Thursday, October 31, 2019

HALLOWE'EN 2019: Mercury Retrograde Casts a Dark Shadow

 ~ Scorpio II: Mercury Retrograde October 31, 2019 ~

When Does Mercury Retrograde In Scorpio 2019 End? Sooner Than You Think

Despite feeling like there's always a planet in retrograde, it's actually been a few months since Mercury stationed retrograde via Cancer's hypersensitive cardinal waters. But since this celestial event isn't something anyone really looks forward to, you may already be wondering when Mercury retrograde in Scorpio 2019 ends. I'll give you a hint: Mercury stations direct just in time for Thanksgiving.

Mercury officially goes direct on Wednesday, Nov. 20. However, it will remain in its eerie shadow phase until Saturday, Dec. 7, which means you're technically not in the clear until at least mid-December.

Mercury's shadow phase occurs when it's transiting through an area in the sky (in this particular case, it's Scorpio) it plans on revisiting during its retrograde journey. For instance, Mercury stations retrograde at 27 degrees Scorpio before it turns direct at 11 degrees Scorpio. By the time Mercury stations retrograde, it will have already traveled from zero to 27 degrees Scorpio. So, it has no choice but to revisit the degrees prior amidst its backward journey.

Mercury Retrograde In Scorpio: Oct. 31 To Nov. 20, 2019

Who is Mercury and what happens when it retrogrades? Mercury governs all things related to communication, commerce, and cognitive functioning. According to Roman mythology, and, Mercury served as mediator between the gods and mortals; he was the go-to interpreter, translator, and transporter of goods and messages.

When a planet retrogrades, it slows down and the Earth begins to move faster. This is the optical illusion that makes it seem as though Mercury is moving backward in the sky, when in reality, it does not move backward. Nevertheless, when a heavenly body is retrograde, its celestial expression is emphasized, almost as if its slower pace created more oomph. In the case of Mercury the messenger, its retrograde cycles feel burdensome because communication and technology become stifled. Give Mercury some credit here: What would you do without your cellphone, emails, and text messages? My point exactly.

Although, in the end, the essence of Mercury retrograde goes far beyond the petty technology glitches and typical misunderstandings. All retrograde cycles are for reflecting, reassessing, reevaluating, and revisiting situations in your life. In Mercury's case, however, you are being asked to revisit themes that revolve around your conversations, and general exchanges. It gets deeper, especially with Mercury in Scorpio, because this fixed water sign represents all things hidden beneath the surface; it is a symbol of death, sex, and transformation. That means there is nothing subtle about this Mercury Rx cycle.

In fact, on the morning of Halloween, when Mercury officially begins its retrograde journey through smoldering Scorpio, it will meet with Venus, which is a symbol of your values, pleasure, hobbies, love language, and artistic expression. In Scorpio, the goddess of love desires something much deeper than her typical Venusian wishes. Here, Venus wants to merge with another mind, body, and soul. Mercury Rx in Scorpio will speak on that and likely bring buried truths to the light, especially those in regard to your current relationships.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Yesterday's Solar-Lunar Conjunction hit Me like a Ton of Bricks!

~ Scorpion's Sting: New Moon on October 28, 2019 ~

New Moon October 27, 2019 – Shock Treatment

The New Moon on Sunday, October 27, 2019, at 4° Scorpio is opposite Uranus. This makes the new moon October 2019 astrology shocking, unpredicatle and erratic. It will make people restless, impulsive and even crazy.

Uranus joins a star that amplifies the spontaneous nature of this planet. It portends accidents, fire, war, and earthquakes. So the October 2019 new moon should be approached with caution, patience, and flexibility. Adapt to sudden change and say sorry if you make a mistake.

New Moon Meaning

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

New Moon October 2019 Astrology

The October 27 new moon at 04°25′ Scorpio is almost exactly opposite Uranus as shown in the chart below. Such a tiny orb of aspect makes this a very strong new moon. It is also uncomplicated by any other aspects to the new moon which makes it even stronger. Both the new moon and Uranus are on fixed stars which add some astrological influence.

