CELTIC CROSS SPREAD - October 10, 2017
Querent (subjective): Sirius Community
Reader (objective): Joseph H. Bryan-Royster
1 - FIVE OF CUPS (The Heart of the Matter)
Five of Cups - Regret
The image shows three cups emptied of their contents in front of the robed figure, with two more behind him which he cannot see. His focus is on the "down side" rather than on the "up side" of circumstances. If he would only turn around, he might realize his situation in a different light. He would see that even though he has experienced loss or a disappointment, he finds the loss only partial and that the disappointment has a "silver lining" after all. In a reading, this type of situation could be in regard to an inheritance which is disappointing in its overall light, but a person must remember to "count one's blessings." Also, it could be regret in the case of friendship or love, i.e. a relationship without any real meaning. This is the archetypal image of the incomplete, metaphysically speaking, personal karmic imbalance has brought about only a partial precipitation, or dispensation, to the client. It indicates that, upon receipt, part of what was to be given has been withheld or perhaps spent or distributed elsewhere. Herein lies the significance of the three spent cups and the two full ones left. By restoring one's own karmic balance through corrective action, the precipitation does not have to be an incomplete one, but is able to materialize in its entirety. A reversed, or positive, interpretation of this image shows: a possible reunion, news, alliances, affinity, return of an old friend, ancestry or geneaological insight revealed, etc. All in all, the Five of Cups relays a genuine sense of disappointment, but this is a matter of perception, because the hidden plus within this archetype lies in the significance of the cups behind the figure. All he needs to do is turn around and see them for himself.
State of Mind: Partial loss, Regret, Friendship without real meaning, Marriage without real love, Diminished inheritance, Incomplete union or partnership, Ancestry or genealogical insight revealed, Imperfection, Hopeful outlook, Favorable expectations, New alliances, Return of an old friend, Possible reunion, Disappointment with a silver lining
Members base is dwindling, as residency program is not leading into Membership as an ultimate goal, policies and procedures are not being implemented by Members as guided by the Core Group, Community Center and other buildings on the land are in need of structural repair, off-grid solar and wind energy projects are stalled due to lack of funds and human resources necessary to complete them, and fundraising efforts in the greater community surrounding Sirius are hindered by a failure to grow Membership base enough to invigorate this aging Eco-village and allow it to thrive as a Beacon of Light for all to see.
Members base is dwindling, as residency program is not leading into Membership as an ultimate goal, policies and procedures are not being implemented by Members as guided by the Core Group, Community Center and other buildings on the land are in need of structural repair, off-grid solar and wind energy projects are stalled due to lack of funds and human resources necessary to complete them, and fundraising efforts in the greater community surrounding Sirius are hindered by a failure to grow Membership base enough to invigorate this aging Eco-village and allow it to thrive as a Beacon of Light for all to see.
2 - SIX OF CUPS (What's Crossing You)
Six of Cups - Nostalgia
Here is the archetype representative of nostalgia, i.e. memories of the past; in particular, the times of one's youth or childhood. The two children in the image are interacting over the cup of flowers that one is presenting to the other. This picture is thus symbolic of the image recall stimulated when, as an adult, one returns to the home of their childhood for a visit. The old manor house in the background on this card is the present physical image representation, and the action in the foreground is the mental construct of past action in this same place as drawn from personal memory. In a counseling session, this archetype speaks of enjoyment and happiness in the past tense, i.e. younger days, or childhood. Faded images, in the case of an adult who is now overburdened with personal problems - things that have vanished, events and experiences which are no more. Pleasures and influences in the past, that are of a positive nature, are recalled in the mind of the client in areas illuminated by interacting with other archetypes. Another interpretation of the Six of Cups shows the reverse principle, whereas this image refers to the future, a renewal, or opportunities which lie ahead of him/her in the timeline: coming events, new vistas, or something that will shortly arrive, etc. Plans that may fail also come into play, in the light of this card showing the transitory state of the happiness experience. Reference is also made to an inheritance, also drawn from the archetype's pictorial image, i.e. that which originates from a source within the place which generated childhood's happy memories. This inheritance may manifest quickly for the client.
State of Mind: Memories, Past influences, Things that have vanished, Childhood passed, Nostalgia, Faded images, The future, Opportunities ahead, Coming events, New Vistas, Plans that may fail, That which will shortly arrive, Return to childhood home, Inheritance
Two of the four Founders, Members, and residents of Sirius long for this Eco-village to return to what is remembered as the formative years: when the Community Center was built as a centerpiece for activity inspired by the Angel of Sirius, the Dog Star. Programs, such as the ROTA meals program included the surrounding Hearthstone Village and community members were the primary residents, with the Guest Department generating revenue via rental of the Octagon as a conference center, bringing outside groups to Sirius that align with with its mission as an educational non-profit organization.
