Wednesday, May 20, 2020

THE PARTY AT THE END OF TIME: Game Over, Curtain Call!

Amherst Sustainability Festival on the Common, Earth Day 2018

(Dream this morning as I awakened into Consciousness) I AM at an outdoor gathering, standing at the head of a line while ordering a submarine sandwich from one of several vendors carts clustered in the food service area of a shady park. A Summer Festival atmosphere surrounds me while people are moving in many directions as performers on a nearby stage are playing music, happily singing. ~ J.D.H.W. Bryan-Royster

WTF? The world is in Lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19! This crowd is much larger than the groups of 10 people that most states in the USA say are allowed, and aren't we supposed to be practicing "social distancing" and stay 6-feet apart at all times? I realize this and step out of the line and walk away from the vendor, a bit confused as I hear his voice echo behind me. I wake up at this point because the dream stops making sense according to my present reality. However, I miss the company of having lots of people around me the way life used to be, before this new worldwide pandemic burst from Wuhan, China - then subsequently swept around our planet Earth.

Lisa M. Harrison ~ Deconstructing the Construct, Episode 73

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