Wednesday, July 30, 2014

PESWiki/PowerPedia: Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

The Dynamic Theory of Gravity of Nikola Tesla explains the relation between gravitation and electromagnetic force as a unified field theory (a model over matter, the aether, and energy). It is a unified field theory to unify all the fundamental forces (such as the force between all masses) and particle responses into a single theoretical framework.


Tesla's proposition that gravity is a field effect is being given more serious consideration by researchers. At the time of his announcement, his critique on Einstein's work was considered by the scientific establishment to exceed the bounds of reason. While this theory is disputed by some or simply ignored by others, it does not change the clear indication of the resurfacing of many supposedly "new" ether based theories by current scientists. Initially developed between 1892 and 1894 during the period in which he was conducting experiments with high frequency and high potential currents and electromagnetism, it was subsequently never officially published. Though these principles guided his future research and experiments, Tesla did not announce his theory until near the end of his life after he had been disillusioned by the war efforts. The Dynamic Theory of Gravity neither appears nor is mentioned anywhere in standard Tesla informative sites and reportedly, is still classified and unavailable under the FOIA.

Dynamic theory of gravity

Tesla published a prepared statement on his 81st birthday (July 10, 1937) critiquing Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. The following is a portion of that statement:

"... Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curving of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies, and producing the opposite effects, straightening out the curves. Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible - But even if it existed it would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena."
"My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the entire scientific records in more than a half dozen languages for a long time without finding the least anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by the statement: There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment." — Nikola Tesla

While this statement asserted that Tesla had "worked out a dynamic theory of gravity" that he soon hoped to give to the world, he reportedly died before he publicized the details. There is still a halo of mystery around his death - even the exact date is not certain. It is speculated that his death may have been caused by too much "pressure" by agents in order to extract and obtain the secret documents regarding this theory.

Unfortunately few details were publicly revealed by Tesla about his theory. Available details argument against space being curved by gravitational effects, which leads some to believe Tesla failed to understand Einstein's theory is not about curved space at all, but curved space-time. However, there is disagreement about Tesla's exact understanding of Einstein's theories; Tesla was actively conducting tangible experiments during the time of Einstein's theoretical research. He underlined that time was a mere man-made reference used for convenience and as such the idea of a "curved space-time" was delusional, hence there was no basis for the Relativistic "space-time" binomium concept.

Tesla's aether concept

It is important to correctly comprehend Tesla's unique aether concept as several popular researchers in the field have not done. Tesla's aether is analogous to the classical aether "gas" theory.

"Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance." (Grotz, 1997)

Tesla's aether is a rarefied gas having extreme elasticity. It allows ponderable matter to pass almost freely through it, waves in it are electromagnetic waves and electrostatic, gravitational and magnetic forces are all directly related to the aether. It is important to note that there are major errors in the works of several major Tesla researchers, they have incorrectly deduced from Tesla's pre-1900 lectures on alternate currents of high potential that Tesla said his aether could be "polarized" and made "rigid" through a particular high frequency alternator and single terminal coil (ex. 1892 lecture in London) and 2 metal plates which he "suspended" in the air making the space between them rigid "privately" on one another (ed. the Tesla Effect). Tesla believed his aether to be an insulating medium and after studying the lectures in detail it becomes apparent that he is in fact talking about polarizing and solidifying the air, not the aether. Also his aether is said to be carriers immersed in an insulating medium as supposedly quoted from one of his high frequency lectures. This is incorrect as reading it properly it states that the air is the carriers and the insulating medium is the aether. In 1894, Tesla invented a special bulb (which was the ultimate result of his research in vacuum tubes; the unipolar "targetless" bulb) which augmented this technology to create "tubes of force" which could be used for motive power (what Tesla later cited as "veritable ropes of air"). Note that the tubes of force is only a theory and without proof should not be taken seriously.

Theory structure

Tesla said he had fully developed his Dynamic Theory of Gravity and "worked it out in all the details". This aether-based theory, which initially was developed between 1893-94, explained gravity and directly linked it to electromagnetic phenomena, explaining also that the sun and all stars emit "primary solar rays" which in turn produce secondary radiations. Tesla's theory states that the phenomena produced by electromagnetic forces is the most important phenomenon in the universe. According to portions from his theory, mechanical motions are universally a result of electromagnetic force acting upon and through media Unfortunately, no mathematical details of the theory have officially surfaced.

Tesla demonstrated that all bodies have electrical content and as such, are all moving charges as our earth hurls through space at incredible speed (hence 'dynamic'). He demonstrated, through the use of his particular evacuated tubes and high voltage coils powered by specifically designed high frequency alternators, how earth emanates "microwaves" and how it behaves as a charged sphere. Based on these discoveries and their confirmation at Colorado Springs, he developed and tested his first electromagnetic machine that could fly "devoid of sustaining wings, propellers or gas bags".