Two of the four Founders, Members, and residents of Sirius long for this Eco-village to return to what is remembered as the formative years: when the Community Center was built as a centerpiece for activity inspired by the Angel of Sirius, the Dog Star. Programs, such as the ROTA meals program included the surrounding Hearthstone Village and community members were the primary residents, with the Guest Department generating revenue via rental of the Octagon as a conference center, bringing outside groups to Sirius that align with with its mission as an educational non-profit organization.
3 - SEVEN OF CUPS (The Root Cause)
Seven of Cups - Illusion
This image relates to the astral plane of existence in multiple forms; inclusive of the lower and also higher realms of evolutionary growth. From this collective energy of unlimited imagery come the seeds of imagination and fantasy. Seven cups are portrayed, each one displaying a differing visionary representation. In a state of meditation, such symbols may appear. Depictions of personality projection, spiritual preconceptions, ideas of evil and temptation, desires for wealth and property, greed for money or precious jewels or treasure, recognition and fame, basic instinct and animal cravings - all such visions are shown in the contents of the cups displayed to the observer who has brought all of these offerings of diversionary delusions forth from the depth of his/her own subconscious mind. So fantasizing, daydreams, wishful thinking, delusion, intoxication, drug addiction, whims, and the realm of imagination having an influence upon the client, are all possible definitions of this image's significance in a counseling session. When the client's mind tends to project fantasy scenarios about any given person or a situation, and entertains them through wishful thinking in the hope that they might come to pass, is the time that these archetypal energies representing the Seven of Cups come into play. Another side of this archetype's interpretation indicates desire on the part of the client, determination even if not correctly applied, willpower, and focus of project. Also: promises unfulfilled, illusionary success, a goal nearly reached yet not quite completed. The key to a positive application of this image is putting the visions into proper perspective, as application is the difference between fantasy and reality.
State of Mind: Fantasy, Imagination, Daydreams, Foolish whims, Wishful thinking, Illusory success, Unrealistic attitudes, Desire, Determination, Strong willpower, A goal nearly attained, intelligent choice, Personality projection, Spiritual preconceptions
"Not seeing the forest for the trees," tunnel vision; i.e. disrepair of Community Center viewed piecemeal (fixing some of exterior steps when entire unit on each side of building needs reconstruction with new lumber and weatherproofing).
"Not seeing the forest for the trees," tunnel vision; i.e. disrepair of Community Center viewed piecemeal (fixing some of exterior steps when entire unit on each side of building needs reconstruction with new lumber and weatherproofing).
4 - PAGE OF PENTACLES (Recent Past)
Page of Pentacles - Application
This is the archetype of study and application of new ideas to solve problems; the image of reflection and the desire for new ideas to arise for the purpose of application - as well as scholarship and the ability to dream, which allow for the creation of novel ideas. In a counseling session, this archetype indicates that the client is studying new ways to solve old problems, or will encounter an individual who can offer insight with this regard. Or, the person entering the client's life could be a messenger bringing some news which will effect the client as it pertains to his/her particular destiny. A negative interpretation of this image, when present during a session, would be for the bearer to bring bad or unsettling news to the client. Also, some unrealism on the part of the person or quality represented, i.e. being a dreamer to the point of contemplating such fantasies which run counter to the precepts of Universal Laws, in other words, inability to recognize the obvious facts in a particular matter. Dissapation of ideas, i.e. wasted thought processes, or totally illogical thinking, rebelliousness, or wastefulness in general. Liberality and luxury as they refer to life being off balance also lend themselves to an adverse interpretation. The nature of an application of the Page of Pentacles within a particular session depends upon the client's course of action, whereas a positive reflection is generated through correct observance of Universal Laws and so a negative reflection can be transformed via the client making an individual change of course, i.e. following rather than violating said Universal Laws. Deep concentration, in the proper perspective, brings forth the best in this archetype.
State of Mind: Deep concentration, Application, Scholarship, Reflection, Desire for new ideas, Do-gooder, Bearer of news, Study, Unrealistic person, Failure to recognize obvious facts, Dissipation of ideas, Illogical thinking, Rebelliousness, Wastefulness
Following a near-fracture of the Core Group, evenly divided between two families, and then external mediation, a Strategic Planning process was initiated once bylaws were amended allowing a new Core Group member from outside the community to join as a "fulcrum" to break deadlock in divisive issues. This individual started focalizing SP sessions to re-tool SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), including succession planning beyond tenure of the two remaining Founders at Sirius.