New Moon opposite Uranus creates spontaneous, erratic and chaotic change. This highly charged electric energy can cause anxiety, impatience, abruptness, impulsiveness, and rebelliousness. Sudden shocks and unexpected encounters may leave you feeling on edge.

Your actions and reactions can also lead to risky or odd behavior, mistakes or accidents. Even if you cope well with change and excitement, someone close to you may become unreliable, crazy or provocative. Someone new may enter your life, cause havoc, then leave just as quickly as they came.

So this could be an especially challenging new moon for relationships. An increased need for personal freedom and greater independence could create distance between partners and even separation. Selfishness and egotism will not help matters but are likely with a new moon opposite Uranus.

The best way to deal with this unpredictable influence is flexibility and a willingness to adapt to changing conditions. Although initially upsetting and you may resist change, it may offer a better way forward if you keep an open mind.

New Moon Stars

Although new moon October 2019 is in the Sign of Scorpio, it gets astrological influence from a star in the Constellation of Virgo, as shown in the image below. Due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, the Sun Signs are almost a whole Sign out of alignment with the Constellations from which they were named.

The new moon is conjunct fixed star Syrma at 04 ♏ 03. It relates to “the heavy personal responsibility which is implicit in the occult questing and acquisition of spiritual power.” [1] It is a reminder to seek forgiveness for your wrongdoings no matter how spiritually evolved or powerful you think you are.
Uranus is conjunct fixed star Sheratan at 04 ♉ 14. It causes “bodily injuries, unscrupulous defeat, destruction by fire, war or earthquake.” [2] This star in the Horn of the Ram has a violent nature, and “danger is indicated when acting impulsively and in a foolhardy fashion.” [3] This is especially so with Uranus conjunct Sheratan.

The 1st Chinese Lunar Mansion, the Horn (24 ♎ 06 to 04 ♏ 45) is a lucky mansion that is excellent for construction or buying land. It represents agriculture, new generations, growth, and births. All who marry on this day gain great credit and standing and especially favors the marriage of the eldest son of the family. But calamities and epidemics in the family within three years if funerals are planned on this day.

New Moon October 2019 Summary

The October 27 new moon opposite Uranus is extremely powerful and likely to result in sudden shocks, freak accidents, and unexpected encounters. It will make people erratic, impulsive, impatient, agitated, unpredictable and crazy.

Uranus is on a star that acts like Uranus, causing accidents, violence, and earthquakes. Critically, just as with Uranus, it causes danger when acting impulsively. So remember to be patient and think twice before taking risks. If you do make mistakes during this moon phase, fixed star Syrma encourages you to say sorry.

Politicians are likely to make unexpected decisions that could lead to aggressive responses, rebellion, and stock market shocks. They will also have to react to sudden, unforeseen events. Expect this new moon to inflame the rebellion in Hong Kong as well as other hot spots around the globe.

The effects of the October 27 new moon last four weeks up to the November 26 new moon. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from October 27 to the November 12 full moon.

Friday, October 25, 2019


YELLOW ROSE FOR TEXAS: October 25th, 2019

Images from Stereo cams. News about the Execution phase ongoing, outside Earth.
The Sun isn't recovering from recent explosions.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

World's Largest Treehouse in Crossville, TN Burns to the Ground

~ Minister's Treehouse in Crossville, Tennessee is Now History ~

And just like that, it was gone. Fire consumed the Minister’s Treehouse Tuesday, burning to the ground in minutes. The fire was reported shortly before 10:30 p.m. Firefighters on the scene said the entire structure collapsed within minutes of their arrival. - via Crossville Chronicle, yesterday (October 22, 2019)

This is NEWS and should be in the CREATIVE COMMONS and shared by Anyone and Everyone who wants to watch it unfold!

