Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Mecca, etc.
As we discussed in Decoding Fiction - Science of Meaning | As Above So Below (Fractal) Symbolism in Once Upon A Time TV Series, we give meaning to images in this case, as a result of pre-existing knowledge and choices. If the Bible, for example, has a feeling of 'spirit' for you, then this reveals the 'charge' of meaning you have given it. The knowledge presented below does not deter in the least the genuine spiritualizing effects of an authentic religious experience. Whether it is the christian cross or a tree in nature, the effect on consciousness is the same. It expands the mind and opens the heart to receive information that will additively enhance perception providing a basis for wisdom development, but not in all cases.
The real value of spiritual experience can be detected in the quality of one's actions as a result. If one becomes more compassionate, honorable and trustworthy - the attributes of a sovereign and self mastered being - then it was most likely an experience of growth and empowerment.
As the adage goes: "by their deeds you shall know them"
The following is a compilation of posts discussing these topics in detail.
The time of winter solstice is at hand!
The following is a very popular repost from last year on Stillness in the Storm
We need not blindly accept the consumeristic behaviors of our fellows. In times of old, individuals contemplated their life path and accomplishments, seeking to make the next year a grander unfoldment of one's dharma.
The roots of Astrotheology date back to the times of Atlantis, and were once used as an allegorical science for self discovery. This became the basis for Alchemy, Kabbalah, Astrology, Religion and the Ancient Mystery schools. Later it was used to manipulate the masses by hiding knowledge of consciousness from the people; known today as Occultism either Light or Dark. An entire host of exoteric religions, containing deep esoteric allegories, have an astrotheological basis and are pandemic throughout civilizations on Earth.
Note about the Value of a "Religious Experience": While I do contend that, religion in general, holds humanity back, used as a "box" for consciousness, the application of concepts and ideas which are embedded in religion can be of value. The effect of prayer, worship, meditation, mysticism and so on, on consciousness can not be overlooked, and often involves an image of Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Mecca, etc.
As we discussed in Decoding Fiction - Science of Meaning | As Above So Below (Fractal) Symbolism in Once Upon A Time TV Series, we give meaning to images in this case, as a result of pre-existing knowledge and choices. If the Bible, for example, has a feeling of 'spirit' for you, then this reveals the 'charge' of meaning you have given it. The knowledge presented below does not deter in the least the genuine spiritualizing effects of an authentic religious experience. Whether it is the christian cross or a tree in nature, the effect on consciousness is the same. It expands the mind and opens the heart to receive information that will additively enhance perception providing a basis for wisdom development, but not in all cases.
The real value of spiritual experience can be detected in the quality of one's actions as a result. If one becomes more compassionate, honorable and trustworthy - the attributes of a sovereign and self mastered being - then it was most likely an experience of growth and empowerment.
As the adage goes: "by their deeds you shall know them"
The following is a compilation of posts discussing these topics in detail.
- Justin
“Many have heard of Astrology and Astronomy. But few there are in the west today that have heard of their parent subject AstroTheology. We insist that this is not by chance.”
- Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
“Official history has been changed to hide the fact that the world has been controlled by the same interbreeding tribe for thousands of years. This is never more so than with the major religions. They all have inner and outer levels of knowledge. The inner level carries the secrets going back to the ancient Mystery schools of places like Sumer, Babylon and Egypt. These include the secrets of the bloodline and only the chosen few are initiated into this awareness. The outer level is where the secrets are hidden in code and allegory and sold, with a deity, to the masses as the 'truth'. - Rosciusianism
The New Testament Gospel stories are based on the initiation ceremonies and esoteric secrets including astrology and Sun worship that were performed and communicated in the Mystery schools. But they are presented as a literal story to fool the people; not least Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
The religions, not least Christianity, Judaism and Islam (all spawned from the same source) are carriers of the secrets (inner) and controllers of the people by hiding the secrets with allegedly 'literal' stories (outer). The same basic 'Jesus' tale of the Son of God who died for humanity was told around the world thousands of years before Christianity.”
- David Icke, “Tales From the Time Loop”
There are actually in total 15 preChristian Gods had traits and stories exactly like Jesus Christ. For example, In 900 BC Krishna was born of a virgin with a star in the East signaling his coming. A tyrant slaughtered thousands of infants trying to kill the new born king. He was a teacher in the temple and a healer who performed miracles, was crucified between two thieves and resurrected from death. Around the same time period in Greece lived the God Attis, born of a virgin on December 25th .
He was martyred on a crucifix, died for 3 days and was resurrected.
Mithra was a Persian God circa 1200 BC who was born of a virgin on December 25th, traveled around with 12 disciples, performed miracles, died for 3 days and was resurrected. He was called the truth, the light, and was worshipped on Sunday.
The very same basic storyline that came out of Constantine’s Council of Nicea in 325 AD already existed for thousands of years.
“Christianity resembled certain elements of Roman belief, particularly the worship of Mithra, or Mithraism. As ‘Protector of the Empire,’ Mithra was closely tied to the sun gods, Helios and Apollo. Mithra's birthday on December 25, close to the winter solstice, became Jesus's birthday. Shepherds were to have witnessed Mithra's birth and were to have partaken in a last supper with Mithra before he returned to heaven. Mithra's ascension, correlating to the sun's return to prominence around the spring equinox, became the Christian holiday of Easter.
Christians took over a cave-temple dedicated to Mithra in Rome on the Vatican Hill, making it the seat of the Catholic Church. The Mithraic high priest's title, Pater Patrum, soon became the title for the bishop of Rome, Papa or Pope. The fathers of Christianity explained the remarkable similarities of Mithraism as the work of the devil, declaring the much older legends of Mithraism to be an insidious imitation of the one true faith.”
- Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History"
“Everything Christians believe about Jesus, the Romans and Persians believed about Mithra. Sunday was the sacred day for Mithraists because he was a Sun God and they called this The Lord’s Day … The writer, H. G. Wells, pointed out that many of the phrases used by Paul for Jesus were the same as those used by the followers of Mithra. The Liturgy of Mithra is the Liturgy of Jesus.
When Paul says: ‘They drank from the spiritual rock and that rock was Christ’ (I Corinthians 10:4), he was using exactly the same words found in the scriptures of Mithra. Only the names were changed. In the Gospels, Peter became the Christian ‘rock’ on whom the new church would be built. The Vatican Hill in Rome was said to be sacred to Peter, but this place was also claimed, much earlier, to be sacred to Mithra and many Mithric remains have been found there!”
- David Icke, “The Biggest Secret”
All the following preChristian deities shared the myth of a virgin birth on December 25th, crucifixion and resurrection:
Chrishna of Hindostand, Budha Sakia of India, Salivahana of Bermuda, Zulis and Osiris of Egypt, Odin of the Scandinavians, Crite of Chaldea, Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia, Baal and Taut of Phoenecia, Indra of Tibet, Bali of Afghanistan, Jao of Nepal, Wittoba of the Bilingonese, Thammuz of Syria, Atys of Phrygia, Xamolxis of Thrace, Zoar of the Bonzes, Adad of Assyria, Deva Tat and Sammonocadam of Siam, Alcides of Thebes, Mikado of the Sintoos, Beddru of Japan, Hesus, Eros, and Bremrillah of the Druids, Thor of the Gauls, Cadmus of Greece, Hill and Feta of the Mandaites, Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico, Universal Monarch of the Sibyls, Ischy of the island of Formosa, Divine Teacher of Plato, Holy One of Xaca, Fohi and Tien of China, Adonis of Greece, Prometheus of Caucasus, and Ixion and Quirinus of Rome.
(For more info read: “The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors – Christianity Before Christ” by Kersey Graves)
“Were you aware that there were fifteen major religions that had the same identical teachings of Christianity? Most people aren't. And I'm very suspect of a sixteenth religion which is copied off of fifteen previous religions, and I am told that this one is the truth.”
- Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”
“OK, a little quiz. Who am I talking about? He was born to a virgin by immaculate conception through the intervention of a holy spirit. This fulfilled an ancient prophecy. When he was born the ruling tyrant wanted to kill him. His parents had to flee to safety. All male children under the age of two were slain by the ruler as he sought to kill the child. Angels and shepherds were at his birth and he was given gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. He was worshipped as the savior of men and led a moral and humble life.
He performed miracles which included healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, casting out devils and raising the dead. He was put to death on the cross between two thieves. He descended to hell and rose from the dead to ascend back to heaven. Sounds exactly like Jesus doesn’t it? But it’s not. That is how they described the Eastern savior god known as Virishna 1,200 years before Jesus is claimed to have been born.”
- David Icke, “The Biggest Secret”
Why do the same stories, dates, numbers, and symbols show up repeatedly in religious myths and texts all across the ancient world?
“This is related to the winter solstice or midwinter festival when the Sun is at the least powerful point in its cycle in the northern hemisphere. They said that on the solstice, our December 21/22nd, the Sun had 'died'. Three days later the 25th they said the Sun was born or born again. Thus we have a long line of Sun gods given the 'birthday' of December 25th. The Jesus of the Gospels is a symbol of the Sun and the stories include a host of other Mystery school knowledge and esoteric concepts.”
- David Icke, “Tales from the Time Loop”
“For three days, December 22nd , 23rd, and 24th, the Sun rises on the exact same latitudinal (declinations) degree. This is the only time in the year that the Sun actually stops its movement northward or Southward in our sky. On the morning of December 25th the Sun moves one degree northward beginning its annual journey back to us in the Northern Hemisphere, ultimately bringing our spring. Anything steadily moving all year long that suddenly stops moving for three days was considered to have died. Therefore, God’s Sun who was dead for three days, moves one degree northward on December 25th and is symbolically born again!”
- Jordan Maxwell
Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, is the star in the East. On Dec. 24th it aligns with the three brightest stars in Orion’s belt which are called (and have been called since ancient times) the “three kings.”
The three kings line up perfectly with Sirius pointing to the exact spot in which the Sun will rise the next morning. The larger constellation in which this takes place was known to the ancients as the “manger” or the “cradle” which is visible just before dawn on Dec. 25th . So the three kings or three magi effectually “follow” the star in the East to the manger, the birthplace of God’s Sun at the Winter Solstice. “Easter” also derives from the Eastern Star Sirius.
