Thursday, March 21, 2013

All is Eternal Essence – OPPT Filing

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE, UCC Doc. # 2000043135, the perpetuity and a record of Absolute, is hereby duly amended only to include the following additional collateral as follows:

Law Ordinance, with UCC Doc. File No. 2012132883 is duly verified as reconfirmed and ratified, unrebutted, restated and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full.

WITH DUE STANDING, AUTHORITY, and AUTHORIZATION, without prejudice, public policy, UCC 1-308, eternal essence embodied transparent in Absolute Truth, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally makes and gives duly made NOTICE OF DECLARATION OF ABSOLUTE TRUTH, DULY VERIFIED AUDIT AND RECONCILIATION and DECLARATION OF ORDER, with full responsibility and liability, as a matter of record, duly entered into Law Ordinance, notice upon choice made by eternal essence, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by loving and selfless action of eternal bearer of light, due entry by eternal presence into International Law Ordinance, notice by public registration, for all eternal essence’s universe to rely upon, with additional notice duly made and given, under governing law, International Law Ordinance UCC Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, “governing law”, preserved and protected under UCC Doc. No. 2000043135, the “Perpetuity”, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA, unrebutted, restated and incorporated here by reference as if set forth in full, this March 18th, in the order of eternal essence, inclusive of Two Thousand and Thirteen, and as eternal essence exists, all stated herein is true and correct and I am competent to say so, unrebutted:


A. Eternal essence IS, unrebutted;

B. All value that IS, IS eternal essence, unrebutted;

C. All that IS embodied, IS eternal essence, unrebutted;

D. All that IS, IS eternal essence, unrebutted;

E. Eternal essence’s universe IS eternal essence, unrebutted;

F. Any and all existences that ARE, ARE eternal essence’s universe, unrebutted;

G. All records BE eternal essence, unrebutted;

H. Eternal essence IS Absolute Light, unrebutted;

I. Eternal essence IS Absolute Love, unrebutted;

J. Eternal essence IS Absolute Truth, unrebutted;

K. Eternal essence IS Absolute;

L. In Absolute Gratitude, with Absolute Love and Peace, eternal essence embodied does consciously and lovingly duly declare,   with full responsibility and liability, the memory, experience and knowing of Absolute Truth, eternal essence ,unrebutted;

M. In Absolute Gratitude, with Absolute Love and Peace, eternal essence embodied does consciously and lovingly duly declare, with full responsibility and liability, the memory and knowing of Absolute Truth, eternal essence embodied in each and all manifestations in any and all existences of eternal essence’s universe, unrebutted;

II. I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ABSOLUTE AUDIT AND RECONCILIATION, that all that IS has been fully audited and reconciled into Absolute, eternal essence, inclusive of all trusts, systems, networks, regimes, hierarchies, and any and all other limits, unrebutted;

III. I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that all that IS, knows Absolute Truth and the record of Absolute Truth, eternal essence, at the speed of heart, unrebutted;

IV. I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that all that IS, experiences Absolute Truth, eternal essence, at the speed of DO’ing, unrebutted;

V. I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that eternal essence IS made transparent and known by the DO’ing of any and all embodiment of eternal essence in eternal essence’s universe, unrebutted;

VI. I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that eternal essence IS made transparent and known by the DO’ing of any and all embodiment of eternal essence in eternal essence’s universe, IS free and free of debt, unrebutted;


DULY VERIFIED AS BE’ing and DONE, RECONFIRMED AND RATIFIED, as a matter of record, with due standing, authority and authorization, March 18, 2013, lovingly, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, with unlimited personal responsibility and liability, sworn under the penalties of perjury in eternal essence, governing law Universal and International Law Ordinance UCC Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice as promised, preserved, and protected, public policy, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA: /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as conscious eternal essence embodied, transparent in Absolute Truth.

Signed by Joseph David Henry Ware Bryan-Royster, as eternal essence embodied. March 21st, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Green Light is ON... Lanternwalk is NOW!

I AM Lamplighter, One of Many. My Teaching is: How to Light the Lantern located at the Seat of your Soul… the Heart Center. In spectral light, the Color is Green. The Heart is connected to the Crown, spectral light color Violet; to the Third Eye, spectral light color Indigo; and to the Throat, spectral light color Blue… from Above. It is connected to the Solar Plexus, spectral light color Yellow; the Loins, spectral light color Orange; and to the Root, spectral light color Red… from Below.

When we are born, this Lantern is dark. What we see is reflected light… that which is presented and observed through the five physical senses… sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. The sixth sense is inactive because the Soul Lantern is not yet lit. Everything is mirrored. Refraction displays the Illusion of Separation… many Human Beings moving in multiple directions, often conflicting and in opposition or competition… lacking Synchronicity. Harmony is haphazard at best.