Monday, October 21, 2019

ECONOMIC UPDATE... Richard D. Wolff - Democracy at Work


Economic Update: The Capitalist Corporation

On May 20, 1974 I transitioned  from my sole proprietorship of HwR Signs to incorporating this enterprise as HwR Artworks, Inc. with my 1st wife Janet and business partner Roger as officers. I was President & CEO, Janet served as Secretary, and Roger as Treasurer. This commercial experiment was short-lived because, as soon as initial run of two art posters (2000 copies each) came back to Nantucket Island from the printer in Hyannis, Roger stood up at The Brotherhood of Thieves, suggesting that all these posters be set ablaze in a bonfire!

"Inky," my black cat, vanished on the 15th... A curse of retrograde Karma soon followed suit.


Saturday, October 19, 2019


Join Lisa and friends in the Second Webinar in the DTC Series!

Where did we come from?
How did we get here?
What went wrong?
Meet some of the players...

After 7 years of publicly researching the nature of our reality and coming to the conclusion that we are living in a holographic virtual reality, something remarkable happened. A being from outside this construct made contact with Lisa in October 2016, a being she subsequently named Leeloo.

Leeloo confirmed many of these conclusions about our reality but also provided much more information about our history, current situation and potential future.

In this second webinar we will continue to introduce some of the beings that Leeloo has brought forward to share their stories and perspectives.

October 20 2019 Brisbane Australia Time

To prevent disappointment, please ensure the following:
* Check the time zone converter for event time in YOUR time zone
* Add to your address book to ensure you receive emails.

Non-Member fee to attend is $20.00 AUS

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Is the Magician Able to Pull a White Rabbit from a Tall Top Hat?

~ President Donald Trump ~

They Are Slaves to Numbers: Hinge Day October 17th

This is NEWS and should be in the CREATIVE COMMONS and shared by Anyone and Everyone who wants to watch it unfold!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

COSMIC EMPRESS: Remembering Atlantis, the Lost Continent

A Starseed Collective of Magical Beings

Atlantis (Ancient Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, "island of Atlas") is a fictional island mentioned within an allegory on the hubris of nations in Plato's works Timaeus and Critias, where it represents the antagonist naval power that besieges "Ancient Athens", the pseudo-historic embodiment of Plato's ideal state in The Republic. In the story, Athens repels the Atlantean attack unlike any other nation of the known world, supposedly giving testament to the superiority of Plato's concept of a state. The story concludes with Atlantis falling out of favor with the deities and submerging into the Atlantic Ocean.

While present-day philologists and classicists agree on the story's fictional character, there is still debate on what served as its inspiration. As for instance with the story of Gyges, Plato is known to have freely borrowed some of his allegories and metaphors from older traditions. This led a number of scholars to investigate possible inspiration of Atlantis from Egyptian records of the Thera eruption, the Sea Peoples invasion, or the Trojan War. Others have rejected this chain of tradition as implausible and insist that Plato created an entirely fictional nation as his example, drawing loose inspiration from contemporary events such as the failed Athenian invasion of Sicily in 415–413 BC or the destruction of Helike in 373 BC.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