The three gifts of the magi are Frankincense, Myrrh, and Gold. Frankincense is an amber resin that was burned at solar temples, Myrrh was known as “tears of the Sun,” and Gold too long represented the Sun in the ancient world.
The recurrent “virgin” theme represents the constellation Virgo, which is Latin for virgin. “The ancient glyph for Virgo looks like an M which explains the M names of “virgin mothers” like Jesus’ mother Mary, Adonis’ mother Myrra, Buddha’s mother Maya, and Horus’ mother Isis Meri. Virgo is also called the House of Bread and the zodiacal symbol shows a woman holding a chaff of wheat, representing the August/September time of harvest.
Bethlehem also means “House of Bread” and is a reference to the constellation Virgo, not a place on Earth. At its lowest point the sky on Dec. 22nd the Sun resides in the Southern Cross or the Crux, a cross formed by stars symbolizing the crucifixion.
After steadily traveling downward since the last solstice, the Sun stops movement at the Southern Crux for 3 days then rises again the Son dies on the cross and after 3 days is resurrected.
“No people of the ancient world believed the Sun to be God. That belongs in the disinformation file. In point of fact, every ancient culture and nation on Earth have all used the Sun as the most logically appropriate symbol to represent the glory of the unseen Creator of the heavens. Here it is important to remember two points.
First, with the exception of Japan, the ancient world mythologies always understood the Sun to be masculine in qualities, and the moon feminine. Second, the English language is derived from the German. In the Germanic, the word Sun is spelled Sonne (Son). The two words can (and have been) used interchangeably … Ancient man saw in his male offspring his own image and likeness, and his own existence as a father was proved by the person of his son.
Thus, it was assumed that God’s Sun was but a visible representative of the unseen Creator in heaven. So it was said, ‘when you have seen the Son, you have seen the Father.’ Said another way is ‘The Father is glorified in His Son’ … The ancient peoples reasoned that no one on Earth could ever lay claim of ownership to the Sun. Such a magnificent heavenly body must belong to the unseen Creator of the universe. It became, figuratively speaking, not man’s but God’s Sun.
It was only a short hop and skip to the understanding that God’s Sun was ‘The Light of the World’ … Logically even if man himself dies, as long as the Sun comes up each day, life on Earth will continue forever. Therefore, it was said in the ancient texts that everlasting life was ‘the gift’ that the Father gives through his Sun.”
- Jordan Maxwell
To ancient man the most dangerous, feared enemy was the unknown darkness of night, thereby making the Sun, the light, heaven’s gift to the world. Without its light we cannot see, without its warmth we cannot move, without its energy our food cannot grow. Our very lives depend on the energy emitting from the Sun, making it our life and savior. God so loves the world that he has given his only begotten Sun so that we may have everlasting life.
That is why in Deut 4:24 and Heb 12:29 God is “consuming fire in heaven.”
The Prince of Darkness is the Dark Evil, the Devil, Devil. God is the Good; God’s Sun is the Light of the World, and the Prince of Peace. The Peace he brings is Solace – Solace again from the word Solar, meaning Sun. In the Egyptian personification, the Prince of Darkness was known as “Set” and the Sun was known as “Horus.” So every night at SunSet the Dark Prince overtakes the world. But every morning the Sun is born again at Sun Rise, Horus is risen on the Horizon.
This is where we get the word “Hero,” the cheer “Hooray!” and also why an interpretation of the zodiac is a Horoscope.
“At daybreak this wonderful newborn child, God’s Sun is Born Again, Horus is Risen. Even today when the Sun comes up we see it on the ‘HorusRisen’ or ‘Horizon.’ His life was also divided into 12 parts or steps across Heaven each day: 12 Horus = 12 Hours. This is the origin of the modern 12 Step Program. Horus is the (newborn) Sun, or the Bringer of the Light. In Latin, Light Bringer is Lucis, or Lucifer, or Luke … God’s Sun brought His wonderful light to the world, and distributed it over 12 months.
So it was said, God’s Sun had 12 companions, or helpers, that assisted His lifesaving work. So it was, God’s Sun had 12 apostles (or months) that followed Him religiously through His life. Incidentally, now you know why the American jury system has 12 jurors who help bring the truth to light, with the ‘Light of Truth’ ... Keep in mind God’s Sun symbolically represented the light of truth, but was condemned by His enemies who could not endure the light of truth in their life. When we are confronted with the harsh realities of life, the light of truth, which we do not wish to face, and which runs counter to our views, such truth is judged in your mind, or judged in the temple area of your brain, and put to death in your head!
Therefore God’s Sun –The Truth and The Light – is put to death at Golgotha, or Place of the Skull, located somewhere between your ears! This putting to death of the light of truth in your mind is always accompanied by two thieves: Regret for the past and Fear of the future. And of course God’s Sun goes to His death wearing a corona – Latin for Crown of Thorns.”
- Jordan Maxwell
So your “temples” or at the Golgatha (which means Place of the Skull), God’s Sun, the light of truth, is judged and crucified along with the two thieves of past and future.
The Sun’s corona, the plasma atmosphere around the Sun, is then allegorically used as the Son’s (Latin translation) Crown of Thorns.
Cultures all over the ancient world kept track of time and seasons based on the movement of the Sun. They invented circular sundials and sun calendars which recorded daily and yearly time (lunar calendars recorded months). This method of circular solar based time keeping was used by the ancient Mexicans, Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Celtics, Aryans and more. (JM.com)
Out of these circular, pictorial Sun calendars developed the Holy cross. The Sun is portrayed on a cross – a circle with perpendicular lines intersecting in the middle, the horizontal axis representing the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, the vertical axis representing the Summer and Winter Solstices.
This is the reason you often see a circle around Christian, Celtic, ancient and modern crosses.
“Since the Earth experienced 4 different seasons, all the same and equal (in time) each year, the round Sun calendar was divided into 4 equal parts. This is also why we have, in the Bible, only 4 Gospels. Of this point, there can be no doubt. The 4 Gospels represent the 4 seasons which collectively tell the entire story of the life of God’s Sun. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. This is why the famous painting of ‘The Last Supper’ pictures the 12 followers of the Sun in four groups (of three) the seasons!”
- Jordan Maxwell
The Book of Mark is the Book of Mars. The planet/archetype Mars is the ruler of Aries which makes the Book of Mark, in zodiacal terms, the Book of Aries. The word “arise” comes from Aries, as it is the first house of the zodiac where the sun arises during the spring equinox/Easter.
Aries month is April which comes from the Latin “aperio,” meaning to open or begin. Just as Aries is the first zodiacal sign, April was (and still is in many cultures) the first month of the calendar year. To the ancients, the spring equinox was a more appropriate calendrical beginning because it is when the daytime hours officially overtake the nighttime hours. The Sun is resurrected, its light triumphs over darkness, and Gaia begins to bloom again.
The Book of Luke is the Book of Leo. Luke is Latin for Lucius meaning Light and the House of Light is Leo the Lion. Lions are used the world over to symbolize the Sun and its rays which resemble the lion’s yellow face and flowing mane.
Christ (the other Sun symbol) is often called the “Lion of Judaea.”
“In Celtic Ireland the name Leo was Lugh, another solar hero and mystic. In Wales he was Llew, to the Romans Lugus, to the Sumerians Lughal. Its not the same dude on walkabout, it’s the Astrological sign of Leo. In the Christian iconography we have one of the Evangelists represented by a Lion. In the Nativity scenes we see 4 animals around the cradle of the Son/Sun king. One of these is also a Lion. Christians probably believe that there was one in the area and just happened to wander into the inn to take a peek at sleeping Jesus. Good thing it wasn’t very hungry.”
- Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
The Book of Matthew or Matt is actually Maat, the Egyptian Goddess. Maat is almost always symbolized blindfolded holding the Scales of Justice which relates astrologically to Libra. Libra was the last sign officially added to the zodiac, which is why Matt was the last of the 12 to join.
He is also symbolized by the Eagle in Christian iconography because Aquila the Eagle is the closest animal constellation to Libra.
“Maat is pronounced Mayat. She is the Mahat of the Brahmins, the Meath of the Celts, the Tiamat of the Skalds, the Maia of the Romans and the Mara of the pagans. Now in the Bible, we read that Matthew was the disciple that the other 11 did not want to accept. The reason for this was that he was a taxcollector, (perfidious company in any age). However behind all the hyperbole, we have a secret concealed. The symbol of the taxcollectors has always been the scales or balances. This is because they did not only want currency, but they took grain and livestock also, and their lackeys would carry large scales around. It is the same today in rural, eastern communities.”
- Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
Finally, the Book of John is the Book of Aquarius. John is for January which is the month corresponding to Aquarius. The symbol for Aquarius is a man carrying/pouring a pitcher of water which is why we have Baptism and John the Baptist. John’s death by beheading is another astrological allegory whereby on August 29th, John’s (Aquarius’) head/star moves just above the horizon, while the rest of his body/constellation remains below the horizon.
At exactly this time, on dusk August 29th, the sun sets in Leo (the kingly sign representing Herod) and so Herod beheads John.
“John comes from Jahan or Jahn, which comes from the earlier Ionnes, Oannes (the Fish god). Jahan or Jahn gives us other names, like Jane, Joan, Janus and even Jasus orJesus. It eventually gives us the word Jahnuary or January … During January (Aquarius), the Nile waters were the purist, so the Egyptians would collect it for use in telestic rites.
The sign of Aquarius became associated with baptism, cleansing and purification by water. This was borrowed by the Israelites and finds its way into the Christian traditions. So now we see the gospels clearly detailed as signs of the zodiac. The sunking must pass through these signs. They are his ‘chroniclers’ (‘chron’ means time specifically relating to the round of the zodiac). They are his measurers, his ‘Apostles’ (‘post’ means demarcation post, a colure of the zodiac). They are his ‘Disciples’ (‘disc’ means round circle, as is the zodiac).”
- Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun.”