Non-hertzian waves

In the Responses to Questions on December 20, 2000 of various authors and researchers concerning Mr. Tesla, it is reported that Tesla's concept of "electromagnetic momentum" appears to have been gleamed from Maxwell's original work (ed. the equation usually referred to as the Maxwell's equation in use today were written by Oliver Heaviside and could rightly then be called the "Maxwell-Heaviside equations"). Tesla was familiar with the quaternion notation in Maxwell's work and often referred to Maxwell's books. Tesla also conveyed the notion of J. Zenneck's longitudal ground wave as the non-Hertzian wave he was talking about. These are now known today in microwave field theory as "surface waves". Tesla calls attention to a "field of force" being indispensable for explaining the movements of astronomical objects (a concept that fields model the phenomenon more precisely). Heaviside himself offered "a gravitational and electromagnetic analogy" (The Electrician, 1893). Others have continued this line of work. Oleg D. Jefimenko wrote the book "Causality, electromagnetic induction, and gravitation : a different approach to the theory of electromagnetic and gravitational fields" (Star City [West Virginia] : Electret Scientific Co., c1992. ISBN 0917406095 ).


This theory is a logical extension of the rotating magnetic field model. According to the Swami Vivekananda,

"the Vedantic Prana and Akasha and the Kalpas, which according to [Tesla was] the only theories modern science can entertain [... he] thinks he can demonstrate that mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential energy" (Grotz, 1997)

Tesla electromagnetics are composed of potentials and their corresponding motion. This potential's motion causes in the surrounding medium an equivalent and opposite effect (determining the positive and negative character of the medium). Some elements of the theory may include:

All ponderable bodies are constantly in motion in through space.

Absence of a medium would result in no electromagnetic forces (the space-vacuum fabric is a medium, the aether (the ultimate medium))

Ponderable bodies and other media filling space all possess a dielectric level.

Motion through space produces the "illusion of time".

Mechanical effects are produced by electromagnetic forces acting through media (i.e., momentum and inertia is electromagnetic in nature; Energy is force over time)

A media exposed to resonant vibrations of electromagnetic force interact.

Electromagnetic energy fills all space (referred to as radiant energy).

Electromagnetic force is a phenomenon produced through the medium in space (eg., the result of the medium acting upon ponderable matter).

Modulating Wideband frequencies of electromagnetic phenomenon permeate through all media (akin to spread spectrums).

Self-regenerative hetrodyning electromagnetic fields condense through the medium in space.
Electromagnetic potentials arrange themselves in groups according to the medium's polarization and the medium's dielectric resistance.

Electromagnetic fields interact and produce rotating fields.

Electromagnetic entropy returns energy to potentials.

Electromagnetic potentials of high frequency produce: [a] lower environmental interaction, [b] uniform movement without rotation through space-time, and [c] electromagnetic saturation [i.e., plasmas]

Stationary low frequency electromagnetics behave as waves.

Medium's electromagnetic fields creates attractive forces from negative polarity [or what is commonly referred to as "gravity"].

Tesla never referred to "space-time" directly, referring instead to the concept of the "primary substance". He also never used this relativistic "twin" term. He considered time as a mere man-made "measure" of the rate at which events occur such as a distance travelled (in miles or kms) in a certain period of time, for a frame of reference. He considered the "curving" of space to be absurd (putting it in gentle terms) saying that if a moving body curved space the "equal and opposite" reaction of space on the body would "straighten space back out".

Contrasts and knowledge

Tesla's theory put him in direct contrast with the re-emerging Relativity theory, which is that energy does not directly originate from matter or vice versa, but that matter behaves as a medium for forces to act upon or to act through, and that without matter there is no Energy (nor Force) and vice versa (he said a body without force is like a body without a mind).

All this energy (sometimes viewed as "Zero Point Energy") comes from the environment (through aether or the "medium") and reverts back to the environment giving life to matter, forming a "closed circuit" through one way or the other (being "accessed" more efficiently or less based on the methodology). It is omnipresent, day or night, and is "re-emitted" by every star in our universe naturally including our sun. Tesla knew every "ponderable body" had an electrical content, and as such, proportionally interacted with the surrounding aether. The earth is like a charged sphere hurling through space (thus a current, hence magnetic field), around the sun powered by it's primary rays (and giant electric currents along "frozen magnetic lines of force", according to the works of Hannes Alfven mentioned in Lehrner's "The Big Bang Never Happened" ISBN 067974049X ).

The observed effects of solar flares through earth's magnetic field, and auroras at the poles, also manifest themselves through high voltage distribution overloads in certain areas due to these high energy/radiation "bursts". As the Earth rotates and revolves around the sun at great speed, a portion of the aether is polarized (is "rigidified" by "rapidly varying electrostatic forces" emitted by the Earth) and carried along by the electric field of the Earth which decreases with the inverse square of the distance from the Earth. Tesla measured these electrostatic emissions with a particular partially evacuated tube which he could orient as desired and watch the wave patterns change shape.

Here come into play the "tubes of force" (Faraday, Lord Kelvin, Maxwell, J.J. Thomson) that - due to independent charge ratio depending on density and electrical content - are absorbed by bodies and impart a downward momentum (thus "gravity" is a downward push, not a pull) creating the sensation of a "gravity field". It is the interaction between the electrical content of every "dynamic" body with aether carriers (comprising tubes of force) that results in momentum being imparted to a body (an electromagnetic to mechanical interconversion). It is an endless "circuit loop" that continuously keeps everything in motion in our universe (Tesla's "Wheelwork of Nature") which if understood can give the ability to achieve "any desired result".

This "carrier exchange" is constant, but can be artificially manipulated using high voltage direct current brush and appropriate high voltage high frequency alternating current potentials in order to block or reduce it. Every moving body in our universe transverses this omni-directional radiation and interacts with the aether since all media have electrical content. The important fact is that the aether can convert the weaker, mechanical force, to the much stronger electromagnetic one. This holds the key to increasing "work" over a period of time. This exchange is constantly occurring in our universe and is it's unlimited "prime mover".