5 - KNIGHT OF PENTACLES (Possible Outcome)
Knight of Pentacles - Responsibility
Here is the archetype of responsibility and service. Note that this image reveals a rider methodically moving toward his destination, his eyes fixed upon completion of this task in hand. He is carrying the symbol of his suit, but does not look upon it. In a metaphysical counseling session, the Knight of Pentacles represents a mature and responsible person in the life of the client; one who is reliable, with the ability to conclude a task which has been started. This person is also patient and thus persistent in his efforts, as well as being laborious and organized. This would be a person who is capable of bringing great energy to practical matters; a dependable manager and a steadfast worker. A responsible and conventional person is in this archetype's positive aspect. The adverse side of this image reveals: stagnation, inertia, a lack of determination or direction, without any purpose to carry a task to its end. Narrow-mindedness, whereas limits are established by dogmatic views, can also be a trait. Idleness and inertia, plus carelessness and discouragement, could be part of the adverse effects of this image during a counseling session. Interaction with other archetypes make the determination whether or not this image may be positive for the client. A personal course correction on his/her part can bring a 180-degree turn in circumstances and thus transform a negative outcome into a positive one. The sense of duty and that of responsibility, inherent in the specific symbolism of this archetype is able to transcend the stagnation and carelessness of its negative side.
State of Mind: Mature person, Responsible person, Reliable, Methodical, Patient, Persistent, Ability to conclude a task, Laborious, Organized, Serviceable, Stagnation, Inertia, Lack of determination or direction, Limits set by dogmatic views
New Core Group member leading the re-tooling of bylaws, dynamics of residency to membership trajectory reinforced as catalyst for growing the number of residents becoming full members during timeframe of revised bylaws.
New Core Group member leading the re-tooling of bylaws, dynamics of residency to membership trajectory reinforced as catalyst for growing the number of residents becoming full members during timeframe of revised bylaws.
6 - JUDGEMENT (Immediate Future)
Crosses the Threshold....
Initiation of the Aspirant after fully learning from the inner Teacher that all Life is Spirit made manifest through physical Form and that perception change in each individuated Soul on Earth, through the process of Life experience, is the Divine purpose for existence. The culmination of the Transformation process. The Path from orientation toward reflected Light (the Moon) has been fully traveled and the Adept now stands in realization that True Illumination is internal. This card is the Final Decision regarding the Past, thereby a Future totally New lies ahead, so this card can be heralded as the signifier of Initiation. All of the preparatory steps have led to this outcome. The Angel and Trumpet, calling forth the Dead to rise from their graves, is an accurate representation of of the Mystic symbolism behind the concept of resurrection. As we die to our material nature and desires, We are reborn into Spirit and Divine understanding of the process and purpose of Life. The Death and Resurrection of Christ set the great example for human perception change. The analogy of the mirror image of the World as seen revealed on the surface of a quiet pond, being reversed whereas the original image is the one reflected on the pond's surface, is the True Reality (Spiritual origin). The World perceived externally through the five senses is a mere reflection representative of Spirit manifested in physical Form. The five senses aligned via the sixth sense, i.e. intuition (the Third Eye), is the transformational Key to Initiation and Spiritual Metamorphosis. PARALLEL ARCHETYPES: Time, The Aeon.
State of Mind: Atonement, The need to repent and forgive, Accounting for the manner in which opportunities have been used, Rejuvenation, Rebirth, Improvement, Development, Promotion, Desire for immortality, Legal judgment in one's favor, Considering the effects of present actions upon other people, Determination, Decision, Result, Outcome, Apology, Opportunity, Readjustment, Final decision concerning the past, New current for the future, Taking a definite step, Initiation
Task at hand is to teach full responsibility and accountability for each resident and member for living "in community" with each other at Sirius. Conflict resolution is refined to the be an effective "bridge builder" among residents and members living in shared houses on the land in this Eco-village.
Task at hand is to teach full responsibility and accountability for each resident and member for living "in community" with each other at Sirius. Conflict resolution is refined to the be an effective "bridge builder" among residents and members living in shared houses on the land in this Eco-village.