- Thomas Paine
Why do the chronological events describing the supposed life of Jesus Christ in the New Testament run perfectly parallel to the ancient allegorical understanding of the Sun’s journey through the houses of the zodiac? John 14:2 says that in the Father’s house there are many rooms or many mansions; 12 to be more precise – the 12 houses or rooms of the zodiac. There are also 72 extra-zodiacal constellations known as the paranatellons. This is why Jesus is said to have officially had 12 servants with 72 others that also carried the message.
The 72 angels on Jacob’s ladder and the 72 nations in Genesis also relate to these 72 decans, 1 for every 5 degrees of the zodiac. It serendipitously takes 72 years to move 1 degree through the zodiacal precession of the equinoxes.
Hence Confucious (6th century BC China) had 72 initiated disciples and Set (ancient Egypt) had 72 accomplices in the death of Osiris.
“According to legend, Jesus was born in a stable between a horse and a goat, symbols of Sagittarius and Capricorn. He was baptized in Aquarius, the WaterBearer. ? He chose his first disciples, fishermen, in Pisces, the sign of the fishes. ? He became the Good Shepherd and the Lamb in Aries, the Ram. Jesus told the parables of the sowing and tilling of the fields in Taurus, the Bull. ?
In Cancer, ‘the celestial Sea of Galilee,’ he calmed the storm and waters, spoke of backsliders (the Crab), and rode the ass and foal in triumph into the City of Peace, Jerusalem. ? Jesus was the Lion in Leo. ?
In Libra, Christ was the true vine in the Garden of Gethsemane, the ‘wine press,’ as this is the time of the grape harvest. ? Jesus was betrayed by Judas, the ‘backbiter,’ or Scorpio. ? In Sagittarius, Jesus was wounded in the side by the Centaur, or centurion.”
- Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy”
Luke 22:10 reads:
“Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water … follow him into the house where he entereth in.”
This is the symbol of Aquarius – a man bearing a pitcher of water, the end of the age of Pisces. Pisces, our current age, is symbolized by 2 fish. This is why Jesus befriends 2 fishermen when he begins his ministry. In Matt 4:19 Jesus says to Peter, “I will make you fishers of men.”
In Matt 14:17 Jesus feeds them with fish saying “We only have five loaves of bread and 2 fish.” Virgo (the House of Bread) is the fifth sign of the zodiac, giving us five loaves of Virgo and 2 Piscean fish.
The Piscean dual fish symbol is found in many old Christian churches and artwork.
This is also why we have the Jesus-fish symbol seen on every born-again Christian’s bumper.
The word Nun is Hebrew for fish, and if you look closely, turned horizontally, the Pope’s headdress is actually a big fish head.
“The Christian Mythos coincided with the Age of Pisces. This is the reason why there is much in the way of water symbolism in the New Testament. There is the mention of Baptism, the fact that the disciples were mostly fishermen. Then there is the walking on the water, the washing the feet of the disciples, the feeding of the five thousand with two fish, etc,. The Christians still use the symbol of the fish to symbolize Jesus.
The letters of the word Jesus Christ the Savior of the World, in Latin, give the word for fish. The Pope wears the "Ring of the Fisherman," and the Pope's headdress is a fish head, from the side. The early Christians were called the "Little Fishes." In the Old Testament we read about the prophet Jonah being swallowed by the whale or the great fish.
All the imagery of the chapters and verses of the New Testament can be related to the Precessional phenomena, as that is what it was composed for in the first place. It was never meant to be a biography.”
- Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
The Precession of the Equinoxes is a 25,920 year cycle the Earth goes through and corresponds with the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each sign or “age” spans 2160 years. We are currently in the Piscean age, transitioning into the Aquarian. The fact that knowledge of a 25,920 year astrological precession was known to ancient peoples spanning from South America to India suggests both advanced civilization and worldwide travel/communication in prehistoric times.
The fact that this knowledge is written into our religions, but suppressed and kept from public view, shows how the Brotherhood continues to conceal information from the masses, and reserves it for only a chosen few, just like in ancient Egypt.
Before the Age of Pisces was the Age of Aries (symbolized by the ram) which is related in the Bible as ending just at the time of Jesus (2160 BC – 0 AD). The Hyksos Pharaohs and priests of Egypt were called the “good shepherds” and their “flocks” were the stars, of which they had great knowledge. Christ is also known as the good shepherd, often depicted carrying a lamb, and there is always a lamb in the nativity scene.
Lamb’s blood was smeared on all the doors, meaning the doors to the houses of the zodiac. The sheep/shepherd analogy is also astrological in origin.
In fact the genus/species classification for sheep is Ovis Aries.
“Is it a coincidence that Yahweh, God of Old Testament Israel, provided a ram as a substitute for Abraham’s offered sacrifice of his son Isaac? Is it likewise coincidental that rams, in one context or another, are referred to in almost every book of the Old Testament (entirely composed during the age of Aries) but not a single book of the New Testament? And is it an accident that the advent of the Age of Aries, shortly before the beginning of the second millennium BC, was accompanied in Ancient Egypt by an upsurge in the worship of the god Amon whose symbol was a ram with curled horns?”
- Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods
Before the Age of Aries was the Age of Taurus (symbolized by the bull) which spanned from 4320 – 2160 BC ending around the time of Moses.
Moses, the new Aries/ram figurehead, represented in Michelangelo’s “Moses” with horns, comes down from Mt. Sinai furious to see everyone worshipping a golden Taurus/calf.
In the Bible, Moses is the lawgiver, bringing God’s Ten Commandments down from Mount Sinai.
In Egypt, Moses carried stone tablets with the laws of God written on them. In India it was Manou and in Crete it was Minos sent to Mount Dicta where Zeus gave him the sacred laws. The exact same story existed in many cultures of the ancient world with Ten Commandments themselves all taken directly out of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. In Persian mythology their Aries age hero, Mithra, slays the Taurus bull.
And it was also during this precessional epoch that the Bullcult of Minoan Crete flourished. (Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods)
Before the Age of Taurus was the Age of Gemini (symbolized by the twins) which spanned from 6480 – 4320 BC. The transitional period between Gemini and Taurus is where we get the mythological creature, half-bull hal-fman, the Minotaur. The labyrinth he guards also relates to astrology and the zodiac. Back even further, the Sphinx correlates with the Age of Leo from 10,800 – 8640 BC.
Every morning during the Age of Leo, the Sphinx watched the sunrise in its mirror constellation Leo the lion. The religious iconography flows with astrology because those who propagate it still secretly worship the sun.
“The early Church fathers prohibited astrology and the Great Council of Toledo banned it forever. Nevertheless six hundred years later the dates of the Pope's coronation were determined by the zodiac, the church hierarchy employed their own astrologers; and signs of the zodiac appeared all over Church furnishings, tiles, doorways, manuscripts and baptismal fonts.
The 'Church' was sure that the study of astrology would undermine its religion if people thought that the sun, the moon, the stars, the signs of the zodiac and the planets, hold life and death at their own pleasure ... and that they rule and govern both the bodies and souls of man. In this scenario the planets and stars should be adored and worshiped as gods, which they are of course.
Astrology survives in our western culture because Christianity embraced it with one hand, while condemning it as a devilish art on the other.”
- Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
One needs look no further than the etymology of Christian words to discover the Astrotheological origins. Disciples and Apostles have been explained as astrological terms. Pastor comes from Pastor, Pa meaning great or father, Stor or Aster meaning Star.
Thus Pastor means the Great Star or the Father Star, our Sun God. Minister and Ministry come from Min and Aster.
Min was the common ancient term and root of Moon whereas Aster, Stir, Stor all relate to Star. Thus Minister is MoonStar. Monastery, monk, and month have the same origin.
This is also where we get “Minute.”
“It is a title that derives from the lunar and stellar cults. This explains why there is a minute hand on a watch. The three hands of a watch relate to the three planets associated with time. The slow hand is the hour hand, meaning Horus, the sun. The minute hand is for Min, the moon and the swift ticking hand is for Mercury, the planet which rotates fastest of all, both round the sun and on its own orbit. This is why the figure of the god Mercury was depicted with wings on his shoes or feet.”
- Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
The word Church comes from the Greek Goddess of deception Circe, who lured men into her lair and transformed them into pigs. The word Amen used at the end of prayer by Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews comes from the Pharaoh Amenhotep and the Egyptian God AmenRa. Amen was known as “the hidden one” in Egyptian beliefs and could change into other Gods like Osiris and Set at will.
Through the solar, lunar, and stellar cults AmenRa has found his way into the prayers of billions. As Jordan Maxwell often points out, by ending a prayer with Amen, you are essentially saying “let it be hidden, let it remain unseen.” Amen’s consort was called Ament, which is where we get the New and Old TestAment.
The obelisk is one symbolic representative of Amen Ra, found at the Vatican, Washington DC, London, and many other places around the world.
The word Vatican comes from Vaticinia which means “place of divinations” or “place of the sorcerers.” The Vatican actually funds and controls every astronomical telescope and observatory in the world and all findings run through the Vatican before both the public and the scientific communities. Mass derives from the Egyptian Mes, an annual sacred cake ritually baked with Nile riverbank clay.
Yule shares roots with the word Wheel, and a Yule log at Winter Solstice represents the full-turn of the zodiacal wheel.
The Roman title/name Julius derived from Yule which explains why Julius Caesar was crowned under the God Jupiter at the Winter Solstice. The word Arch in Arch Bishop and Arch Deacon refers to the Sun’s Arch across the sky.
Bishop literally means “one who knows the sky,” and Deacon comes from Decan, the three 10 degree sections divided into each of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
“The cardinal points are a direct reference to the astrological colures. The Cardinals surround the Pope as the cardinal points surround the sun. The sun casts its rays on the Houses as it passes, turning them crimson. The color worn by the physical Cardinals is red, to symbolize that they are illuminated by their proximity to the Pope, the representative of God on earth. The word Pope, may also be a derivative of the word in Egyptian for the evil serpent Apep, Apophis or Apopsa (See Poop Deck and Pupa, and Pepsi, Pepsid, Dr. Pepper, Sgt. Pepper, etc,).”
- Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
Even the largest Christian Evangelical TV network is called Daystar Corporation.
The astrological symbolism, numerology, etymology and mythology is all pervasive and thoroughly understood by the initiated few.
“What has happened to the ubiquitous celestial mythos? How is it that this information, so widely known in ancient times, is almost completely hidden from the masses today? The answer is that it has been deliberately suppressed, so that the masses would never realize the connection between their cherished gods and the celestial bodies.
As demonstrated by Paine, the Masons have known very well the true meaning and importance of astrology, which was considered a sacred science … Astrology and astrotheology were not only known in the ancient world but have constituted an enormous portion of human civilization. Time and again, massive edifices around the globe have been built that are encapsulations of the heavenly story, serving as stellar ‘computers.’
But this astrotheological Masonry was corrupted, as the power mongering historicizers drove its true meaning and religion underground in a vicious quest to subjugate the world and acquire its wealth.”
- Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy”
“Imagine the power you would have to advance an Agenda and manipulate the human race if you knew the cycles of energy from the Sun and other planets and how they were likely to affect human consciousness. You would know when people would be more prone to anger, aggression, fear, doubt and guilt, and therefore when to have your wars, economic collapses and so on.
The Brotherhood have always had this knowledge and they use it to great effect today as I shall document.”
- David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” .
The Origin of Christmas: The Occult Connection
The month of December pertains to capitalistic materialism relating to Christmas. Millions of people conjecture that Jesus was born on December 25th and that this date deserves a celebration by erecting a tree and giving gifts. As the Christmas season is bearing down on the capitalistic west — stress levels are increasing, including personal debt into new levels. The deluded ignorant majority accepts Christmas as a normal (Christian) holiday, however most people lack the comprehension concerning the historic deception and occult significance.
The Book of Mark is the Book of Mars. The planet/archetype Mars is the ruler of Aries which makes the Book of Mark, in zodiacal terms, the Book of Aries. The word “arise” comes from Aries, as it is the first house of the zodiac where the sun arises during the spring equinox/Easter.
Aries month is April which comes from the Latin “aperio,” meaning to open or begin. Just as Aries is the first zodiacal sign, April was (and still is in many cultures) the first month of the calendar year. To the ancients, the spring equinox was a more appropriate calendrical beginning because it is when the daytime hours officially overtake the nighttime hours. The Sun is resurrected, its light triumphs over darkness, and Gaia begins to bloom again.
The Book of Luke is the Book of Leo. Luke is Latin for Lucius meaning Light and the House of Light is Leo the Lion. Lions are used the world over to symbolize the Sun and its rays which resemble the lion’s yellow face and flowing mane.
Christ (the other Sun symbol) is often called the “Lion of Judaea.”
“In Celtic Ireland the name Leo was Lugh, another solar hero and mystic. In Wales he was Llew, to the Romans Lugus, to the Sumerians Lughal. Its not the same dude on walkabout, it’s the Astrological sign of Leo. In the Christian iconography we have one of the Evangelists represented by a Lion. In the Nativity scenes we see 4 animals around the cradle of the Son/Sun king. One of these is also a Lion. Christians probably believe that there was one in the area and just happened to wander into the inn to take a peek at sleeping Jesus. Good thing it wasn’t very hungry.”
- Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
The Book of Matthew or Matt is actually Maat, the Egyptian Goddess. Maat is almost always symbolized blindfolded holding the Scales of Justice which relates astrologically to Libra. Libra was the last sign officially added to the zodiac, which is why Matt was the last of the 12 to join.
He is also symbolized by the Eagle in Christian iconography because Aquila the Eagle is the closest animal constellation to Libra.
“Maat is pronounced Mayat. She is the Mahat of the Brahmins, the Meath of the Celts, the Tiamat of the Skalds, the Maia of the Romans and the Mara of the pagans. Now in the Bible, we read that Matthew was the disciple that the other 11 did not want to accept. The reason for this was that he was a taxcollector, (perfidious company in any age). However behind all the hyperbole, we have a secret concealed. The symbol of the taxcollectors has always been the scales or balances. This is because they did not only want currency, but they took grain and livestock also, and their lackeys would carry large scales around. It is the same today in rural, eastern communities.”
- Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
Finally, the Book of John is the Book of Aquarius. John is for January which is the month corresponding to Aquarius. The symbol for Aquarius is a man carrying/pouring a pitcher of water which is why we have Baptism and John the Baptist. John’s death by beheading is another astrological allegory whereby on August 29th, John’s (Aquarius’) head/star moves just above the horizon, while the rest of his body/constellation remains below the horizon.
At exactly this time, on dusk August 29th, the sun sets in Leo (the kingly sign representing Herod) and so Herod beheads John.
“John comes from Jahan or Jahn, which comes from the earlier Ionnes, Oannes (the Fish god). Jahan or Jahn gives us other names, like Jane, Joan, Janus and even Jasus orJesus. It eventually gives us the word Jahnuary or January … During January (Aquarius), the Nile waters were the purist, so the Egyptians would collect it for use in telestic rites.
The sign of Aquarius became associated with baptism, cleansing and purification by water. This was borrowed by the Israelites and finds its way into the Christian traditions. So now we see the gospels clearly detailed as signs of the zodiac. The sunking must pass through these signs. They are his ‘chroniclers’ (‘chron’ means time specifically relating to the round of the zodiac). They are his measurers, his ‘Apostles’ (‘post’ means demarcation post, a colure of the zodiac). They are his ‘Disciples’ (‘disc’ means round circle, as is the zodiac).”
- Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun.”
- Thomas Paine
Why do the chronological events describing the supposed life of Jesus Christ in the New Testament run perfectly parallel to the ancient allegorical understanding of the Sun’s journey through the houses of the zodiac? John 14:2 says that in the Father’s house there are many rooms or many mansions; 12 to be more precise – the 12 houses or rooms of the zodiac. There are also 72 extra-zodiacal constellations known as the paranatellons. This is why Jesus is said to have officially had 12 servants with 72 others that also carried the message.
The 72 angels on Jacob’s ladder and the 72 nations in Genesis also relate to these 72 decans, 1 for every 5 degrees of the zodiac. It serendipitously takes 72 years to move 1 degree through the zodiacal precession of the equinoxes.
Hence Confucious (6th century BC China) had 72 initiated disciples and Set (ancient Egypt) had 72 accomplices in the death of Osiris.
“According to legend, Jesus was born in a stable between a horse and a goat, symbols of Sagittarius and Capricorn. He was baptized in Aquarius, the WaterBearer. ? He chose his first disciples, fishermen, in Pisces, the sign of the fishes. ? He became the Good Shepherd and the Lamb in Aries, the Ram. Jesus told the parables of the sowing and tilling of the fields in Taurus, the Bull. ?
In Cancer, ‘the celestial Sea of Galilee,’ he calmed the storm and waters, spoke of backsliders (the Crab), and rode the ass and foal in triumph into the City of Peace, Jerusalem. ? Jesus was the Lion in Leo. ?
In Libra, Christ was the true vine in the Garden of Gethsemane, the ‘wine press,’ as this is the time of the grape harvest. ? Jesus was betrayed by Judas, the ‘backbiter,’ or Scorpio. ? In Sagittarius, Jesus was wounded in the side by the Centaur, or centurion.”
- Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy”
Luke 22:10 reads:
“Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water … follow him into the house where he entereth in.”
This is the symbol of Aquarius – a man bearing a pitcher of water, the end of the age of Pisces. Pisces, our current age, is symbolized by 2 fish. This is why Jesus befriends 2 fishermen when he begins his ministry. In Matt 4:19 Jesus says to Peter, “I will make you fishers of men.”
In Matt 14:17 Jesus feeds them with fish saying “We only have five loaves of bread and 2 fish.” Virgo (the House of Bread) is the fifth sign of the zodiac, giving us five loaves of Virgo and 2 Piscean fish.
The Piscean dual fish symbol is found in many old Christian churches and artwork.
This is also why we have the Jesus-fish symbol seen on every born-again Christian’s bumper.
The word Nun is Hebrew for fish, and if you look closely, turned horizontally, the Pope’s headdress is actually a big fish head.
“The Christian Mythos coincided with the Age of Pisces. This is the reason why there is much in the way of water symbolism in the New Testament. There is the mention of Baptism, the fact that the disciples were mostly fishermen. Then there is the walking on the water, the washing the feet of the disciples, the feeding of the five thousand with two fish, etc,. The Christians still use the symbol of the fish to symbolize Jesus.
The letters of the word Jesus Christ the Savior of the World, in Latin, give the word for fish. The Pope wears the "Ring of the Fisherman," and the Pope's headdress is a fish head, from the side. The early Christians were called the "Little Fishes." In the Old Testament we read about the prophet Jonah being swallowed by the whale or the great fish.
All the imagery of the chapters and verses of the New Testament can be related to the Precessional phenomena, as that is what it was composed for in the first place. It was never meant to be a biography.”
- Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
The Precession of the Equinoxes is a 25,920 year cycle the Earth goes through and corresponds with the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each sign or “age” spans 2160 years. We are currently in the Piscean age, transitioning into the Aquarian. The fact that knowledge of a 25,920 year astrological precession was known to ancient peoples spanning from South America to India suggests both advanced civilization and worldwide travel/communication in prehistoric times.
The fact that this knowledge is written into our religions, but suppressed and kept from public view, shows how the Brotherhood continues to conceal information from the masses, and reserves it for only a chosen few, just like in ancient Egypt.
Before the Age of Pisces was the Age of Aries (symbolized by the ram) which is related in the Bible as ending just at the time of Jesus (2160 BC – 0 AD). The Hyksos Pharaohs and priests of Egypt were called the “good shepherds” and their “flocks” were the stars, of which they had great knowledge. Christ is also known as the good shepherd, often depicted carrying a lamb, and there is always a lamb in the nativity scene.
Lamb’s blood was smeared on all the doors, meaning the doors to the houses of the zodiac. The sheep/shepherd analogy is also astrological in origin.
In fact the genus/species classification for sheep is Ovis Aries.