~ COSMIC REALITY by Ms. Nancy L. Hopkins ~

This book unravels secret history and science, and presents metaphysical principles. It begins with the 1963 Assassination of President John Kennedy. The Kennedy Assassination led to Secret Societies, the Spear of Destiny, the Shroud of Turin and the Resurrection of Jesus. By the end of Book One of the two book presentation, THE JOHN KENNEDY - JESUS CHRIST CONNECTION, secret history has revealed links between the death of Jesus and Adolf Hitler, between Kennedy’s death and Nazis, between Nazis and Freemasonry, between Kennedy, Khrushchev and Pope John XXIII; and introduced us to the Black Nobles and their control over reality. Meanwhile, the author became a U.S. Army Intelligence Officer and learned the secrets of Electronic Warfare. Understanding energy in its multitude of forms, became the foundation for comprehending concepts ranging from the human bioelectromagnetic field to the geometry of Earth and the Solar System; from telepathy to psychic weapons; from reincarnation to the Resurrection. These subjects are woven thru both books. Book Two, DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE, brings in even more first hand experiences, which were critical to the narrative of Book One. By using an autobiographical approach to the subject matter, seeing secrets unfold as the author saw it, lessons in history and science are not only fun, they are journeys into mystery. Those experiences include numerous encounters with extraterrestrials, Archangels and Nature Spirits; experiments with pyramid and other energy devices; demonstrating how mineral energies and sound are the key to good health; longrange telepathy/remote viewing; time travel and memories of past lifetimes. Behind it all is the hunt for the Black Nobles and the matrix of lies that have warped our reality. Who is in control of Reality? How did the Federal Reserve come to dominate the world? Is there a secret Space Fleet, kept hidden because they use free energy propulsion systems? Are there ancient artifacts on the moon and in the desert of Iraq? Is Earth undergoing a massive change because of the Photon Belt? What is HAARP and a chemtrail? Is the sun white? How did the American Republic get taken over by a Corporation, and why is the Founding Fathers’ Constitution no longer the Law of the Land? What are Super Soldiers? Why is hemp the ultimate weapon in the return of the Republic? The book takes a leap into metaphysics by delving into concepts of consciousness, energy bodies, the DNA internet, and existence of the soul. And throughout are the teachings of Cosmic Reality and its rules. The book brings the reader to a working knowledge of Cosmic Reality. By the end, you should have ample scientific and historic proof that you are a manifestation of your soul. That your soul is a manifestation of something divine. That you have a moral obligation to access the knowledge and power of your soul and its divine counterpart. Such knowledge provides access to personal power. By becoming "empowered", total freedom can be understood. Those Black Nobles who have been ruling the world for millenniums, accessed Cosmic Reality, took the power, and ruled Reality as we perceive it upon Earth. These self-proclaimed rulers of Reality, have willingly conspired to keep mankind ignorant by keeping secret true history and science. It is ignorance that is the ultimate enemy. The Black Nobles are simply its agents. Cosmic Reality provides the key to defeating the Black Noble matrix and insuring a future of unlimited potential and beauty.


Gaia's Gift Newsletter #1 - Shungite Origins & Shungite Grid

Komorusan Q714: Trump 2020 - The Plan To Save The World

Monday, October 14, 2019

October Full Moon Energy for Quickening the Great Awakening!