Einstein and relativity

As an alternative to Einstein's general relativity (the original relativity theory came from R. Boscovich, [1711-1787]), the Dynamic Theory of Gravity explained the fields of gravity through electrodynamics. Tesla stated that there was no energy in matter other than that received from its environment: he did not accept the mass-energy equivalence as delineated by special relativity. Tesla rejected this concept from Einstein, as the special relativity theory's principles ignored gravitional effects.
One must keep in mind that Einstein was involved with aether theories of the time (one of his first papers was titled, "The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields"). He had access to patents and documentation as he worked as a library clerk at the Swiss patent office since 1902 and undoubtly gave more than a good look at them, before the Relativistic theory popped up for the second time (the original being the theory of Boscovich). Einstein himself said,

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources".

Einstein has been accused, by his detractors (historically and even recently), of plagiarizing other people's work without giving them any credit. Einstrein's work at the patent office early in his career gave him plenty of information, also. Aether is the "ultimate" medium (Tesla often interchanged the term "medium" with "aether") - being a perfect fluid and transporting independent carriers. Tesla said that electromagnetic radiation was propagated, like sound waves in the ether.

Wardenclyffe Tower, Long Island, NY

Blog Post Source:

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Fix The World FREE QEG CICU Certification Course...

Let's Get Ready for What's Coming!

The final completion of self-running on the QEG will bring about a major change for many who have been following its development. This time is almost upon us, and we at FTW want to make sure that The People are ready for whats coming!

We’ve seen a lot in the last 10 months. The world of free energy is filled with a wide variety of people with both positive and negative intentions. We’ve also seen a lot of agenda’s and attempts at distraction. We’ve taken all of this insight and put it into this course to help others who will walk down a similar path.

Some Important Highlights from the QEG Family
and Fix the World Team:

-The QEG is NOT new technology. It is based on technology that has been suppressed for 130 years.

-The QEG is NOT the most advanced technology. Because this technology was patented by Tesla 130 years ago, many more discoveries in free energy have been made since this time. We know of a lot of incredible inventions, none of which are actually accessible to the people. This is for many reasons of which we have highlighted in the course.

-Opensourcing, crowdfunding and a co-development environment are the pivotal strengths behind the movement that has been created by the QEG.

-THE QEG IS THE PEOPLES DEVICE. The People desired it, supported it and funded it. FTW has acted in service to The People by making it accessible. Devices that are patented, held secretly in labs, non-disclosure agreements, etc. are not new paradigm ways of helping the People.

We encourage other inventors to open source and share their technology without fear. We encourage CICU’s to strive towards a new paradigm way of doing business. The People of this world need this change and it is up to each and every one of us to be the example of how this can be done.

CICU Certification Course

FTW has put together this special FREE self-taught interactive course to help those who are interested in building QEG’s for others in their community. Whether you are building a QEG, want to build one, or are just interested in following this incredible development as it sweeps the planet, this course is just for you! The course is 1 hour 12 minutes long and is available in video format on Youtube and also in a written pdf document. There are exercises included in the course with an accompanying document where individuals can write out their own answers.

Topics covered in this course are:

Basics and Definitions
New Paradigm Business Model
FTW CICU Give Back Agreement Proposal
Opensourcing and Co-Development Environment
Introduction to Crowdfunding
CICU Logistics
CICU Marketing and Social Media
Funding your CICU and CICU Crowdfunding Form
CICU Networking and Registration Form
Final Overview and Next Steps

Instructions for Completing the Course

1.Follow CICU Certification Course (links to youtube movie and the pdf)
2. Register on
2.Take the CICU quiz at be-do .com
3. Add your CICU to the directory and select the ´certificate´ field if you have passed the test

Important Accompanying Documents

CICU Certification Course You Tube Video Link Website Link

CICU Certification Course PDF

CICU Certification Course Checklist Template (Download File from Source)

FTW QEG CICU Giveback Agreement (Download File from Source)

CICU Course Certificate


Thursday, July 24, 2014

OPAL North East Region Gathering 2014: Event Schedule at Strawberry Hill Farm in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire USA

One People Absent Limits Gathering 2014
North East Region Interface

August 15th, 16th, & 17th -Friday through Sunday
“Connecting to Co-Create Balance and Abundance”

Strawberry Hill Farm
40 Chick Road
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire 03894

Opening at 3 pm Friday and closing Sunday at 3 pm
With lots of community sharing in between. 


-Natural Healing
-Music & Drumming
-Off Grid Energy Resources
-Educational Tables
-Esoteric Translations & Readings
-Rocks and Minerals
EVENTS and other DETAILS below:

Please note:  If YOU are interested in attending  and participating, bringing and sharing at this event, please pre-register  for events per the schedule INCLUDING which event and how many are attending... 

DO BRING TO SHARE: pot luck foods, cooler, chairs, drums or your favorite musical instruments, Global Recovery research and information or programs, etc.  