7 - EIGHT OF CUPS (You/The Querent)
Eight of Cups - Abandonment
This archetype is a significator of personal perspective change, whereas that which once contained importance or value for the client is no longer seen in the same light or validity, and the individual has mentally or physically moved onward to find something else. This could be relevant with regard to a career change or that of a relationship. The pattern shown by this archetype's imagery could be one which is repetitive in the client's life, i.e. indicative of wandering, or always moving from one place or set of values to another after only a short time of involvement. Discontinuance of effort due to disappointment or failure to overcome obstacles may be indicated, should the Eight of Cups be presented during a counseling session. An abandonment of previous plans is a possible description. Metaphysically speaking, leaving material success to seek a higher spiritual fulfillment is another. Other interpretations may be: mildness, timidity, modesty, shyness, etc. In the transformative sense, though, there might be a bit of sadness and a sense of loss with regard to making the decision to move onward, as is indicated by the posture of the traveller as he walks away from the arrangement of cups in the foreground and also by the expression shown on the face of the moon. This could translate into a brief period of instability or anxiety until the client has anchored himself/herself in the new perspective or pursuit in life. This is indeed an archetype of change, and one must realize the central importance of change in the process of life experiences. The past is gone, the future is not yet, but the present is now.
State of Mind: Discontinuance of effort, Disappointment, Abandonment of previous plans, Shyness, Modesty, Abandoned success, Decline, Effort continued until full success is attained, Festivity, Gaiety, Mildness, Timidity, Career change after short involvement, Relationship change after short involvement
Sirius Community is undergoing fundamental change as the outflow of residents and members is leaving a sparse crew of people to operate functions in garden, maintenance, and guest department areas. Revealed as part of this energy drain is confusion presented by 501c3 non-profit as an educational organization with "spiritual focus" resulting in lack of clarity to define it as non-religious, so public funding from grants is difficult to obtain. Reliance on loans from supporters is necessary to offset lack of donations, residency fees, and group bookings by the Guest Department, etc.
Sirius Community is undergoing fundamental change as the outflow of residents and members is leaving a sparse crew of people to operate functions in garden, maintenance, and guest department areas. Revealed as part of this energy drain is confusion presented by 501c3 non-profit as an educational organization with "spiritual focus" resulting in lack of clarity to define it as non-religious, so public funding from grants is difficult to obtain. Reliance on loans from supporters is necessary to offset lack of donations, residency fees, and group bookings by the Guest Department, etc.
8 - NINE OF CUPS (The Querent's Environment)
Nine of Cups - Satisfaction
This is a positive image showing satisfaction and contentment in one's abundance in life, whether it be physical or spiritual. The figure portrayed in the imagery is of one who has consumed his fill of personal emotional elixer and has plenty more cups of it behind him to fill him in the days ahead. The figure is like unto King Henry VIII of England in his manner of attire and, yes, this individual is in command of his own world, as the English monarch portrayed was in control of his nation's destiny. In a session, the client has contentment in his/her life, concord regarding interaction with others, victory regarding confrontational situations, success in personal and financial pursuits - note the look of wealth in the attire of the figure. Also, advantage regarding others who cross one's path. Well-being and good health are also positive aspects which can be of benefit to the client. Happiness and pleasure abound as well. Should this image interact adversely with other archetypes, mistakes and material loss may be indicated, along with imperfections and misplaced trust, false freedom, and opposition. Note this, as it is relevant to the character of Henry VIII. When he sought a divorce and the Pope refused to grant him one, he pulled his subjects away from the Roman Catholic Church and then set up the Church of England. This institutional separation persists even unto the present day. Note also, the stubbornness of character which might surface in this image's interaction it relates to other archetypes; a mental state arising from differences. There is a danger of vanity, self-praise, conceit, and over-indulgence. An alternate interpretation shows loyalty, truth, and liberty.
State of Mind: Success, Material attainment, Advantage, Well-being, Abundance, Good health, Difficulties surmounted, Mistakes, Material loss, Imperfections, Misplaced trust, False freedom, Opposition, Differences
Founder's vision as manifested through initial growth, i.e. moving from the original farmhouse as new structures are built, culmination in construction of the Community Center, and eventually the new Lakshmi greenhouse. Though two of the four Founders have left, "palace on the hill" burned to the ground and a new Phoenix House was built in its place, the visitors coming via Guest Department programs see past accomplishments as progress toward sustainability, and are less aware of the aging infrastructure in need of repair.
Founder's vision as manifested through initial growth, i.e. moving from the original farmhouse as new structures are built, culmination in construction of the Community Center, and eventually the new Lakshmi greenhouse. Though two of the four Founders have left, "palace on the hill" burned to the ground and a new Phoenix House was built in its place, the visitors coming via Guest Department programs see past accomplishments as progress toward sustainability, and are less aware of the aging infrastructure in need of repair.