Full Moon October 13, 2019 in Aries

The October 13 Hunter’s Full Moon in Aries rises from the horizon around sunset, it may appear bigger and more golden orange than your typical full Moon—but don’t be fooled by this Moon Illusion, which makes the Moon appear larger than it really is!  This is just part of the goldens blessing that is coming through on this full Moon.
On this day during the hours before sunset everything will feel crisp, pure, and uplifting. These are all things we need to put us in the mood of connecting to something positive and greater than ourselves.
What is happening is that we are being blessed by the Golden Ray coming through Archangel Camael.  If you tap into this energy you are going to feel an incredible blessing from this golden energy blessed by Archangel Camael.  It will give you optimism about the future. It's from this place, where you will be able to connect to positive ideas about your future and life.
Tune in and Ask Archangel Camael to guide you through this lunar phase until the next full Moon.  I recommend that you get a gold, yellow, or orange candle to light on the night of the full Moon in honor of all of the golden blessings coming into your life.  Give thanks to Archangel Camael for providing this wonderful blessing at this time of the year.
In October, we enter the glorious late afternoon of the year. The woodland blazes with vibrant colors. As October passes the door to the otherworld opens wider. We become more receptive to spiritual energies and feel drawn to bond with our ancestors.
In October the veil is thin. And yes, anytime the magical feeling in the atmosphere is high, the veil is closer to us. Thinnest. Use this time for spiritual growth. If there is a deceased ancestor or pet you wish to contact, this is a great month to do it. Plan a ritual to remember those who have passed from this world, and be sure to make an offering to them.  The offering can be a poem, a letter, flowers, and seasonal food.  The full moon is always a good time to pray, have ceremonies, and be reminded of the continuation of life.
Just as the leaves are letting go – let go of everything you no longer need in your life. It’s a wonderful time to do a Burning Bowl Ceremony or you can even do a bonfire.  Write out everything you want to release on paper and throw it into the fire and as the smoke goes up know that you have released it to the Great Spirit.  If you do a bonfire after you burn your releases - dance around the bonfire as it brings in powerful spiritual vibrations.
Throughout October work on your spiritual self, and pay attention to messages you get in your dreams.
This full Moon was called the Full Hunter’s Moon because it signaled the time to go hunting in preparation for winter. To the Native Americans full moons were a way to keep track of the seasons and make appropriate preparations for survival. Besides, with falling leaves and the fattening of wild game, also preparing for winter, who could argue that this month’s moon signaled a good time to go hunting.
Since the harvesters had recently reaped the fields under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily see the fattened deer and other animals that had come out to glean (and the foxes and wolves that had come out to prey on them).
The Hunters Full Moon is also called the Shedding Moon, Blood Moon, or the Falling Leaf Moon. Coming right before Samhain/Halloween, it is a time when the nights are crisp and clear, and you can sense a change in the energy around you. When the Blood Moon rises, it smolders like an ember in the autumn sky. She is a beacon for the golden spiritual energy.

Because it's easy to think beautifully at this time, it's a great time to unite with Spirit.

Elements to work with on the October Full Moon.
Element: Fire
Colors: Dark blue, Black, Purple
Gemstones: Obsidian, Amethyst, Tourmaline, Opal
Herbs: Apple Blossom, Pennyroyal, Mint, Sweet Annie, Thyme, Catnip, Angelica
Flowers: Calendula, Marigold Cosmos
Trees: Apples, Yew, Cypress, Acacia
Birds: Crow, Heron, Robin
Animals: Stag, Jackal, Elephant, Ram, Scorpion.

This is the time to give thanks to the animals, fruits, and vegetables during this moon for giving their lives so we can live.
An in depth Spiritual Reading should be done every moon cycle. Since, every moon cycle represents a change it not only affects our external forces but our internal forces as well.  Contact me today to find out what is in store for you during this time of change.  I have been working as a spiritual advisor for 38 years and all of my answers and guidance comes from the spirit.  I do not use Tarot or oracle cards.
Ghosts, Bonfires, Black Cats, Treats and so much more! It's all waiting for you on your Halloween Spiritual Journey!  This is one of my favorite readings to do and check out my website to learn about this wonderful journey.
Visit my website to learn more about me and check out my variety of Ebooks and other services.
The full moon is always a good time to be reminded of the continuation of life.  Let go and enjoy the blessings of the Golden Ray and all of the beauty of the season.  Enjoy my friends.
Full Moon blessings,
Cherokee Billie

The Tide Is Turning. Are We Ready to Move Forward as One People Together?

~ Roger Waters in Concert for Disaster Relief on July 21, 1990 ~

Sunday, October 13, 2019



An ocean storm battered this key lighthouse guiding mariners to and  from the "Far Away Island" of Nantucket on the night of March 29th, and reduced its stone tower to rubble by morning of the following day. On October 13, 1985 I carried what had been the Catalyst Lantern in a sealed wooden box out to the site of fallen lighthouse at Great Point and buried it. Then on October 15, I met Susan, who is the mother of my two grown children, Mary and Damian (David). We married on  May 1, 1986 and lived together almost 30 years prior to my conscious decision to join Sirius Community, in western Massachusetts, leaving her and our home in New Bedford to experience life in an Eco-Village. I became a full member at Sirius, eventually moving off the land in June, 2019 to travel westward to Tulsa, Oklahoma and Colorado Springs, Colorado prior to having lunch with my brother and sister in Bell, California, then returning to Sirius for retrieval of belongings. I attended the wedding of my daughter Mary Bryan to Alyson Belleville on July 13 at Searles Castle in Windham, New Hampshire, prior to traveling to Crossville, Tennessee for a visit with my son Damian and Charles. I went to Pomona Park, Florida to stay with Theresa, the seamstress who created my patchwork Coat of Many Colors, before I moved back to Crossville where I'm renting an apartment near the crossroads downtown. Here is where I choose to be in this stage of  life...