Day 1: Friday, August 15th

3:00 pm - Great Circle formation with participant introductions
6:00 pm - Pot Luck Supper
7:30 pm - "The One People" line dance (demonstration, instruction, and group participation) followed by a One People Absent Limits community "Free Dance" with live music 

Day 2: Saturday, August 16th

Information Tables open all day 
9:00 am - Pot Luck Breakfast
10:00 am – Facilitated Group Discussion - "Completed work of the OPPT - I AM Sovereignty for all Humanity"
12:30 pm - Pot Luck Lunch
2 pm – Facilitated Group Discussion - "O.P.A.L. Community Switchboard - Alternative Currencies and Value Exchange"
4 pm – Facilitated Group Discussion – “Alternative Energy Sources for the New Paradigm”
6:00 pm - Pot Luck Supper 
Dusk - Camp Fire - Singing, dancing, drumming, chanting, and storytelling

Day 3: Sunday, August 17th

8:00 am - Pot Luck Breakfast
Information Tables open 10 am – 3:00 pm
10:00 am – Great Circle Formation and Group Meditation
Noon  - Pot Luck lunch 
1:00 pm - Cleanup of Strawberry Hill Farm

The I AM in You is the same I AM in Me... Namaste.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Hello Everyone Everywhere,

My name is Joseph, a participant in the OPAL Northeast Region Interface, and we're inviting anyone interested in celebrating the birth of a New Paradigm to a One People Absent Limits community Gathering at Strawberry Hill Farm in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire USA... Either in density or online via the Internet, let us BE and DO in synchronicity together as ONE (heart).

Since February 8, 2013 I have been aware of the completed work of the former One People's Public Trust and have been listening to the internet radio shows relevant to this foreclosure on every corporation and perceived government on the planet. My spiritual journey began when I was 17 years of age at the time of my introduction to Jesus of Nazareth from an evangelical Christian fundamentalist perspective. At age 26 this expanded to include all spiritual traditions on Earth with guidance from Baba Ram Dass and Sufi Islam.

My interest in creating conscious community began with a Social Ecology course in college and a subscription to The Mother Earth News back in 1970. While hitch hiking across the USA in May of 1971 I spent one night on an organic farm in western Massachusetts and set sights on building a self-sufficient homestead in northern Vermont soon afrter that. Then I read about the success of Twin Oaks in Louisa, Virginia and knew my greater calling was to establish an intentional community. My purchase of 14 acres in central Maine determined the location for Lanternshire, an Earth-based intentional community project which never reached beyond the construction of a small camp on the site due to lack of funds. Since then, I married and raised two children (now grown) and studied applied metaphysics.  At a convention of students and graduates of this school in Sedona, AZ I gave a talk: "Synthesis of Intentional Community" on May 8, 2013. This is a merging of my decentralized political philosophy, which was fine-tuned during involvement in the Occupy movement, and the concept of everyone living IN-Community all over the planet in co-operation and harmony...

Two recent blog posts at Lantern of the Hermit on Blogger:

Thursday, July 3, 2014

I AM Sovereign... One People Absent Limits

OPAL Gathering 2014
Northeast Region Interface

"Connecting to co-create balance and abundance"

Festival Dates: August 15th-17th, 2014
Friday through Sunday

Location: Strawberry Hill Farm, 40 Chick Road, Wolfeboro, NH 03894

Artists - Psychic Reading - Numerology - Permaculture - Horticulture - Healing - Meditation - Holistic Wellness - Music - Drumming - Off Grid Energy Resources - Educational tables - Rocks and Minerals & more...

for details and updates visit:

Blog post link: 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

August 15-17, 2014 (Friday, Saturday, & Sunday) EVERYWHERE!

OPAL Northeast Region Interface is hosting an aspect of global implementation on a "human scale" (maximum capacity 100) at Strawberry Hill Farm in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire USA on the same calendar dates and days of the Woodstock Music and Art Fair in 1969 at White Lake, NY. Intention is set for One People Absent Limits to gather at local events all over Gaia for 3 days culminating in synchronized mystical meditation at high noon in local time zones and a sounding of the universal chord OM as a catalyst for triggering The Event... ending the Game of Contrast upon reaching critical mass... Wake up, Humanity... The time is NOW for BEing the Change we want to see in the world... Brian Kelly said it so well: We are the ones we've been waiting for, and we are done waiting. LET'S MAKE THIS EXPONENTIALLY GO VIRAL!

I AM (You Are, We Are) Sovereign... Eternal Essence INbody.
Joseph David Henry Ware Bryan-Royster

a Lamplighter, one of many

Here are some background posts on my blog describing the synthesis of humanity IN community:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Green Light is ON... Lanternwalk is NOW!

I AM Lamplighter, One of Many. My Teaching is: How to Light the Lantern located at the Seat of your Soul… the Heart Center. In spectral light, the Color is Green. The Heart is connected to the Crown, spectral light color Violet; to the Third Eye, spectral light color Indigo; and to the Throat, spectral light color Blue… from Above. It is connected to the Solar Plexus, spectral light color Yellow; the Loins, spectral light color Orange; and to the Root, spectral light color Red… from Below.

When we are born, this Lantern is dark. What we see is reflected light… that which is presented and observed through the five physical senses… sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. The sixth sense is inactive because the Soul Lantern is not yet lit. Everything is mirrored. Refraction displays the Illusion of Separation… many Human Beings moving in multiple directions, often conflicting and in opposition or competition… lacking Synchronicity. Harmony is haphazard at best.