“Is it a coincidence that Yahweh, God of Old Testament Israel, provided a ram as a substitute for Abraham’s offered sacrifice of his son Isaac? Is it likewise coincidental that rams, in one context or another, are referred to in almost every book of the Old Testament (entirely composed during the age of Aries) but not a single book of the New Testament? And is it an accident that the advent of the Age of Aries, shortly before the beginning of the second millennium BC, was accompanied in Ancient Egypt by an upsurge in the worship of the god Amon whose symbol was a ram with curled horns?”
- Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods
Before the Age of Aries was the Age of Taurus (symbolized by the bull) which spanned from 4320 – 2160 BC ending around the time of Moses.
Moses, the new Aries/ram figurehead, represented in Michelangelo’s “Moses” with horns, comes down from Mt. Sinai furious to see everyone worshipping a golden Taurus/calf.
In the Bible, Moses is the lawgiver, bringing God’s Ten Commandments down from Mount Sinai.
In Egypt, Moses carried stone tablets with the laws of God written on them. In India it was Manou and in Crete it was Minos sent to Mount Dicta where Zeus gave him the sacred laws. The exact same story existed in many cultures of the ancient world with Ten Commandments themselves all taken directly out of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. In Persian mythology their Aries age hero, Mithra, slays the Taurus bull.
And it was also during this precessional epoch that the Bullcult of Minoan Crete flourished. (Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods)
Before the Age of Taurus was the Age of Gemini (symbolized by the twins) which spanned from 6480 – 4320 BC. The transitional period between Gemini and Taurus is where we get the mythological creature, half-bull hal-fman, the Minotaur. The labyrinth he guards also relates to astrology and the zodiac. Back even further, the Sphinx correlates with the Age of Leo from 10,800 – 8640 BC.
Every morning during the Age of Leo, the Sphinx watched the sunrise in its mirror constellation Leo the lion. The religious iconography flows with astrology because those who propagate it still secretly worship the sun.
“The early Church fathers prohibited astrology and the Great Council of Toledo banned it forever. Nevertheless six hundred years later the dates of the Pope's coronation were determined by the zodiac, the church hierarchy employed their own astrologers; and signs of the zodiac appeared all over Church furnishings, tiles, doorways, manuscripts and baptismal fonts.
The 'Church' was sure that the study of astrology would undermine its religion if people thought that the sun, the moon, the stars, the signs of the zodiac and the planets, hold life and death at their own pleasure ... and that they rule and govern both the bodies and souls of man. In this scenario the planets and stars should be adored and worshiped as gods, which they are of course.
Astrology survives in our western culture because Christianity embraced it with one hand, while condemning it as a devilish art on the other.”
- Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
One needs look no further than the etymology of Christian words to discover the Astrotheological origins. Disciples and Apostles have been explained as astrological terms. Pastor comes from Pastor, Pa meaning great or father, Stor or Aster meaning Star.
Thus Pastor means the Great Star or the Father Star, our Sun God. Minister and Ministry come from Min and Aster.
Min was the common ancient term and root of Moon whereas Aster, Stir, Stor all relate to Star. Thus Minister is MoonStar. Monastery, monk, and month have the same origin.
This is also where we get “Minute.”
“It is a title that derives from the lunar and stellar cults. This explains why there is a minute hand on a watch. The three hands of a watch relate to the three planets associated with time. The slow hand is the hour hand, meaning Horus, the sun. The minute hand is for Min, the moon and the swift ticking hand is for Mercury, the planet which rotates fastest of all, both round the sun and on its own orbit. This is why the figure of the god Mercury was depicted with wings on his shoes or feet.”
- Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
The word Church comes from the Greek Goddess of deception Circe, who lured men into her lair and transformed them into pigs. The word Amen used at the end of prayer by Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews comes from the Pharaoh Amenhotep and the Egyptian God AmenRa. Amen was known as “the hidden one” in Egyptian beliefs and could change into other Gods like Osiris and Set at will.
Through the solar, lunar, and stellar cults AmenRa has found his way into the prayers of billions. As Jordan Maxwell often points out, by ending a prayer with Amen, you are essentially saying “let it be hidden, let it remain unseen.” Amen’s consort was called Ament, which is where we get the New and Old TestAment.
The obelisk is one symbolic representative of Amen Ra, found at the Vatican, Washington DC, London, and many other places around the world.
The word Vatican comes from Vaticinia which means “place of divinations” or “place of the sorcerers.” The Vatican actually funds and controls every astronomical telescope and observatory in the world and all findings run through the Vatican before both the public and the scientific communities. Mass derives from the Egyptian Mes, an annual sacred cake ritually baked with Nile riverbank clay.
Yule shares roots with the word Wheel, and a Yule log at Winter Solstice represents the full-turn of the zodiacal wheel.
The Roman title/name Julius derived from Yule which explains why Julius Caesar was crowned under the God Jupiter at the Winter Solstice. The word Arch in Arch Bishop and Arch Deacon refers to the Sun’s Arch across the sky.
Bishop literally means “one who knows the sky,” and Deacon comes from Decan, the three 10 degree sections divided into each of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
“The cardinal points are a direct reference to the astrological colures. The Cardinals surround the Pope as the cardinal points surround the sun. The sun casts its rays on the Houses as it passes, turning them crimson. The color worn by the physical Cardinals is red, to symbolize that they are illuminated by their proximity to the Pope, the representative of God on earth. The word Pope, may also be a derivative of the word in Egyptian for the evil serpent Apep, Apophis or Apopsa (See Poop Deck and Pupa, and Pepsi, Pepsid, Dr. Pepper, Sgt. Pepper, etc,).”
- Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology
Even the largest Christian Evangelical TV network is called Daystar Corporation.
The astrological symbolism, numerology, etymology and mythology is all pervasive and thoroughly understood by the initiated few.
“What has happened to the ubiquitous celestial mythos? How is it that this information, so widely known in ancient times, is almost completely hidden from the masses today? The answer is that it has been deliberately suppressed, so that the masses would never realize the connection between their cherished gods and the celestial bodies.
As demonstrated by Paine, the Masons have known very well the true meaning and importance of astrology, which was considered a sacred science … Astrology and astrotheology were not only known in the ancient world but have constituted an enormous portion of human civilization. Time and again, massive edifices around the globe have been built that are encapsulations of the heavenly story, serving as stellar ‘computers.’
But this astrotheological Masonry was corrupted, as the power mongering historicizers drove its true meaning and religion underground in a vicious quest to subjugate the world and acquire its wealth.”
- Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy”
“Imagine the power you would have to advance an Agenda and manipulate the human race if you knew the cycles of energy from the Sun and other planets and how they were likely to affect human consciousness. You would know when people would be more prone to anger, aggression, fear, doubt and guilt, and therefore when to have your wars, economic collapses and so on.
The Brotherhood have always had this knowledge and they use it to great effect today as I shall document.”
- David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” .
The Origin of Christmas: The Occult Connection
The month of December pertains to capitalistic materialism relating to Christmas. Millions of people conjecture that Jesus was born on December 25th and that this date deserves a celebration by erecting a tree and giving gifts. As the Christmas season is bearing down on the capitalistic west — stress levels are increasing, including personal debt into new levels. The deluded ignorant majority accepts Christmas as a normal (Christian) holiday, however most people lack the comprehension concerning the historic deception and occult significance.
The Winter Solstice celebrations pertains to Sun Worshiping:
The Sun has been moving away from the Northern Hemisphere up until the Winter Solstice. The 3 day gap from the 21st and 25th of December no appended minutes to the Sunrise occur. On the 25th of December, the sunlight increases 14 seconds and the days start getting longer from 12/21 up until the Summer Solstice. Thus, the predominate Sun worshiping celebration for the Winter Solstice occurred on December 25 or 3 days after. The number 3 is the foundational number for the occult.
The occult calendar is comprised of four periods of 13 weeks relating to the sun solstices and Equinox:
Winter Solstice Period extends 13 weeks — Minor sabbath
December 21 — Yule
December 21-22 — Winter Solstice/Yule. One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
December 25th — Holy Roman Christmas
February 1 and 2 — Candlemas and Imbolg, a.k.a. Groundhog’s Day. One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
February 14 — Valentine’s Day
Consider the pagan roots of our popular symbols of Christmas:
Christmas Tree – The sacred tree of the winter-god; Druids believed the spirit of their gods resided in the tree. Most ancient pagans knew the tree represented Nimrod reincarnated into Tammuz! Pagans also looked upon the tree as a phallic symbol.
Star – Pentalpha, the five-pointed star. The pentalpha is a powerful symbol of Satan, second only to the hexagram. The star is the sacred symbol of Nimrod, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity.
Candles represent the sun-gods’ newly-born fire. Pagans the world over love and use candles in their rituals and ceremonies. Certain colors are also thought to represent specific powers. The extensive use of candles is usually a very good indication that the service is pagan, no matter what the outward trappings might be.
Mistletoe is the sacred plant of the Druids, symbolizing pagan blessings of fertility; thus, kissing under the mistletoe is the first step in the reproductive cycle! Witches also use the white berries in potions.
Wreaths are circular, and so they represent the female sexual organs. Wreaths are associated with fertility and the “circle of life”.
Santa Claus – Former Satanists have told me that “Santa” is an anagram for “Satan”. In the New Age, the god, “Sanat Kamura”, is most definitely an anagram for “Satan”. The mythical attributes and powers ascribed to Santa are eerily close to those possessed by Jesus Christ.
Reindeer are horned animals representing the “horned-god” or the “stag-god” of pagan religion! Santa’s traditional number of reindeer in his team is eight (8); in Satanic gematria, eight is the number of “new beginnings”, or the cycle of reincarnation. The Illuminati views the number “eight” as a symbol of their New World Order.
Elves are imp-like creatures who are Santa’s (Satan’s) little helpers. They are also demons.
Green and Red are the traditional colors of the season, as they are the traditional pagan colors of winter. Green is Satan’s favorite color, so it is appropriate it should be one of the traditional colors for Christmas; red is the color of human blood, Satan’s highest form of sacrifice – for this reason, Communism adopted red as it main color!