Joseph, as The Archetypal Hermit, at Sirius Stone Circle

Saturday, October 12, 2019

IT IS RED OCTOBER... Get Ready as Pentagon Shifts the Focus

In this episode with Benjamin Fulford recorded on the 10th of October 2019, we return to our usual regular interview series.

We discuss matters surrounding the events happening in Saudi Arabia and who benefits from this, talk about Trump what he is and isn’t doing, BREXIT and the exposing of German networks who are pushing on politicians to support and say crazy things. Italy, Ukraine, Israel, Japan, China, are all on the list and we discuss how corruption has been eating away at these countries.  We also go over how humanity and best aid it’s recovery from this tricky situation. At least it’s looking positive for our future.

For a list of our past interviews with Benjamin, please go here:

Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.


Prepare For Change is a registered 501c3 charity and only run of public donations, to help us continue bringing you more interviews and daily posts on our website please offer a financial donation. Beyond keeping our operating costs covered with an all-volunteer staff. Prepare For Change is the proud founder and supporter of an orphanage in Malawi, Africa. A significant proportion of our donations go to this noble and worthy cause.

To donate please visit:

As always try to raise your vibration and remain loving to one another, we’re all one, and we’re all going to bring about a new world!

For more direct information from Benjamin please see his website:

Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Being Prepared is not Fear- do YOU have the power?

Reprint from Removing the Shackles blog by Dani Arnold McKenny (Saturday, 20 December 2014). This info is vital intel as follow-up to David Goldberg's final warning shared here on Lantern of the Hermit yesterday. Please take heed! ~ J.D.H.W. Bryan-Royster

Being Prepared is not Fear- do YOU have the power?

As I said in last nights Transpicuous News Report, I am not a negative person, nor a pessimist- far from it in fact.  But I am a Realist, and right now, the Realist in me says "Be Prepared".

At this moment, the world of "Finance" "Economy" and Government idiocy is collapsing all around the globe.  I do not say this lightly.  After posting TN last night, I opened my skype to 5 more news articles that point a very huge finger at just how close the collapse of the current financial system is.

I have written for years about the coming changes to the currently slavery financial system and ultimately it's collapse.  I have also been talking about the fact that the "New" financial system that "they" are putting in to replace it, is just slavery 2.0 edition.  The battle is on at the moment to see which faction will get their agenda and system in place first.  Not that it matters, as each one is just a variation of the slavery/fraud theme, which just puts a different face on who everyone thinks is in charge.  It doesn't matter, one way or the other though, because in my opinion, even their "New" financial system will very quickly been seen for what it is and crash.  The re-phoenixing of the systems is NOT going to work.   Now, as I said in Transpicuous News last night, I do believe that there are those waiting in the wings for the final curtain call, people who are ready and able to pick up the broken pieces and actually FIX the problems that we are currently facing, but before that happens, I think we will have to seen the complete collapse of this fraudulent slave system in it's entirety.

Which brings me to my point: BE PREPARED

I'm not a pessimist and I'm certainly not a fear mongerer. Those who've been reading RTS know that I don't fall for the "fear porn".  But I'm also not willing to gamble my family on the hope that this coming collapse is going to be all unicorns farting rainbows.

Let's play a game of "What if".

What if the big banks- or even just your bank in your local town- goes bankrupt and suddenly shuts it's doors?
-Do you have access to money?  Do you have access to your credit/debit card? Do you have food and supplies on hand to look after your family (and perhaps unprepared friends) for 3 days?  A week? Do you have gas in your car?