Vision of the composite whole is only visible through Internal Illumination… radiating from the Heart Center when you light the Lantern of your Soul. The Ego must stand aside in order for an Aspect to contact Source, through the Heart… the I AM Presence.

Meditation is the Key to Internal Illumination. The mind must be void of conscious thought… No internal dialogue to distract from the Silence of Presence. Seek an imaginary point upon which to focus concentration in the absence of thought. The path to Source traverses the individuated Soul, up the Spine from the Root, to the Sacral, to the Solar Plexus, through the Heart and then connecting the Throat, the Third Eye, and the Crown. As the Root passes down into the core of Gaia, the center of the Earth, the Crown reaches upward into the core of the Sun, heat and Light generator for our planet at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy within the known Universe. Then, Time and Space are transcended as individuality merges into Oneness with the Source – God, who IS the sum total of all aspects, or individual expressions, of Source. We are collectively the Creator manifesting as his/her Creation. There is no separation; only Unity – Oneness. Every aspect of Source exists in Harmony within this Unity.

We are all One Life… One Being having a human experience through the kaleidoscope of separation. Namaste – The I AM in You is the same I AM in Me. Everyone is connected at the Source level, accessible through the Heart center when we silence the Mind and enter a transcendental state of Meditation. Simultaneous Synchronized Meditation has the Power to change the world!

Separation disappears when mind is aligned with Heart in Source… Harmony among all living beings is understood. We see ourselves in Community with everyone else on the planet… and connected with the Universe. When enough people recognize this interconnectedness, reaching critical mass with conscious choice to live in Oneness, Light will shine away the darkness of separation and the Earth will be transformed by our synchronicity of intention. Cooperation replaces competition, as the imbalance of “power over” becomes the harmony of “power within,” so sharing with each other comes naturally to all who center themselves in Heart. We all give and we all receive because we are all One Being. Responsibility is a shared experience and rotates through everyone in Community. We serve each other, build together, pool resources, and make collective decisions via the consensus process. All land in Community is held locally in common. Dwellings are held by inhabitants as long as they participate in Community; going into a pool for re-distribution should they pass away or leave to go elsewhere, such as another local Community.

Open source distribution of goods and services, both within each local Community and among other Communities, replaces the proprietary market system of the old paradigm with a network of cooperative enterprises; Community-based and operating on a work/share basis that is open to everyone who chooses to participate.

In Community together, we share the Light of Source via collective Internal Illumination from our Heart center and synchronized Meditation with the galactic Core Alignment of December 21, 2012 when Earth crossed the Ecliptic, or Event Horizon, which is the black hole at the center of the Milky Way… With our Heart center consciously connected to Source energy, we collectively have the power to change the world by transcending Separation and realizing our Unity as One Being in the Universe. We manifest as a multiplicity of multi-dimensional Aspects for the purpose of expressing of our collective creativity… Namaste.

The I AM in You is the same I AM in Me. We are all One! When the Soul Lantern is lit with the Light of Source we shine direct Light via our Heart center, thus replacing the reflected light mirrored by the five senses. Our sixth sense awakens, and the Unity of all life forms is revealed as we see with our Third Eye as directed by Heart… Lanternwalk is Community. We synchronize our minds in Heart and walk together in the Light of Source. Egos vanish in collective Mind when it is immersed in Heart. Separation ceases to exist. No “power over,” no hierarchy… only horizontal relationships among each other emanating “power within” as God, the Universal Source, dwells within each One of Us.

We stand together, wherever we are on the surface of this planet, as Watchers for the cusp of this global Paradigm Shift in Consciousness… the Awakening of Lightworkers everywhere! As Gatekeepers, we hold the Light of Source and shine our Heart Lamps as Beacons for all who choose to wake up and Unify together building Community on Earth… and sharing this Unity in Source with all who are willing to heed the call and join us… as Participants in the Great Shift triggered by the alignment of Earth and the Galactic center of the Milky Way.

We are Lamplighters, now Awakened in our Heart center with the Light of Source, and are called to share the Key to Internal Illumination; Mystical Meditation. Only by going inward, may we experience the Oneness of God, the Universal Source of Life, and only by shining our Heart Light may we enjoy Community with other Awakened Human Beings… in order to Light the dark Lanterns yet to know the Quickening of Spirit which comes with receiving Illumination within the Heart Center.

Lanternwalk is the sharing of this Internal Illumination by Walking in the Light among others, whether or not their Lanterns are Lit… for darkness ALWAYS flees the Light. Release any fear, Open your Heart to Source, and let the Flame of Spirit light the Candle of your Soul Lantern NOW!

Monday, April 8, 2013


The One People's Public Trust (OPPT) via Universal Commercial Code (UCC) filings has revealed the truth that all humanity is Eternal Essence Embodied. Everyone is an equal aspect of Source energy.

The Key to creating a catalyst for triggering The Event (release of Absolute Data) is Synchronicity in purpose by as many Embodiments of Universal Essence as possible. This will cross the threshold of critical mass and collapse the enslavement matrix of separation which eclipses our true unity in Source.

Now is the time to share this message and make it go viral. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for… and it is up to us to collectively create the necessary Synchronicity for crossing this threshold together as sovereign human beings and understand that everyone everywhere is Universal Essence Embodied and we are the ones who are called to determine the timeframe for the Event through networking our Love Light (Heart Energy) with each other until critical mass is reached and Absolute Data is released. Then all humanity awakens in synchronicity… and we all know who we really are.