December 25 is known as the “nativity” of the sun. This date is the birthday of Tammuz, the son, the reincarnation of the sun god. Traditionally, December 21 is known as Yule. The Roman Catholic Church moved the celebration of Yule to December 25.
December 25 is also known to the Romans as “Saturnalia”, a time of deliberate debauchery. Drinking through repeated toasting – known as ‘wassail’ – was a key to the debauchery of this celebration. Fornication was symbolized by the mistletoe, and the entire event was finished with a Great Feast, the Christmas Dinner.
Even the name, “Christmas” is pagan! “Christi” meant “Christ”, while “Mas” meant Mass. Since all pagan Masses are commemorating “death”, the name, “Christmas” literally means the “death of Christ”. A deeper meaning lies in the mention of “Christ” without specifying Jesus. Thus, Antichrist is in view here; the pagans celebrate “Christmas” as a celebration of their coming Antichrist, who will deal a death blow to the Jesus Christ of Christianity.
Early American Christian Pilgrims refused to celebrate this day.
The next period begins with the Spring Equinox in March and extends to the most important 13 day stretch from April 19 through May 1.
Occult Holidays Relating to Christmas:
Roman Saturnalia: The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival of general merrymaking and debauchery held around the time of the winter solstice. This week-long party was held in distinction of the god Saturn and involved sacrifices, gift-giving, special privileges for slaves, and much feasting. Although this holiday was partly about giving presents, more important, it was to honor an agricultural god. On the heels of the Saturnalia, the Romans marked December 25 with a celebration called the Brumalia. Bruma is thought to have been contracted from the Latin brevum or brevis, meaning brief or short, denoting the shortest day of the year.
The Romans Followed the Greeks: During the second century B.C., the Greeks practiced rites to honor their god Dionysus (also called Bacchus). The Latin name for this celebration was Bacchanalia. It spread from the Greeks to Rome, center of the Roman Empire.
“It was on or about December 21st that the ancient Greeks celebrated what are known to us as the Bacchanalia or festivities in honor of Bacchus, the god of wine. In these festivities the people gave themselves up to songs, dances and other revels which frequently passed the limits of decency and order”.
Because of the nocturnal orgies associated with this festival, the Roman Senate suppressed its observance in 186 B.C. It took the senators several years to completely accomplish this goal because of the holiday’s popularity. Suppressing a holiday was unusual for the Romans since they later became a melting pot of many types of gods and worship. Just as the Romans assimilated culture, art and customs from the peoples absorbed into their empire, they likewise adopted those peoples’ religious practices.
Blending in Christianity:
The followers of Jesus, the Anointed Master over the Children of the Light, continued to grow in mass numbers – the powers of the darkness took the opportunity to use the Roman Empire through Constantine the Great to Christianize the Empire that formed the Holy Roman Empire. Henceforth, Christmas was created through the powers of the deceiving darkness that replaced Saturnalia. The Christmas tree symbolizes the pyramid the main Illuminati object.
Also, celebrations that are connected to “light” or The Sun are Judaism celebrates Hanukkah with its brightly lit menorahs Kwanzaa candles.'
Origins of Yule:
Pagan holiday called Yule takes place on the day of the winter solstice, around December 21. On that day (or close to it), the earth’s axis tilts away from the sun in the Northern Hemisphere, and the sun reaches at its greatest distance from the equatorial plane. As a festival of the Sun, the most important part of any Yule celebration is light — candles, bonfires, and more.
The winter solstice has been celebrated for millennia in the Northern Hemisphere. The Norse peoples viewed it as a time for much feasting, merrymaking, and, if the Icelandic sagas are to be believed, a time of sacrifice as well. Traditional customs such as the Yule log, the decorated tree, and wassailing can all be traced back to Norse origins.
Here is our post from last year at Stillness in the Storm.
Did you know that for 7 days and 7 nights before the 25th of December, Rome would allow "human sacrifice, intoxication, naked caroling and rape." Considering that prior to the introduction of our 'modern slavery system' this time usually marked quiet reflection and contemplation of yourself and your experience, I am not surprised it is now marked with the vast majority of the planet focusing on being socially acceptable and buying gifts.
- Justin
Esoteric Meaning Of Christmas And The Winter Solstice
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
The origins of Christmas predate Christianity through the Pagan holiday called Saturnalia, which was a weeklong of lawlessness from December 17th through December 25th that honored Saturn and included human sacrifice, intoxication, naked caroling and rape. During these seven days, there were no punishments for breaking any laws, according to Roman law. [Sounds a lot like the Purge Movie?]
In the year 4 A.D., Christianity adopted Saturnalia with the hopes that they could convert the Pagans into Christianity by promising that they could still celebrate Saturnalia as Christians. (Imagine how that would work out today). Because Saturnalia did not follow Christian principles, the Christian leaders designated the last day of Saturnalia as the birth date of Jesus.
Because of the Pagan origins of Christmas, the Puritans banned this holiday and between 1659 and 1681, Christmas was illegal in Massachusetts.
In 1466, the Roman Catholic Church, under Pope Paul II, forced Jews to run through the city naked as a tribute to Saturnalia. According to author David I. Kertzer, The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican’s Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism,
“Before they were to run, the Jews were richly fed, so as to make the race more difficult for them and at the same time more amusing for spectators. They ran amid Rome’s taunting shrieks and peals of laughter, while the Holy Father stood upon a richly ornamented balcony and laughed heartily.”
It is important to note that in Astrotheology, Saturn is Satan. The rings we give during a wedding ritual represent the rings of Saturn. The word Saturday originates from the Old English word that means “Saturn’s day”. To this day, many people continue to unknowingly celebrate Saturnalia through their participation in debauchery and gluttony.
According to wiki, the etymology of Christmas stems from the Old English word of Crīstesmæsse, which literally means" Christ's mass".
Christmas is derived from the Middle English Cristemasse, which is from Old English Crīstesmæsse, a phrase first recorded in 1038. Crīst (genitive Crīstes) is from Greek Khrīstos, a translation of Hebrew Māšîaḥ, "Messiah"; and mæsse is from Latin missa, the celebration of the Eucharist. The form "Christenmas" was also historically used, but is now considered archaic and dialectal; it derives from Middle English Cristenmasse, literally "Christian mass".
"Xmas" is an abbreviation of Christmas found particularly in print, based on the initial letter chi (Χ) in Greek Khrīstos (Χριστός), "Christ", though numerous style guides discourage its use; it has precedent in Middle English Χρ̄es masse (where "Χρ̄" is an abbreviation for Χριστός).
The Basics
Each season is reflected by the tilt and spin of the Earth’s axis resulting with the sun being more prominent in the northern hemisphere for half of the year and in the southern hemisphere for the other half. The winter solstice occurs in winter when the sun has reached its lowest elevation reflected with the fewest amount of daylight hours and the greatest amount of nighttime hours around December 21st.
Our seasons are reflected by the amount of sun and darkness that we receive:
Autumn Equinox - daily sunlight is waning, day and night is equal in length
Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year
Spring Equinox - daily sunlight is waxing, day and night are equal in length
Summer Solstice - the longest day of the year
Pagans and Christians alike celebrate their holidays on sacred, astrological dates and Christmas is no exception. This particular holiday was has been celebrated for much longer by the ancients as one of the four great festivals that reflect each season through astrology and astronomy.
Pagan holiday called Yule takes place on the day of the winter solstice, around December 21. On that day (or close to it), the earth’s axis tilts away from the sun in the Northern Hemisphere, and the sun reaches at its greatest distance from the equatorial plane. As a festival of the Sun, the most important part of any Yule celebration is light — candles, bonfires, and more.
The winter solstice has been celebrated for millennia in the Northern Hemisphere. The Norse peoples viewed it as a time for much feasting, merrymaking, and, if the Icelandic sagas are to be believed, a time of sacrifice as well. Traditional customs such as the Yule log, the decorated tree, and wassailing can all be traced back to Norse origins.
Here is our post from last year at Stillness in the Storm.
Did you know that for 7 days and 7 nights before the 25th of December, Rome would allow "human sacrifice, intoxication, naked caroling and rape." Considering that prior to the introduction of our 'modern slavery system' this time usually marked quiet reflection and contemplation of yourself and your experience, I am not surprised it is now marked with the vast majority of the planet focusing on being socially acceptable and buying gifts.
- Justin
Esoteric Meaning Of Christmas And The Winter Solstice
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
The origins of Christmas predate Christianity through the Pagan holiday called Saturnalia, which was a weeklong of lawlessness from December 17th through December 25th that honored Saturn and included human sacrifice, intoxication, naked caroling and rape. During these seven days, there were no punishments for breaking any laws, according to Roman law. [Sounds a lot like the Purge Movie?]
In the year 4 A.D., Christianity adopted Saturnalia with the hopes that they could convert the Pagans into Christianity by promising that they could still celebrate Saturnalia as Christians. (Imagine how that would work out today). Because Saturnalia did not follow Christian principles, the Christian leaders designated the last day of Saturnalia as the birth date of Jesus.
Because of the Pagan origins of Christmas, the Puritans banned this holiday and between 1659 and 1681, Christmas was illegal in Massachusetts.
In 1466, the Roman Catholic Church, under Pope Paul II, forced Jews to run through the city naked as a tribute to Saturnalia. According to author David I. Kertzer, The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican’s Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism,
“Before they were to run, the Jews were richly fed, so as to make the race more difficult for them and at the same time more amusing for spectators. They ran amid Rome’s taunting shrieks and peals of laughter, while the Holy Father stood upon a richly ornamented balcony and laughed heartily.”
It is important to note that in Astrotheology, Saturn is Satan. The rings we give during a wedding ritual represent the rings of Saturn. The word Saturday originates from the Old English word that means “Saturn’s day”. To this day, many people continue to unknowingly celebrate Saturnalia through their participation in debauchery and gluttony.
According to wiki, the etymology of Christmas stems from the Old English word of Crīstesmæsse, which literally means" Christ's mass".