What if the big banks close and there is a bank run (which is already been seen in several countries yet covered up by the main stream media)?

What if there is a panic run when people can't get their money, or just freak out about the whole situation?

What if a "state of emergency" is enforced and you are stuck away from home? or stuck at home?

None of these situations are impossible.  As a matter of fact, judging from what is being seen, I would say most of these situations are probable.At this very moment the "Big 5" in the US are completely bankrupt- hence the fact that they passed that lovely "bail out" clause in the US 2015 budget- "they" KNOW what is coming.  European banks are not any better off either.  As matter of fact, the European Union is on the verge of collapse all on it's own, regardless of the global economic situation.

Are you Prepared?  Do you know where everything is that you might need? Do you have a meet up point prearranged with your family and friends just in case you need to leave your home?  These are important questions.

Many of my newer readers may not know it, but I use to be a hard core prepper.  Nick and I recognized back in 2001, then further in 2009, that the current "system" was failing and that it was our responsibility to look after our family.  We had spent years watching various government agencies dropping the ball during major emergencies and realized that we needed to be completely self sufficient.  This meant gathering knowledge because knowledge is the KEY to getting through any situation.  Over the course of several years I gathered an entire hard drive full of information, books, recordings, PDFs, manuals, and lists of resources.  Then the realization hit that to print out all of this information would comprise 10s of thousands of pages.... not exactly something you can carry with you in an emergency situation.  Which left the question of: POWER.  If you have an energy supply, then you always have the ability to charge batteries, to charge laptops, to have light and even heat and refridgeration.  But it comes down to having a power supply that is self sufficient, renewable/self recharging, and is transportable.  This is when Nick began his journey into studying and creating an alternative energy supply.  Nick has been working on several energy designs (we won't use that bad word "free energy", lol) for many years, and has worked on several designs that would allow off the grid power anywhere.

Two days ago we recorded the video (below), and gave the information about crystal batteries and how we are moving forward to the world.  This is vitally important information for those people who are looking for an easily transportable, self recharging power source. We are working on getting the fully documented video instructions out to the public in the next few weeks, but in the mean time, Nick's notes, and this recording are an excellent start to building your own crystal battery.

Crystal batteries have been around in the alternative media circuit for a few years.  Laserhacker proved that his small self recharging test battery is still lighting an led bulb 2 years later, without showing any signs of degradation.  What Nick has done is to morph the salts used, changing how they are mixed and applied it to a car battery- 12 volts of easily moveable/transportable power.  This energy supply can be used to take a room of your house "off grid", or wired in series to create a larger output. It can be used in an RV, camper, boat, cottage, workshop etc... to supply "electricity" for small appliances, power tools, lights, or any other application that falls within the output of the crystal battery itself.  Most importantly, these batteries are  self recharging, cheap to make and easy to build and set up!  Besides the battery itself, all you need is an inverter, and away you go.

Please share this information about the crystal batteries with your networks, groups, friends and families.  The original article with all of Nick's notes is available here:

Even the US treasury Dept knows that shit is about to get real.
Treasury Department Seeking Survival Kits For Bank Employees

This is an article that I first posted in 2012.  It contains a massive amount of information and knowledge and covers a vast amount of topics.  Most of the information is in PDF format so they are easily downloadable, and stored on a hard/external drive.

For me... I'm not going to wait around for anyone else to look after myself and my family.  I'm pretty independent that way- regardless of who the "savior" is that is suppose to be rescuing us all, lol.  

I am my own damn savior.

'nuff said.

