Friday, October 18, 2013

Quick Project XIII update: Servers are down...

Goooooooood Morning!
This is just a quick update- and I ask if people can share this info around on the web please.

PROJECT XIII is currently down.  Caleb is having the servers moved and there seems to of been a delay. He thinks that it will only be maybe another 6 hours at the most till they are back up and running.
In other news, I've been peering over Caleb's shoulder and watching him work on all sorts of new stuff for PXIII and ....... WOW!!!!  Caleb and his team have been just ripping along and creating amazing new bits and pieces to the program- many might seem like small things to the casual observer, but they make a BIG difference to ease of use and user controlability.  (I think I might of just created a new word there!).

As soon as the next stage is launched, Caleb and I will sit down and do another recorded discussion to introduce the latest innovations to PXIII.

About Project XIII:

Project XIII was originally created to facilitate data exchanges between groups of people who had reasons to know each other in the real world. It was the brain child of a software dev who was looking to create a solution that didn't sell your information or advertise to you. The VEXS protocol, based loosely off of Isaac Asimov's I Robot, was born out of a desire to see software fall under the hands of the people it was written to serve; not create a creature that runs amok of social norms. We hope that you'll participate in this experience. Join forces with a team of people who believe that thus far the role of software in society has been misused - who want to see software used in it's proper place. Help us in correcting that balance.

Technology Used with Project XIII
It is important to realize that Project XIII does not bring new technology to the forefront. Rather, it leverages existing technology to provide a safe and secure environment to exchange data. The system moves all data from the device -> cloud -> device as encrypted information. The cloud can't read the actual data as the encryption has separated the data from the information. All the cloud sees is encrypted data. As a result the cloud removes the data after three days. There's no point in keeping it. By doing this we have turned the cloud into a relay between devices. Nothing more. Your data can't be mined, harvested, monetized, studied or anything else. The platform currently uses 256 bit military grade AES keys to protect your data. All transactions to the cloud are wrapped in a 128 bit SSL connection for another layer of security.


Project XIII is totally separate from the I UV INchange.

The PXIII software application is a specific tool designed to let people share data back and forth in a secure, non “harvesting” environment. It is designed as a tool to give subscribers a safe secure platform to share their data and to interact with the people they choose to interact with, like they might on Facebook, or other social networking platforms. It is designed to allow people the space to do that without their data or energy being harvested by the PTW (Powers That Were).

When the “mechanism” of the tool known as the I UV INchange is released, it will be one of many tools that subscribers of Project XIII can access. By “mechanism” we mean the component that gives people access to their value in a way that is “spendable” and can be used to buy a loaf of bread or purchase a product or pay for a service or an experience.

Project XIII software is a valuable tool to do exactly what it is designed to do. People will want to subscribe to Project XIII because they want to make use of the unique functions it provides.

The I UV INchange is totally separate from Project XIII, although when it’s rolled out, Project XIII will be an access point for it.


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