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~ Universal Waite Tarot ~ |
15 - THE DEVIL - Interference due to Separation (Samew; Capricorn)
Encounters Obstruction....
Appearance of bondage to the concept of being Separated from God; the
illusion of self individually detached from the creative Source and
in turn separated from other selves. This mirage is the root cause of
Egotism which generates competition and strife among human beings.
The visual representation of this card is the antithesis of The
Lovers, with the sixth card in particular shown to be representative
of the human condition before the Fall that caused expulsion from
Paradise. The tails of the Man and Woman are lesser indicators of the
respective Trees, i.e. Life and the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and
their bondage to the pedestal upon which the Baphometic figure sits
shows the results of partaking in the Forbidden Fruit. The Separation
into materiality is the means of taking the Divine Spirit through a
multi-faceted projection into individuated Souls whereas each Ray is
obligated to re-discover its creative Origin in the Source of all
Being. Herein lies the symbolism of the personal Ego, an illusion in
Truth but the specific obstacle all Incarnated Beings must overcome
in order to reach liberation from the Karmic Wheel, i.e. the Cycle of
rebirth. All of the strife, greed, prejudice, hate, selfishness,
lust, and Evil intentions of all kinds imaginable are the result of
personal Egotism; individual manifestations of unbelief in the unity
of all Consciousness within the Mind of the Source who dwells within
all of us. Each incarnated Being has the Key to open the Door of
Realization regarding this Truth, yet the Understanding that material
existence (solidity) is an illusion must be recognized first. The
obscuration of this Reality is the role of the proverbial Threshold
Dweller represented on this card. Transcendence of Limitations is the
act which sets us free. PARALLEL ARCHETYPES: Mephistopheles, Satan,
of Mind: Subordination, Ravage, Bondage, Malevolence,
Subservience, Downfall, Lack of success, Weird experience, Bad
outside influence or advice, Black magic, Unexpected failure,
Inability to realize one's goals, Violence, Shock, Fatality,
Self-punishment, Temptation to evil, Self-destruction, Dependency
upon another person, Blind impulse, Obsession, Endurance
Intuitive interpretation by Joseph H. Bryan-Royster, Ph.D.
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