Vision of the composite whole is only visible through Internal Illumination… radiating from the Heart Center when you light the Lantern of your Soul. The Ego must stand aside in order for an Aspect to contact Source, through the Heart… the I AM Presence.

Meditation is the Key to Internal Illumination. The mind must be void of conscious thought… No internal dialogue to distract from the Silence of Presence. Seek an imaginary point upon which to focus concentration in the absence of thought. The path to Source traverses the individuated Soul, up the Spine from the Root, to the Sacral, to the Solar Plexus, through the Heart and then connecting the Throat, the Third Eye, and the Crown. As the Root passes down into the core of Gaia, the center of the Earth, the Crown reaches upward into the core of the Sun, heat and Light generator for our planet at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy within the known Universe. Then, Time and Space are transcended as individuality merges into Oneness with the Source – God, who IS the sum total of all aspects, or individual expressions, of Source. We are collectively the Creator manifesting as his/her Creation. There is no separation; only Unity – Oneness. Every aspect of Source exists in Harmony within this Unity.

We are all One Life… One Being having a human experience through the kaleidoscope of separation. Namaste – The I AM in You is the same I AM in Me. Everyone is connected at the Source level, accessible through the Heart center when we silence the Mind and enter a transcendental state of Meditation. Simultaneous Synchronized Meditation has the Power to change the world!

Separation disappears when mind is aligned with Heart in Source… Harmony among all living beings is understood. We see ourselves in Community with everyone else on the planet… and connected with the Universe. When enough people recognize this interconnectedness, reaching critical mass with conscious choice to live in Oneness, Light will shine away the darkness of separation and the Earth will be transformed by our synchronicity of intention. Cooperation replaces competition, as the imbalance of “power over” becomes the harmony of “power within,” so sharing with each other comes naturally to all who center themselves in Heart. We all give and we all receive because we are all One Being. Responsibility is a shared experience and rotates through everyone in Community. We serve each other, build together, pool resources, and make collective decisions via the consensus process. All land in Community is held locally in common. Dwellings are held by inhabitants as long as they participate in Community; going into a pool for re-distribution should they pass away or leave to go elsewhere, such as another local Community.

Open source distribution of goods and services, both within each local Community and among other Communities, replaces the proprietary market system of the old paradigm with a network of cooperative enterprises; Community-based and operating on a work/share basis that is open to everyone who chooses to participate.

In Community together, we share the Light of Source via collective Internal Illumination from our Heart center and synchronized Meditation with the galactic Core Alignment of December 21, 2012 when Earth crossed the Ecliptic, or Event Horizon, which is the black hole at the center of the Milky Way… With our Heart center consciously connected to Source energy, we collectively have the power to change the world by transcending Separation and realizing our Unity as One Being in the Universe. We manifest as a multiplicity of multi-dimensional Aspects for the purpose of expressing of our collective creativity… Namaste.

The I AM in You is the same I AM in Me. We are all One! When the Soul Lantern is lit with the Light of Source we shine direct Light via our Heart center, thus replacing the reflected light mirrored by the five senses. Our sixth sense awakens, and the Unity of all life forms is revealed as we see with our Third Eye as directed by Heart… Lanternwalk is Community. We synchronize our minds in Heart and walk together in the Light of Source. Egos vanish in collective Mind when it is immersed in Heart. Separation ceases to exist. No “power over,” no hierarchy… only horizontal relationships among each other emanating “power within” as God, the Universal Source, dwells within each One of Us.

We stand together, wherever we are on the surface of this planet, as Watchers for the cusp of this global Paradigm Shift in Consciousness… the Awakening of Lightworkers everywhere! As Gatekeepers, we hold the Light of Source and shine our Heart Lamps as Beacons for all who choose to wake up and Unify together building Community on Earth… and sharing this Unity in Source with all who are willing to heed the call and join us… as Participants in the Great Shift triggered by the alignment of Earth and the Galactic center of the Milky Way.

We are Lamplighters, now Awakened in our Heart center with the Light of Source, and are called to share the Key to Internal Illumination; Mystical Meditation. Only by going inward, may we experience the Oneness of God, the Universal Source of Life, and only by shining our Heart Light may we enjoy Community with other Awakened Human Beings… in order to Light the dark Lanterns yet to know the Quickening of Spirit which comes with receiving Illumination within the Heart Center.

Lanternwalk is the sharing of this Internal Illumination by Walking in the Light among others, whether or not their Lanterns are Lit… for darkness ALWAYS flees the Light. Release any fear, Open your Heart to Source, and let the Flame of Spirit light the Candle of your Soul Lantern NOW!