Photographic Anomalies on the Cusp of The Event...
Nothing like setting intention & having it go sideways, lol! I had this pic aligned "portrait" only to have it displayed as "landscape."
Photos of me in Magic Coat & Wizard Hat were taken by my son Damian on the back porch of his home in Crossville, Tennessee.
The distorted image still displays on my phone, but not on my computer! I don't get this... The two devices should match, however they do not. Incoming waves of energy must be the culprit, LOL!
Squished image: displayed Landscape instead of Portrait view. It's on my phone, yet I can't transfer it to my computer! WTF?
Multidimensional Key in the Sky...Now you See it, now you don't... but then you do!
An online friend in Lisa M. Harrison's members group sent an image of this to me via Homeward Bound and Beyond chat on Zoom, however someone else sent it too. (these pics were taken in Canada). Now I can't find either of them on my phone. Both images were gone. I asked this friend to re-send it, so I included it in my revision of post.
Are these images of a key? My Heart says this is Key to Threshold Gate on Paradigm Bridge leading Home. This Bridge also serves as a Portal... going from anywhere here in the Construct, to everywhere in the Multiverse!
I used it in Dream-time to travel to my vine-covered cottage with three dormers on the roof at Home.
The Key is within everyone's Heart!
Namaste', Joseph
I thought clipboard on smartphone was empty, lol!
Illustration from Sydney R. Jones book that I found in England on my honeymoon in 1986, a reprint of book my grandparents had when I was growing up. My dream on 10/28/2019 showed my cottage at Home, in a snippet of it when I turned around on a hill to see it (as dream faded into waking consciousness). It was the middle of the night. To early to rise!
That "paste" was in error (on clipboard already)... Image I wanted to share, won't load! (Squished image: displayed Landscape instead of Portrait view)
Shifting frequencies are scrambling the transmission of signals over WiFi it seems to me. The "Mandela Effect" seems to be creating multiple timelines and we're bouncing among them frequently.
I AM ready to exit the Construct & Be Home. Anytime Leeloo... How about You?
Note: "Squished" image of me in Magic Coat and Wizard Hat is GONE from my phone... Mandela Effect?
THE MANDELA EFFECT | Official HD Trailer (2019) | DRAMA | Film Threat Trailers
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