9 - EIGHT OF WANDS (Hopes and Fears)
Eight of Wands - Speed
Velocity directed toward a particular goal in the life course or undertakings of the client is indicated when this image is present during a counseling session. In the case of the romantic plunge into involvement with another person, i.e. the experience of "falling in love," this card is quite descriptive. The staves are in perfect alignment, though at different points in their trajectory, shown by the illustration of some being slightly ahead of others, yet traveling at such speed as to make one wonder what will happen when they land. A journey undertaken by the client is also a valid interpretation of this image. Specifics of such travel, and possible results thereof, will come from interaction with other archetypes. Haste is a feature of this image, so the client should be then advised to "look before leaping" into situations to which this archetypal image may be pointing. A messenger, with either a letter or news of particular importance to the client, could be forthcoming when this image appears is present. Motion is the driving quality behind any specific interpretation given to the Eight of Wands. If other archetypes are affecting the meaning of this image negatively, too much velocity or force could be in play regarding the particular situation in question, and in the case of a specific romantic inclination, i.e. falling in love when another contender or else an existing partner opposes such affection, jealousy is strongly indicated by the presence of this archetype.
State of Mind: Swift activity, Sudden progress, Sudden movement, Speed, Hastily made decisions, Too rapid advancement, Haste, Suddenness, Separation, Thorns of dispute, Jealousy, Harassment, Stagnation, Domestic
With a "revolving door" of residents and members coming and going, there is little continuity beyond that held by the two remaining Founders and a few dedicated individuals who works in gardens, maintenance, and the Guest Department. Lack of clear SOPs and a systemic dysfunction in governance as led by the Core Group, results in new people who bring fresh energy into Sirius soon becoming disillusioned and then decide to leave the community.
With a "revolving door" of residents and members coming and going, there is little continuity beyond that held by the two remaining Founders and a few dedicated individuals who works in gardens, maintenance, and the Guest Department. Lack of clear SOPs and a systemic dysfunction in governance as led by the Core Group, results in new people who bring fresh energy into Sirius soon becoming disillusioned and then decide to leave the community.
10 - THREE OF CUPS (The Outcome)
Three of Cups - Plenty
The three maidens depicted in this archetype symbolize a great abundance, whereas the participants experience times of plenty, i.e. the physical and emotional pleasure identified with a fruitful harvest and the rewards thereof. There is a sense of celebration, whereas fulfillment is indicated. In a session, the Three of Cups shown in positive representation is a very good archetype. The client has thus come to the resolution of a problem, the conclusion of a struggle or labor - i.e. the harvest, either literal or symbolic. This could be a satisfactory result regarding efforts expended. Being "full of life" and experiencing the fertility thereof is another. A positive aspect of this image is hospitality; freely sharing the bounty of one's own personal harvest with others can be indicated. Love, kindness, merriment, the good things in life, , and sensuality are also aspects. The imbalanced side of this archetype, as revealed in an adverse interaction with other images, brings forth a tendency for excess, i.e. the overabundance of pleasures, where human sensuality could express itself in the form of an orgy. Things become superfluous. There is a loss of luster or importance, i.e. prestige. Delays can be quite apparent. and there is a definite lack of appreciation. The "horn of plenty" aspect of the Three of Cups must thus be taken in a balanced perspective, whereas providence does not spoil or obscure reality of the truth regarding the Source of all creation; God. Failure to remember this important fact brings excess and imbalanced perspective, along with the misuse of God's bounty and waste thereof.
State of Mind: Resolution of a problem, Conclusion, Solace, Healing, Satisfactory result, Fulfillment, Compromise, Mending, Excessive pleasures, Overabundance, Superfluity, Loss of prestige, Delays, Lack of appreciation
Points to successful implementation of new SOPs, revised bylaws, and Strategic Planning providing a solid foundation for community growth as Sirius prepares to celebrate its 40th Anniversary in 2018.
Points to successful implementation of new SOPs, revised bylaws, and Strategic Planning providing a solid foundation for community growth as Sirius prepares to celebrate its 40th Anniversary in 2018.
Tarot Interpretations by Joseph H. Bryan-Royster, Ph.D., Msc.D.
Source: https://sites.google.com/site/josephhbryanroyster/trumps
Source: https://sites.google.com/site/josephhbryanroyster/trumps
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~ 10-10-1017 Tarot Spread Layout ~ |
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