Christmas is derived from the Middle English Cristemasse, which is from Old English Crīstesmæsse, a phrase first recorded in 1038. Crīst (genitive Crīstes) is from Greek Khrīstos, a translation of Hebrew Māšîaḥ, "Messiah"; and mæsse is from Latin missa, the celebration of the Eucharist. The form "Christenmas" was also historically used, but is now considered archaic and dialectal; it derives from Middle English Cristenmasse, literally "Christian mass".
"Xmas" is an abbreviation of Christmas found particularly in print, based on the initial letter chi (Χ) in Greek Khrīstos (Χριστός), "Christ", though numerous style guides discourage its use; it has precedent in Middle English Χρ̄es masse (where "Χρ̄" is an abbreviation for Χριστός).
The Basics
Each season is reflected by the tilt and spin of the Earth’s axis resulting with the sun being more prominent in the northern hemisphere for half of the year and in the southern hemisphere for the other half. The winter solstice occurs in winter when the sun has reached its lowest elevation reflected with the fewest amount of daylight hours and the greatest amount of nighttime hours around December 21st.
Our seasons are reflected by the amount of sun and darkness that we receive:
Autumn Equinox - daily sunlight is waning, day and night is equal in length
Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year
Spring Equinox - daily sunlight is waxing, day and night are equal in length
Summer Solstice - the longest day of the year
Pagans and Christians alike celebrate their holidays on sacred, astrological dates and Christmas is no exception. This particular holiday was has been celebrated for much longer by the ancients as one of the four great festivals that reflect each season through astrology and astronomy.
Esoteric Meaning of the Winter Solstice
Various mystery schools have also celebrated the change of seasons in association with the various astrological signs that fall on the spring and fall equinoxes as well as the summer and winter solistices.
In an esoteric sense, the sun’s cycle represents your soul’s growth in consciousness along with the illumination of your soul.
To envision this, imagine that Spring is the birth of your soul. Once you have reached Summer, your soul begins its decent from its spiritual home into incarnating to this planet. As the days begin to get shorter beginning on the Summer solstice, the decrease in sunlight represents the veil of forgetfulness where we do not remember why we came here or what our purpose is. As the days become longer beginning on the Winter solstice, your soul is released from its physical presence and makes its ascension back to its spiritual home with Source.
On the Wheel of Life, winter is the season of rest and represents preparation for renewed life, similar to how some animals go into hibernation. It is also known as the time of germination as spring brings the flowering of plant life that follows the maturation process into summer; autumn gives us our crops (along with new seeds) and we return to winter to complete the full cycle and prepare for renewed life.
Of the four sacred directions and cardinal colors, winter is represented by the North and the color blue, which in Cherokee, literally means “cold”.
The seasons teach us a lot about the process of birth, life, death and rebirth. Alchemy provides the saying, As above, so below”. Think of this along the lines of how we came here and how we leave this vessel.
After the sperm fertilizes the egg, we go through a maturation process that is identical to the exact number of days of both the maturation of corn from a seed along with the gestation period for a woman to give birth to a child.
The child travels down the birth canal (the tunnel) as the child is brought from darkness to birth (the light). As confirmed through near death experiences, we follow the same process of going through a tunnel and following the light back to Source.
In a grander scheme, this cycle is repeated through seasons and our personal lives from birth to death, proving how our life is simply a mere fractal of the universe, the cosmos and ultimately, of Source.
The Winter solstice falls under the sign of Capricorn, which represents materialism and ego. In astrotheology, this is the time when Jesus (the Sun) indulges in materialism (Capricorn) after leaving his father’s home. It is also the time when Jesus (the Sun) dies on the cross (where the sun remains on the Southern Cross constellation) for three days, only to be reborn again (as the days begin to get longer after this 3 day period).
What religion fails to teach us are the esoteric and occult meanings of the equinoxes and solstices.
Adepts of mystery schools and practitioners of the occult sciences can also attest to the cosmic currents and life force of each season. The following excerpt from Esoteric (Soul) Astrology best explains this process:
All of nature responds to these currents. It is only the human family that has forgotten, because it can no longer see the inner side of reality. The light forces are moving either toward or outward from Earth. This is what creates our seasons. The path of the Sun is intricately involved in the movement of the light currents that fall to Earth.
During Fall Equinox, light from the Sun penetrates the outer atmospheric layers of Earth. At Winter Solstice, the light penetrates into the core of our globe. From a distance outside our solar system, Earth looks like a fiery sphere spinning in the heavens. During the Spring Equinox, the light once again is on the periphery of Earth, and at Summer Solstice, the light is high in the heavens. Note that the light is deep within the core of Earth during winter and high in the heavens during summer. This is both a metaphor and a reality on inner levels.
We can minister to our own personal psychology if we attune ourselves to the influences of the different radiances of light falling to Earth each month and during the solstices and equinoxes. Light waves descending to and ascending outward from Earth are an occult fact, meaning an inner reality not seen by most. Those of us desiring a more complete communion with spiritual forces must come to intelligent terms with this reality, for it is the movement of these ever-changing currents of light poured upon Earth that provide our evolutionary growth. These surges of power propel all kingdoms on Earth upward, lift the spinal spirit fire of the body into the heart and head centers, and have the effect of providing illumination for those of us who have prepared through intelligence and intention to participate.
The Winter Solstice has historically been the time of birth for all of Earth's great teachers. Because it is the time of new light for the planet, World Teachers choose this particular time to incarnate because they always bring with them a new teaching. This teaching is a new state of illumination for the people of Earth. Winter Solstice occurs on December 21, the same time that the planetary keynote changes from Sagittarius to Capricorn. At the time of the Winter Solstice, the light currents submerged within the core of the Earth reverse and change course, just like the Sun, which is reversing its southward course and turning northward. A reverse movement of any planetary body creates a powerful force until the new motion or path stabilizes. Therefore, from December 21 to midnight on the morning of December 25th, there is a powerful force field of light and radiation enveloping the Earth.
While people argue over ethnic sensitivity issues between saying “Merry Christmas” versus “Happy Holidays”, the truth dates back much further than its Christian beginnings. The intent of Christmas seems to be the overriding value behind its true, esoteric meaning or its Pagan origin. A symbol or celebration is only as powerful as the intent behind it. While Christmas has become the biggest holiday that supports the corporate world which in turn, lobbies against our civil rights, it also is a time of giving and being with family.
Source: http://www.in5d.com/esoteric-meaning-of-christmas-and-the-winter-solstice.html
Horus son of Isis and Orisis, the ancient Egyptian sun-god, was also worshiped on December 25
Christmas Before Christ: December 25 and Paganism
As Christians around the world celebrate Christmas, historians and theologians question whether the holiday really celebrates the birth of the so called 'son of god' or the 'sun-god'.
Ertan Karpazli / World Bulletin
Today, Christians around the world celebrate Christmas, marking what in common Christian culture is believed to be the birthday of Jesus Christ. This is a tradition that is centuries old, and dates back to the mid-fourth century when the Romans officially accepted the Trinitarian narrative of Christianity at the Council of Nicaea in 325.
A Roman Christian scholar by the name of Valentinus produced the first documentation of Christmas being celebrated on December 25 as a special feast in the year 354. Particularly, a Greek Saint from that era called Saint Nicolas, who lived in what is today known as Turkey, was also well-known for delivering presents to children on that day. His tradition continued, developing into the character of Santa Claus. Although in the past century, which has seen the rise of secular materialism and a decline in spirituality, it can be argued that Christmas has lost its significance as a religious holiday, but it is still nonetheless celebrated worldwide, albeit in a commercialized fashion.
However, it is virtually impossible to find any evidence that Jesus and his disciples celebrated on December 25. In fact, it is highly unlikely that he was even born on that date. Christians of the East Orthodox Church traditionally celebrated Christmas on January 7, while Jeffery Sheler’s 1996 report ‘In Search of Christmas’ states that a document found in North Africa dated back to the year 243 suggests that Jesus was born on March 28. Furthermore, Luke 2:7-8 clearly states that Jesus was born in a time when the shepherds of Palestine were out with their flocks, which due to the cold, is not possible in the winter.
Regardless of when exactly Jesus was born, the date of December 25 has always played a significant role in the calendar, even before Jesus was born. In pre-Christian pagan belief, December 25 marked what was known as the Winter Solstice. Sol is the ancient Latin word for ‘Sun’, and Stice literally means ‘standing still’. It was celebrated by sun-worshippers as the day signaling the middle of winter, the shortest day of the solar calendar. This day was celebrated in different ways by different people all over the world.
For the pre-Christian Romans, December 25 marked their most important holiday, Saturnalia. This was later renamed to ‘Sol Invicti’, which means ‘the unconquerable sun’, in honor of the Syrian sun-god Apollo. Ancient Egyptians also used to celebrate December 25 in worship of Ra, or Horus, the sun-god child of Isis and Orisis. In Mesopotamia, the mythical god Marduk, who was believed to fight against the cold and darkness, was also worshipped on this day. The Aztecs on this day would sacrifice children in worship of their sun-god, Huitzilopochli. North-western Europe hosted festivities for the Nordic god Balder, while the Ancient Greeks dedicated the day for Adonis and Dionysos. For the Ancient Persians, December 25 represented the birth of Mithra, the sun-god.
Mithraism in particular was transferred to Europe from its land of origin, Iran, via the Greeks, who had conquered the Persian Empire under Alexander of Macedon in the fourth century B.C.E. It became widespread throughout Europe, and was even existent at the time the Romans had decided to adopt Trinitarian Christianity.
Before its adoption, Christians were heavily persecuted by the sun-worshipping Romans, and was not so much seen as a religion, but rather a renegade sect of Judaism, which mainstream Jews themselves rejected. Trinitarian Christianity finds its roots in the teachings of Paul, an ex-bounty hunter of Jewish origin who used to persecute Christians under the command of his Roman masters. However, after he claimed to have a vision in which Jesus supposedly told him that he was the son of God, he began to preach Trinitarianism – the concept of three gods in one. His counterpart, a Jewish companion of Jesus by the name of Barnabas, who is believed to have preached the oneness of god, was against preaching to the non-Jews, unlike Paul. Meanwhile, the Jews in the Roman Empire were revolting. Barnabas himself was killed during one of these revolts in his homeland Cyprus.