Recognize that you and everyone else is Eternal Essence Embodied. Your Soul is a Lantern shining the Light of Source among others who are shining the Light of Source through their Soul Lanterns. The time has come for us to gather together in synchronicity and Walk as One Light united in Source Energy. Let us increase the number of Awakened Souls by sharing our collective Walk in the Light, knowing we are all Eternal Essence Embodied, BE’ING and DO’ING until The Event happens and Absolute Data is received.


Synchronized “Flash Mob” distribution of the Foreclosure Flyer via Internet Web sites, E-mail, and printed hard copy hand-outs
Synchronized “Walking away” in non-compliance with hierarchal control systems on an individual level and spontaneous creation of horizontal co-operatives everywhere.
Reveal the truth that all Humanity is Eternal Essence Embodied and everyone is equal in the Light of Universal Source (because the OPPT filings with the UCC have demonstrated the One Life Principle of Applied Metaphysics by restoring everything to Prime).

Share our Awakening in synchronicity with everyone we meet until reaching critical mass together which triggers The Event (release of Absolute Data and the ending of separation in the Universe).

Remember, we are all equal Aspects of Universal Source, Eternal Essence Embodied, so let us gather together and shine our Soul Lanterns as ONE LIGHT. This is the true meaning of LANTERNWALK...

The I AM in You is the same I AM in Me… Namaste
Joseph David Henry Ware Bryan-Royster, Eternal Essence Embodied

WE HAVE THE POWER WITHIN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US IN OUR HEART CENTER TO DO THIS COLLECTIVELY IN SYNCHRONICITY AND INITIATE MASS ENTRY IN TO THE NEW PARADIGM! Please share this with everyone there within the One People Community in Aouchtam, Morocco and Let's get this done together NOW! Thank you, Everyone....

Namaste, Joseph

Relevant links to this email message:

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Transparent Assessment of Challenges Faced During FTW QEG 3-Month Global Build Tour. Plus, target date for Phase 3 (Self Running) Completion.

The purpose of this blog post is to highlight some of the challenges the QEG team has met along the way.

We would like to begin this post in a position of love and compassion for all of humanity, especially the thousands of beautiful souls that are investing their hearts, time and money into bringing free energy to this planet and free us all. We at FTW recognize fully that we are all in transition at this time, which can mean many different things. The open-sourcing and co-development of something like this has never been done this way before, and while we work on creating a new way of collaborating together, there are sure to be challenges and the need to clear and cleanse some of the old ways.

The best way to do this is through the transparent presentation of pure data. This can be a beacon of clarity to help us wade through all the emotions, opinions, and other distractions that get in the way of our collective progress. With data, each individual will have what they need to make informed decisions and follow their hearts.

As stated in our last campaign update, what has happened as a result of the 3rd phase QEG build in the UK, and co-development around the world, is strong, sturdy and monumental growth for the way that free energy is being brought through to the people, after hundreds of years of suppression.

Before we go into details of the challenges of each of the builds, it is important to explain more about the methodology and working style of James Robitaille, the one responsible for bringing this to the world in this way.

James is not impatient. He is slow and methodical and very careful with each step he takes. He paces himself and measures twice before doing anything. For him, engineering work is like meditation.

James is a non-degreed engineer, meaning, he does not have the same conditioning that the traditional academic system imposes on the entire energy industry (see supporting video HERE). Because of this, he does not have to “unlearn” what many had to learn. Also because of this, he was the top engineer for a major motor manufacturing company for 26 years. They saw his gift, as all of those who have worked with him can see. This company also went through several downsizings, but even through this his worth and position was recognized and never made redundant. He left this job of his own free will, to dedicate his talent to building and offering the QEG to humanity.

James now recognizes that all the things he has selected to learn about during the course of his life were pointed towards the development of this project. He now sees the QEG as his life’s work.

James has a background of working in large and small engineering teams in a corporate environment. These environments were controlled, meaning, there were test procedures and need for documentation for everything you do, and all projects had timelines. James usually worked hands on with only one or two other people at any given time, and the left hand always knew what the right hand was doing. This was also in a closed and private environment where distractions were not permitted.

From the Beginning

James received a ‘download’ of information and knew from his engineering skills that if he had the right supplies, he could rebuild one of Tesla’s concepts in the QEG, make it work, and give the plans away to the world. FTW crowdfunded the cost of the supplies to do this.

QEG Build in PA (October 2013 – February 2014)

For the first 5 months, James worked alone on the first QEG in his methodical manner in a closed private environment with no help from any other engineers. During this time he was in development, which meant he had to source all the components for the first time, many of which were hard to locate as they were new. He had many discussions with his suppliers, sent them drawings and schematics (which he first had to make) in order to instruct them how to create the parts (e.g. the stator and all components of the core). He started completely from scratch as his teacher from WITTS only gave him minimal instruction.

Once all the required research was done and the components finally arrived (in January), he began assembly, went through testing, trial and error, and reached resonance within 5 weeks (February 2014). For the preceding 4 months, James had been in conference with Taiwan, who supported development and wanted to build QEGs in their country. It was clearly communicated and understood that this was a prototype in development, it was not delivery of a finished product.

The next steps would be to figure out how to control the power found in the core as the core and its unique design is the key component of the QEG (it is properly designed based on Tesla’s concepts). Directly after open sourcing the QEG, James was strongly encouraged by the Taiwan group to go to Taiwan and together, all would figure out how to control the power generated in the core.

