Sunday, June 30, 2019

Building Bridges Mural Opening Event in Montague Yesterday...

Saturday June 29th, 2019

Two years ago, the movement to change the TFHS mascot shook the town of Montague, the school district and the Connecticut River valley. Area residents were forced to reexamine their identities, their relationships with Native neighbors, and the Native and colonial history of this place.

It’s been a difficult couple of years, but residents across the board love the Great Falls, are invested in it, and want to see our community come together and be proud again. “Building Bridges: Connecting Our Community’s Native Roots with Our Diverse Present” is a mural project bringing together Native elders, student artists, Native artists and other local artists to co-create a mural at the Great Falls, a site of cultural, spiritual and economic significance for both indigenous and settler peoples.

The mural is being painted on the side of the Montague Parks & Recreation building in Unity Park, which sees thousand of visitors each month. Collaborative design for "Building Bridges” took place in March, April and May of 2018, and involved tribal historians, Native and local artists and area youth. 

The mural is divided into 5 panels, with the Great Falls, 13 moons and Medicine Wheel at the Center, and the 2 of the 4 seasons/directions on either wide, with the Eagle and Condor in the North and South Sky. The mural tells the stories of the local peoples over the ages, with a recreation theme, as requested by our host Montague Parks & Recreation.

During the Summer and Fall of 2018, the mural came to life and is now about half painted. Our group is fundraising to complete the mural this Summer, to hold a discussion and documentary film screening, and to have a celebration with drumming, songs and stories to gift this art to the community.

“Building Bridges” has created many unplanned connections, including forging new friendships among members of different regional tribes and inspiring collaborations among Native and non-Native residents for future social justice projects.

Montague Parks and Recreation Building

Working on the Mural Painting Project

Food and Drinks Table at Mural Project

Indigenous Storytelling at Mural Opening

Drumming and Chanting at Opening Event

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