Sunday, November 8, 2020

THE MAGICIAN, or THE FOOL ~ Which Donald Trump is He?

Positions of 10-Card Celtic Cross Tarot Spread on 10/13/2020

The Present / The Self - This position reveals the current situation, and what is now happening. It can also be used to represent what the current state of mind is for the querent and a snapshot of who the querent is at the current moment in time.

Looking forward to how the two major party contenders are crafting their political narratives as the electoral contest enters its final phase. President Donald J. Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence square off against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the last weeks of this campaign.

The Problem - This card represents the challenge that the querent is facing at this time, something that they need to resolve in order to make progress forward.

Directional choice is at a definitive crossroads with this pivotal Election, as the Querent is faced with whether or not to choose which mainstream political party to support, or go a third way and create a new decentralized cooperative party to challenge their dominance by building a bridge between them which is ecologically conscious and accountable to individual rights.

The Past - Here we see the the past events, and also how they have shaped the current situation. This can give us some information on influences in the past that have lead up to this state of affairs.

In 1972, starting with voting for George McGovern and Sargent Shriver, the Democratic Party was chosen political alignment, that has held personal attention ever since Watergate Scandal rocked the Presidency of Richard M. Nixon, eventually forcing him to resign from office in 1974.

The Future - This card represents what could be a likely turn of events, given that nothing changes. These are usually short term happenings, and doesn’t represent the final resolution of these events.

Electoral Dominance of Republicans and Democrats is expected to continue as any third party candidate is considered to be a spoiler, swinging votes cast for them to major political party closer aligned to such position. Example: The Green Party, running Dr. Jill Stein and ? Baracka in 2016. This decision rendered querent's choice as a "throw-away vote" as ticket could not win in a two-party system that has dominated electoral politics in the United States since the Election of 1800 when the John Adams was defeated by (Democratic) Republican Thomas Jefferson.

Conscious - This card explores what you are focused on, and where your mind is. This can represent your goals and your desires regarding this situation, as well as what your assumptions are.

Groundwork is in process of being laid to initiate a grass-roots campaign in American cities, towns, and villages to teach self-reliance and cooperative relationships with nearby local communities and organizations plus resource sharing and a "global village perspective" of life on planet Earth. This paves the way for international relations to be for mutual assistance rather than adversarial; ultimate goal is for humankind to "beat our swords into plowshares" thus allowing universal peace to prevail and the abolition of warfare become a reality.

Unconscious - The unconscious reveals what is truly driving this situation; the feelings, the beliefs and the values that perhaps the querent doesn’t even understand yet. Sometimes this card may be a surprise, and can also represent a hidden influence.

Unknown variables beyond conscious vantage point of Presence in 3rd Density (or physical human form) are hidden from view. Attempts to hypothesize any possible pathways into the future are really only conjecture and are subject to change at any moment.

Your Influence - This card can be interpreted somewhat broadly - but in general, relates to how you see yourself, and how that perception can influence how this situation plays out. What beliefs about yourself do you carry? Do you expand yourself, or limit yourself?

Near-future goal of building a Nambassa-style electric powered house truck for traveling in a caravan of like-minded individuals is in the planning stage, as at least one person in my field is interested in doing the same in a RV outfitted for long-distance road trips. Workshop to build such a travel vehicle is being organized as a participatory event at house truck's launch point.

External Influence - This card represents the world around you and how it affects this situation. It may represent the social and emotional environment that you are operating in, as well as how others perceive you.

"Selling" this novel idea locally in middle Tennessee (current locus) could be a challenge, as a mobile art studio built upon the bed of a 1965 Chevrolet pickup truck, equipped with kitchen and lavatory, is a foreign concept to people presently living in the city of Crossville.

Hopes and Fears - One of the harder positions in this spread to decode, this card can represent both what you secretly desire, as well as what you may be trying to avoid. Human nature is often paradoxical, and what we fear the most is sometimes what we also truly have been hoping for all along.

Launching "Common Unity Overland Tour" has been visualized since November of 2015, soon after decision to relocate from New Bedford to Shutesbury, MA to join intentional community established there since September, 1978 by former members of  the Findhorn Community in Scotland, United Kingdom.

Outcome - This card is meant to be a summary of all the previous cards. Given all that is happening, what is the likely resolution of this event? Should you find a card here that does not have a favorable outcome, you can analyze the remainder of the spread to find another course of action.

Multiple choice aspect of how vision unfolds is subject to how the Tour and "flagship vehicle" (mobile art studio) are funded, created, and where launched. Originally site was to be Sirius Community in Shutesbury, MA. Then it was to be at the Earthlands Collective in neighboring Worcester County, MA. Most recent proposal since merging with Sheila Corona's "Conscious Conversation Caravan Tour," based in North Carolina is a southern launch rather than one in the North, now tha the organizer's permanent address is located in Crossville, Tennessee.

October 13th, 2020 - 2:30 PM (Crossville, Tennessee USA)

1) Querent (you) - THE HERMIT

1) The Present / The Self - This position reveals the current situation, and what is now happening. It can also be used to represent what the current state of mind is for the querent and a snapshot of who the querent is at the current moment in time.


2) The Problem - This card represents the challenge that the querent is facing at this time, something that they need to resolve in order to make progress forward.


3) The Past - Here we see the the past events, and also how they have shaped the current situation. This can give us some information on influences in the past that have lead up to this state of affairs.


4) The Future - This card represents what could be a likely turn of events, given that nothing changes. These are usually short term happenings, and doesn’t represent the final resolution of these events.


5) Conscious - This card explores what you are focused on, and where your mind is. This can represent your goals and your desires regarding this situation, as well as what your assumptions are.


6) Unconscious - The unconscious reveals what is truly driving this situation; the feelings, the beliefs and the values that perhaps the querent doesn’t even understand yet. Sometimes this card may be a surprise, and can also represent a hidden influence.


7) Your Influence - This card can be interpreted somewhat broadly - but in general, relates to how you see yourself, and how that perception can influence how this situation plays out. What beliefs about yourself do you carry? Do you expand yourself, or limit yourself?


8) External Influence - This card represents the world around you and how it affects this situation. It may represent the social and emotional environment that you are operating in, as well as how others perceive you.


9) Hopes and Fears - One of the harder positions in this spread to decode, this card can represent both what you secretly desire, as well as what you may be trying to avoid. Human nature is often paradoxical, and what we fear the most is sometimes what we also truly have been hoping for all along.


10) Outcome - This card is meant to be a summary of all the previous cards. Given all that is happening, what is the likely resolution of this event? Should you find a card here that does not have a favorable outcome, you can analyze the remainder of the spread to find another course of action.

Symbology of the Twenty-Two Major Arcana Trumps in the Universal Rider-Waite Tarot

Imagery used in this analysis was drawn from the Universal Waite Tarot Deck; distributed exclusively by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Intuitive interpretations by Joseph H. Bryan-Royster, Ph.D.

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