QEG Build in Taiwan (March 26th – April 14th 2014)

Everything was going very well, also very fast…. There were at least 10 engineers working simultaneously at all times (see QEG Build in Taiwan HERE). This allowed Taiwan to assemble the QEG to get it to resonance in record timing (4 days). However, there was excitement, a bit of rushing and some language difficulties, in addition to “too many cooks…” (the head Taiwan Engineer/Factory Owner had experts that he would call, e.g., a motor guy, who brought and set up the motor and controller – see Taiwan Has Resonance video HERE).

Afterwards, they started running the QEG before the core was completely wired up to the load and there was no spark gap installed. The core shorted out. (It was later discovered that this was because it has to be properly loaded at all times.) This was all due to the excitement of having reached resonance and wanting to complete the project ASAP, which actually delayed the build as Taiwan had to take 4 days out of the work schedule to get the core rewound and start again. When they returned with the rewound core, it was discovered that the winding company wound one of the coils in the wrong direction. Rather than lose another 4 days to have this fixed, James decided to try to work around this with the remaining time he had in Taiwan.

It was during this time that they were able to make some discoveries regarding the high voltage as shown in this QEG update video from Taiwan. It should be noted that at this point, the trip had already been prolonged by a week, incurring an additional cost in thousands of dollars in non-refundable cancelled airfare and a newly scheduled flight to Morocco. Also at this time, the winding company had a big wedding and the entire company closed down for a whole week! In the last days of the build, James was not able to get the QEG to self-running because (due to the delay of re-winding the core) he ran out of time, and we could not afford to cancel more tickets that had already been purchased.

So James and Val left to meet up with Hope in Morocco, and Taiwan was left with the job of rewinding their core for the 3rd time (due to human error, not the construction of the core) and continuing development on their own for a time. For the 3 weeks we were in Taiwan, James provided dozens of hours of recorded instructions, and all were confident co-development would continue on the QEG.

QEG Build in Morocco (April 15th – May 25th 2014)

Through crowdfunding and the generosity of the people, FTW was able to donate a QEG to an underdeveloped country, to be able to run a pump on a water well in a very impoverished area. This build was exposed to the public and engineers, physicists and other scientists had an open invitation to come, and come they did – from around the world! As many as 80 people from 24 countries showed up. These were professionals of the highest caliber.

FTW shipped the core to Morocco on March 23rd and it was scheduled to Arrive in Morocco on April 8th. When the QEG family arrived in Morocco on April 15th, the core had still not arrived. Moroccan Customs would not release it. Everyone at the build had to wait another 8 days, while we fought with Customs, until we finally had the core in our possession and were ready to begin the build. While we were waiting for the core, we were trying to source some of the parts that the CICU (cottage industry community unit – for directory go HERE) had been having trouble getting in Morocco.

Once the build finally began, resonance was achieved within 4 days. The next step was tuning, which meant we needed to have plenty of capacitors. We had capacitors shipped overnight from the US which actually took three weeks to arrive due to the Moroccan mail system, so we began to look more locally when it became clear overnight delivery was not happening. This took several more days searching in towns as far as 3-4 hours away. It should also be mentioned that in an effort to move things along, plane tickets were purchased (by a very generous build attendee) for people to fly parts over to Morocco in their suitcase, as this was faster than overnight delivery to Morocco.

Once we finally had the capacitors we started the testing and tuning (next step after resonance). This took 6 days to go through enough testing to find the correct combination for the next necessary step: overunity. As soon as the formula was found, the individual who was at the build with the necessary equipment needed to complete this process, had to leave Morocco to return home, taking all his instrumentation with him.

Note: Due to a bad signal, we had working internet in Morocco only 3-5% of the time that we were there (which was up to 6 weeks). During this time, the free energy community of believers and non-believers were asking for data and proof of concept. To meet this demand from the public, James stayed on in Morocco and waited for someone from the UK to fly in with £50,000 in equipment necessary to produce the numbers everyone wanted to see. It took him 5 days to tune properly to produce the numbers and create this video. James’ dedication to The People who funded this project motivated him to spend the extra 5 days producing the proof of concept everyone wanted to see. After making the video, the free energy community began a debate over what was considered “usable power vs. raw power” and also debated what the true definition of overunity is. This initiated an additional delay; James spent another 4 days documenting overnunity to provide the numbers people were demanding, and created this video and report.

The next step James hoped to complete for the Moroccan build was to use a transverter to convert the power out of the core in order to get it to self-running. A transverter, or components to build one, was not available in Morocco. As a plan “B” James saw the possibility of getting the same effect using a transformer, which he tried and it didn’t work (because it changed the resonant frequency). However there is a possibility that it could work after impedance matching, which required components and instruments that were not available in Morocco. James then tried to work with the exciter coil to produce the same effect, but could not complete it for the same reasons: lack of instrumentation and components in Morocco.

At this time, we ran out of money and had to launch a new campaign for Phase 3: Self-running, which we were encouraged to do in a more developed country, where what was needed would be more readily available. (You can read more about the Morocco QEG Build HERE.)