Updated and Reposted from April 4th, 2012: 

Being Prepared

In the last year, we have had more natural disasters than any other year in the past couple hundred years (or at least, since records have been kept). Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earth quakes, wild fires, droughts. If you don't want to think about the economic crisis that is raging around the world, or believe the reports of the massive arrests and changes that are about to happen.... fine. Don't. Instead, think about the natural disasters that could strike. Instead, prepare your family in case of a natural disaster. Do you have enough food and water for your family to survive for 3 days or more? Do you have a way to cook your food without electricity? Do you have a way to keep your family warm without natural gas? If a disaster strikes and you are forced to flee from your home (think: house fire, earth quake, flooding,....) can you get everything you need and get out- in 2 minutes or less? Where are your important papers? Do you have warm clothing ready? Do you have food you can take with you? What about your pets? What about your memories- photos etc? Do you have an emergency meet up place planned just in case your family is at different locations when you need to "bug out" - if you or your partner is at work, how will you find each other?

Review this doc from the USNA about natural disasters;

Review info about creating an emergency plan and an emergency kit:

Remember Katrina- hundreds of people DIED because they were not prepared and just thought that the government would take care of them.... we all know what a mess the US gov. made of that emergency. Do NOT assume that someone else will "take care of it" or that your local government will look after you. YOU need to be responsible for YOUR family. Keeping your head in the sand and ignoring the potential dangers is risking the lives of your family. Being Prepared doesn't have to take lots of money. Being Prepared doesn't have to take a huge amount of time.  But being prepared can save your life. 

Here's some food for thought:

Here's one of my favorite articles of all time about disaster preparations.... who said the CDC doesn't have a sense of humor?!

This site is an excellent place to get great "how to" instructions- for everything from building a shelter, filtering water, lighting a fire, making a survival kit, making solar ovens and dehydrators..... you name it- it's in here:

Here is a huge list of E-Books that have excellent info that can be saved on an external drive or printed off for emergency reference:

Emergency Childbirth

Rixa’s Birth Manual

Canadian Firearms Safety Course

Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course

The Gun Owner's Handbook: A Complete Guide to Maintaining and Repairing Your Firearms--in the Field Or at Your Workbench,d.d2s

Acorn as Food

Backpack Gourmet

Canning Basics, Wild Game

Canning, Complete Guide

Capturing Heat

Complete Book of Home Preserving

Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms

Edible Wild Plants

Homemade Jerky Drier Instructions

Native Game Recipes

Physical Principles of Food Preservation

Preparing Safer Jerky

Raw Foods for Busy People

Root Cellars Vegetable Storage

Sausage Making

Survival Foods

especially "Where there is no doctor" and "A book for midwives"

Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

Handbook of Medicinal Spices

NOLS Wilderness Medicine

Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations

topographical maps of canada
Huge selection of maps of canada on all ranges of topics
MTO road maps of ontario
links to download google maps, mapquest, yahoo maps etc...

Be Expert with Map and Compass
Finding Your Way Without Map or Compass


The Craft of the Knot: From Fishing Knots to Bowlines and Bends, a PracticalGuide

Fishing For Dummies

The Complete Book of Fire: Building Campfires for Warmth, Light, Cooking

The Trapper's Bible: Traps, Snares & Pathguards PDF ebook

Auto Repair For Dummies


Army Survival Field Manual

US Army Survival Manual FM 21-76May 2002

Ranger Handbook  SH 21-76

US Army Survival Manual - 1999 - pdf download

The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency

When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need to Survive When Disaster Strikes

Essentials of Sea Survival

Firefighter Safety and Survival, 1st ed.

A Survival Guide for Truck Drivers: Tips from the Trenches

A list of online resources for downloading books and information:
this is a search engine to find free downloadable books
June 1992-
U.S. Army Survival Manual FM 21-76

This is an excellent page with numerous links to downloadable info on foraging, herbals, survival, canning and preserving, making fuel, .... the list goes on and on!

An excellent resource for solar anything- with links to many "how To" sites- definitely one to bookmark

List of Websites:

I find it interesting that NASA has their own "Preparedness" site, eh?

Links on reprinted list published here are dated (12/20/2014) so may need updating. Go to each one to check if hyperlink is live. If not, google alternates.