However, the idea of one god – otherwise referred to as Unitarianism – lived on and thrived, particularly in North Africa. Arius, a Libyan Unitarian, represented the call for one god during the early fourth century, while the strand of Trinitarian Christianity preached by Paul also flourished. Ultimately, after Roman Emperor Constantine chose to convert to Trinitarianism, Arius was killed along with many of his followers. The rise of Trinitarianism then saw the gradual merger of Jewish traditions and Mithraism, or Roman sun-worship, with the celebration of December 25 as the birthday of Jesus Christ as a symbol of this unholy marriage.Sources:
Various mystery schools have also celebrated the change of seasons in association with the various astrological signs that fall on the spring and fall equinoxes as well as the summer and winter solistices.
In an esoteric sense, the sun’s cycle represents your soul’s growth in consciousness along with the illumination of your soul.
To envision this, imagine that Spring is the birth of your soul. Once you have reached Summer, your soul begins its decent from its spiritual home into incarnating to this planet. As the days begin to get shorter beginning on the Summer solstice, the decrease in sunlight represents the veil of forgetfulness where we do not remember why we came here or what our purpose is. As the days become longer beginning on the Winter solstice, your soul is released from its physical presence and makes its ascension back to its spiritual home with Source.
On the Wheel of Life, winter is the season of rest and represents preparation for renewed life, similar to how some animals go into hibernation. It is also known as the time of germination as spring brings the flowering of plant life that follows the maturation process into summer; autumn gives us our crops (along with new seeds) and we return to winter to complete the full cycle and prepare for renewed life.
Of the four sacred directions and cardinal colors, winter is represented by the North and the color blue, which in Cherokee, literally means “cold”.
The seasons teach us a lot about the process of birth, life, death and rebirth. Alchemy provides the saying, As above, so below”. Think of this along the lines of how we came here and how we leave this vessel.
After the sperm fertilizes the egg, we go through a maturation process that is identical to the exact number of days of both the maturation of corn from a seed along with the gestation period for a woman to give birth to a child.
The child travels down the birth canal (the tunnel) as the child is brought from darkness to birth (the light). As confirmed through near death experiences, we follow the same process of going through a tunnel and following the light back to Source.
In a grander scheme, this cycle is repeated through seasons and our personal lives from birth to death, proving how our life is simply a mere fractal of the universe, the cosmos and ultimately, of Source.
The Winter solstice falls under the sign of Capricorn, which represents materialism and ego. In astrotheology, this is the time when Jesus (the Sun) indulges in materialism (Capricorn) after leaving his father’s home. It is also the time when Jesus (the Sun) dies on the cross (where the sun remains on the Southern Cross constellation) for three days, only to be reborn again (as the days begin to get longer after this 3 day period).
What religion fails to teach us are the esoteric and occult meanings of the equinoxes and solstices.
Adepts of mystery schools and practitioners of the occult sciences can also attest to the cosmic currents and life force of each season. The following excerpt from Esoteric (Soul) Astrology best explains this process:
All of nature responds to these currents. It is only the human family that has forgotten, because it can no longer see the inner side of reality. The light forces are moving either toward or outward from Earth. This is what creates our seasons. The path of the Sun is intricately involved in the movement of the light currents that fall to Earth.
During Fall Equinox, light from the Sun penetrates the outer atmospheric layers of Earth. At Winter Solstice, the light penetrates into the core of our globe. From a distance outside our solar system, Earth looks like a fiery sphere spinning in the heavens. During the Spring Equinox, the light once again is on the periphery of Earth, and at Summer Solstice, the light is high in the heavens. Note that the light is deep within the core of Earth during winter and high in the heavens during summer. This is both a metaphor and a reality on inner levels.
We can minister to our own personal psychology if we attune ourselves to the influences of the different radiances of light falling to Earth each month and during the solstices and equinoxes. Light waves descending to and ascending outward from Earth are an occult fact, meaning an inner reality not seen by most. Those of us desiring a more complete communion with spiritual forces must come to intelligent terms with this reality, for it is the movement of these ever-changing currents of light poured upon Earth that provide our evolutionary growth. These surges of power propel all kingdoms on Earth upward, lift the spinal spirit fire of the body into the heart and head centers, and have the effect of providing illumination for those of us who have prepared through intelligence and intention to participate.
The Winter Solstice has historically been the time of birth for all of Earth's great teachers. Because it is the time of new light for the planet, World Teachers choose this particular time to incarnate because they always bring with them a new teaching. This teaching is a new state of illumination for the people of Earth. Winter Solstice occurs on December 21, the same time that the planetary keynote changes from Sagittarius to Capricorn. At the time of the Winter Solstice, the light currents submerged within the core of the Earth reverse and change course, just like the Sun, which is reversing its southward course and turning northward. A reverse movement of any planetary body creates a powerful force until the new motion or path stabilizes. Therefore, from December 21 to midnight on the morning of December 25th, there is a powerful force field of light and radiation enveloping the Earth.
While people argue over ethnic sensitivity issues between saying “Merry Christmas” versus “Happy Holidays”, the truth dates back much further than its Christian beginnings. The intent of Christmas seems to be the overriding value behind its true, esoteric meaning or its Pagan origin. A symbol or celebration is only as powerful as the intent behind it. While Christmas has become the biggest holiday that supports the corporate world which in turn, lobbies against our civil rights, it also is a time of giving and being with family.
Source: http://www.in5d.com/esoteric-meaning-of-christmas-and-the-winter-solstice.html
Horus son of Isis and Orisis, the ancient Egyptian sun-god, was also worshiped on December 25
Christmas Before Christ: December 25 and Paganism
As Christians around the world celebrate Christmas, historians and theologians question whether the holiday really celebrates the birth of the so called 'son of god' or the 'sun-god'.
Ertan Karpazli / World Bulletin
Today, Christians around the world celebrate Christmas, marking what in common Christian culture is believed to be the birthday of Jesus Christ. This is a tradition that is centuries old, and dates back to the mid-fourth century when the Romans officially accepted the Trinitarian narrative of Christianity at the Council of Nicaea in 325.
A Roman Christian scholar by the name of Valentinus produced the first documentation of Christmas being celebrated on December 25 as a special feast in the year 354. Particularly, a Greek Saint from that era called Saint Nicolas, who lived in what is today known as Turkey, was also well-known for delivering presents to children on that day. His tradition continued, developing into the character of Santa Claus. Although in the past century, which has seen the rise of secular materialism and a decline in spirituality, it can be argued that Christmas has lost its significance as a religious holiday, but it is still nonetheless celebrated worldwide, albeit in a commercialized fashion.
However, it is virtually impossible to find any evidence that Jesus and his disciples celebrated on December 25. In fact, it is highly unlikely that he was even born on that date. Christians of the East Orthodox Church traditionally celebrated Christmas on January 7, while Jeffery Sheler’s 1996 report ‘In Search of Christmas’ states that a document found in North Africa dated back to the year 243 suggests that Jesus was born on March 28. Furthermore, Luke 2:7-8 clearly states that Jesus was born in a time when the shepherds of Palestine were out with their flocks, which due to the cold, is not possible in the winter.
Regardless of when exactly Jesus was born, the date of December 25 has always played a significant role in the calendar, even before Jesus was born. In pre-Christian pagan belief, December 25 marked what was known as the Winter Solstice. Sol is the ancient Latin word for ‘Sun’, and Stice literally means ‘standing still’. It was celebrated by sun-worshippers as the day signaling the middle of winter, the shortest day of the solar calendar. This day was celebrated in different ways by different people all over the world.
For the pre-Christian Romans, December 25 marked their most important holiday, Saturnalia. This was later renamed to ‘Sol Invicti’, which means ‘the unconquerable sun’, in honor of the Syrian sun-god Apollo. Ancient Egyptians also used to celebrate December 25 in worship of Ra, or Horus, the sun-god child of Isis and Orisis. In Mesopotamia, the mythical god Marduk, who was believed to fight against the cold and darkness, was also worshipped on this day. The Aztecs on this day would sacrifice children in worship of their sun-god, Huitzilopochli. North-western Europe hosted festivities for the Nordic god Balder, while the Ancient Greeks dedicated the day for Adonis and Dionysos. For the Ancient Persians, December 25 represented the birth of Mithra, the sun-god.
Mithraism in particular was transferred to Europe from its land of origin, Iran, via the Greeks, who had conquered the Persian Empire under Alexander of Macedon in the fourth century B.C.E. It became widespread throughout Europe, and was even existent at the time the Romans had decided to adopt Trinitarian Christianity.
Before its adoption, Christians were heavily persecuted by the sun-worshipping Romans, and was not so much seen as a religion, but rather a renegade sect of Judaism, which mainstream Jews themselves rejected. Trinitarian Christianity finds its roots in the teachings of Paul, an ex-bounty hunter of Jewish origin who used to persecute Christians under the command of his Roman masters. However, after he claimed to have a vision in which Jesus supposedly told him that he was the son of God, he began to preach Trinitarianism – the concept of three gods in one. His counterpart, a Jewish companion of Jesus by the name of Barnabas, who is believed to have preached the oneness of god, was against preaching to the non-Jews, unlike Paul. Meanwhile, the Jews in the Roman Empire were revolting. Barnabas himself was killed during one of these revolts in his homeland Cyprus.
However, the idea of one god – otherwise referred to as Unitarianism – lived on and thrived, particularly in North Africa. Arius, a Libyan Unitarian, represented the call for one god during the early fourth century, while the strand of Trinitarian Christianity preached by Paul also flourished. Ultimately, after Roman Emperor Constantine chose to convert to Trinitarianism, Arius was killed along with many of his followers. The rise of Trinitarianism then saw the gradual merger of Jewish traditions and Mithraism, or Roman sun-worship, with the celebration of December 25 as the birthday of Jesus Christ as a symbol of this unholy marriage.Sources:
Source: http://sitsshow.blogspot.com/2015/12/occult-meanings-of-winter-solstice-and.html
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