QEG Build in the UK (May 25th – June 26th 2014)

We developed many relationships in Morocco. One of which was Ray, who invited the QEG family to come to stay with him in the UK for a private build that would get us to self-running. He ordered and paid for all plane tickets and parts. He understood the problems we had all along the tour, recognized the potential of what we were all sitting on, and so provided a space in a country with adequate resources to reach the goal.

It took three weeks to prepare the space for the UK build and order all the parts. This included building a workshop from scratch, ordering a core and having it shipped from the US, and carefully ordering all the other parts. Note: many parts and processes were improved along the way, from our experience building the QEG three times so far, including the insulation system and secondary wire gauge (changed from 10 gauge to 12 gauge) on the core, type of bearings and pulleys used, and the exciter coil (changed from solid to stranded wire).

The UK build began on June 14th. Based on our past experience of the last 3 builds it was safe to assume that we needed 7-10 days to assemble a QEG from scratch, get it to resonance, apply the tuning, and achieve self-running.

One of the engineers at the UK build was invited because he was going to bring the transverter. He came with something else that he thought would do the same thing: a Marcov coil. This coil was put on the core before assembly and tested to prove that VARS (potential power), could be converted to Watts (usable power), in this way. The testing with the Marcov coil took 3 days. The thinking during this time was to prove the concept before assembly so that we would know for sure if we would have self-running using this system later. This may have been a misjudgment of the time we had to complete phase 3, but it seemed like a good idea. Assembly commenced on the 4th day (assembly takes 3-4 days to complete) but on the fifth day we had special guests come to the build to conduct an unexpected spiritual business exercise. This took up the entire day. Assembly commenced on day 6-8. Resonance was then achieved on the evening of June 21st. (See UK Has Resonance video HERE.)

Right after filming the UK QEG reaching resonance, a similar thing happened that happened in Taiwan: the core short-circuited. AGAIN, THIS IS NOT A DEFECT IN THE CORE DESIGN OR PRODUCTION. To further explain, normally after reaching resonance, James would then begin a tuning process to find the best frequency and RPM, which also includes using a spark gap to ensure any excess voltage is diverted away from the core. In a moment of human error, when the guest engineers were focusing on the Marcov coil effects, they disregarded the connections to the core. Someone turned up the RPMs before James had a chance to put a spark gap on, and the core short-circuited as a result. Luckily there was a second core that had been donated to this build and the following day they switched out the cores, installed a spark gap before reaching resonance again, and began the tuning process for the core. The Marcov coil was put on hold in the second assembly, to be returned to later on.

After the core was tuned, next came the tuning of the exciter coil where they were making great progress. This tuning process also takes quite a bit of time as you need to keep testing in order to get the correct combination of capacitance and inductance. Once you’ve figured out this formula, then it will be the same for any replications later on down the line. This is what it means to be “in development”, as we find the answers others can use later on.

At this point, the QEG family had been living on the road for 3 months. Originally, it was planned that James and Val would return home in between the Taiwan and Morocco builds, and home for good on the 18th of April (the UK was not considered in the beginning) to tend to home/life responsibilities. This did not happen due to the delays of the builds. Their last plane tickets back home (including Hope’s ticket) were reserved and paid for By The People for June 26th, were non-refundable and could not be changed.

On his last day, James worked late into the night on tuning the exciter coil. He was literally hours away from self-running when he had to leave the UK. Again, he could not finish phase 3 because we ran out of time.

So here’s where we are now

The entire QEG family is back in Pennsylvania where the first QEG was built. It’s taken 3 weeks for this family to resolve some problems on the home front caused by being away for so long. Due to the new and improved second generation QEG core, some minor adjustments are needed to the workshop set-up, which is what James is now doing. The environment here is drastically different to that of the global tour, and is not subject to interruption. James is not teaching, there is no experimentation, and most of the time-consuming developmental tasks have already been completed. We are at the doorstep of reaching self-running and completing Phase 3 by the end of this month (July).

While James works on the QEG here in the United States to complete the task, the rest of the QEG team are working on the creation of a CICU Certification Training Course. This course will be “self-running”, meaning, anyone can access and take the course on their own, and offered for free to those interested in developing a CICU in their community/country for the distribution and manufacturing of QEG’s.


After doing something like this so publicly, we now step back and take an assessment of some of the experiences we’ve had. We realize that what is about to happen truly will change a lot of things on this planet, and see that perhaps if it were to have happened completely overnight, it may have been quite a shock for some.

Over the last three months a mycelline distribution network has begun to grow. We were planting seeds all over the world and there are now many QEG’s in different locations waiting for that final step. The following are countries that are either preparing to build, or already building, and otherwise in co-development for working QEG prototypes:

Czech Republic
S. Africa

That’s 32 countries and more coming on board weekly! When that final step comes they will all pop up at once! Perhaps humanity needed a few months of linear time to follow the story, to watch the videos, to talk to their friends about it. All of these activities are a way that people can engage and invest their energy for a better future for us all. This way, when the final event does occur, humanity has had a bit of time to get ready for it. We don’t want to shock the new paradigm into existence, we want to usher it in. We know from the generosity of The People who are funding this project that many are ready. Many more will awaken soon.

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the folks at Torelco for working with the global QEG community to be able to provide the highest quality core every step of the way in development. They have perfected the new insulation system of vacuum epoxy impregnation, and all the engineers purchasing these can feel confident in its performance. Be sure to install your spark gap and tune properly (watch for updated Build Manual coming soon!), and your core will bring you great results.