Monday, April 25, 2016

Collective Imagination on the Translation Tour in San Francisco!

~ April 6th, 2016 ~

Barbara Karnes broadcast this show from her hotel room in "The City by the Bay" before her return trip to New York City via Chicago, and was not joined by Lisa M. Harrison as it had to be aired a day early due to constraints of the Amtrak train schedule. Toward the end of show, I was invited to share The One People of Earth IN-Community/Unity Link 'n Sync Tour and my intention to do a parallel "Patchwork Tour" via Amtrak from Springfield, MA to Palatka, FL and back to swap painting of Sirius Stone Circle Sanctuary for a Magic Coat with patchwork lining with my friend Theresa in Pomona Park on the Summer Solstice: June 20th 6:34 EDT, which also happens to be her daughter Kimberly's 48th birthday! On the show I mistakenly said June 21st, as Solstice often falls on that date. ~ JDHWB-R

Video Source:

Sunday, April 24, 2016

1st Proposed IN-Community Tour Stop beyond Massachusetts...

We at OPAL North East Interface are preparing to meet-up for a Spring conference to be held at Blueberry Ridge in Newport, NH over the weekend of May 21-22, 2016. Details will be forthcoming in the near future, so please do stand by for updates on this event... ~ JDHWB-R


Saturday, April 23, 2016

We Have 200+ Member/Owners and... are Growing Toward 300!


Call for Board Candidates and Volunteers

Posted by Amherst Community Co-op ~ April 19, 2016

Starting a food co-op is an exciting process, but it takes a village! We'd love to invite you to join our organizing efforts. We are looking for folks who are potentially interested in becoming involved with the start-up process, including involvement with our board of directors. Only member-owners can serve on our board of directors, so if this interests you and you are not yet a member-owner, click here to join! If you aren't yet in a position to become a member-owner but would still like to be involved, we invite you to get in touch with us to find out how you can volunteer.

This is a critical time for the Co-op: We now have just over 200 member-owners and are well on our way to the 300 member-owner mark. This is the point at which most start-up co-ops consider commissioning their feasibility studies. In concert with getting the next 100 member-owners signed up, we'll be raising the funds to hire our consultants at Cooperative Development Services (CDS) to conduct a market feasibility study and financial pro-forma. With this consulting work in place, we can then move forward with the process of finding a location for the store, determining its size, and other basic elements involved with starting a food co-op.

The Board of Directors is the essential link between the Amherst community's dream of having its own full-service cooperative grocery store and the reality of building such a store. As a member of the Board, you will help guide this process.

The Amherst Community Co-op Board of Directors will have the following duties:

- Supervising the Co-op through its startup phase

- Helping to build the member-owner base

- Making the community at large aware of the co-op and its mission

- Using the consultants' study as the basis for identifying and securing a store 

- Participating in negotiations to secure a location

- Monitoring the Co-op's governing policies

- Performing financial oversight of the Co-op

- Responding to shareholders' concerns

- Making decisions that can only be made by the Board as defined by the co-op's bylaws

- Ensuring that the purpose, mission, and principles of the co-op are part of every decision.

Board Member Expectations
During the startup phase, Board members will be expected to attend monthly meetings

Attend and participate in the Annual Member-owner Meeting and other meetings of member-owners

Board members are expected to arrive on time for scheduled meetings and fulfill rotating duties, such as tabling at events.

Should You Run for the Board of Directors?

You should run for a seat on the Board of Directors if you care deeply about seeing to it that Amherst has a cooperative grocery store that is consistent with our community's values. The Amherst Community Co-op will be a worker and consumer owned full-service grocery store that is governed according to democratic and inclusive principles, providing wholesome, affordable, and locally-produced foods that reflect the diversity of our community. 

You should consider getting involved if:

You have experience in starting or running a business, preferably food-related

You have experience as a community organizer

You have experience with (or interest in) democratic management structures

You have any other skills or experience that you believe would be of value to the Amherst Community Co-op

But more than anything…

You should join us if you are care about making the co-op a reality as a cornerstone for all members of the Amherst community and its surrounding areas.
The Amherst Community Co-op needs you!


I AM standing beside Felicia Kent, who along with her husband Alex, set up a table at the first Farmer's Market of the season on the Common in Amherst for building membership and raising funds for a feasibility study regarding location of a full-service co-operative market serving the local communities of Amherst, Leverett, Pelham, and Shutesbury... ~ JDHWB-R

Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day Dichotomy: Geo-Engineering vs. Stewardship of Gaia

 ~ Established April 22, 1970 ~

Each year, Earth Day—April 22—marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.

The height of counterculture in the United States, 1970 brought the death of Jimi Hendrix, the last Beatles album, and Simon & Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” War raged in Vietnam and students nationwide overwhelmingly opposed it.

At the time, Americans were slurping leaded gas through massive V8 sedans. Industry belched out smoke and sludge with little fear of legal consequences or bad press. Air pollution was commonly accepted as the smell of prosperity. “Environment” was a word that appeared more often in spelling bees than on the evening news.

Although mainstream America largely remained oblivious to environmental concerns, the stage had been set for change by the publication of Rachel Carson’s New York Times bestseller Silent Spring in 1962.  The book represented a watershed moment, selling more than 500,000 copies in 24 countries, and beginning to raise public awareness and concern for living organisms, the environment and links between pollution and public health.

Earth Day 1970 gave voice to that emerging consciousness, channeling the energy of the anti-war protest movement and putting environmental concerns on the front page.

The Idea

The idea for a national day to focus on the environment came to Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Inspired by the student anti-war movement, he realized that if he could infuse that energy with an emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution, it would force environmental protection onto the national political agenda. Senator Nelson announced the idea for a “national teach-in on the environment” to the national media; persuaded Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded Republican Congressman, to serve as his co-chair; and recruited Denis Hayes from Harvard as national coordinator. Hayes built a national staff of 85 to promote events across the land. April 22, falling between Spring Break and Final Exams, was selected as the date.

On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies. Thousands of colleges and universities organized protests against the deterioration of the environment. Groups that had been fighting against oil spills, polluting factories and power plants, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, freeways, the loss of wilderness, and the extinction of wildlife suddenly realized they shared common values.

Earth Day 1970 achieved a rare political alignment, enlisting support from Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, city slickers and farmers, tycoons and labor leaders. By the end of that year, the first Earth Day had led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts. “It was a gamble,” Gaylord recalled, “but it worked.”

As 1990 approached, a group of environmental leaders asked Denis Hayes to organize another big campaign. This time, Earth Day went global, mobilizing 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage. Earth Day 1990 gave a huge boost to recycling efforts worldwide and helped pave the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. It also prompted President Bill Clinton to award Senator Nelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1995)—the highest honor given to civilians in the United States—for his role as Earth Day founder.

Earth Day Today

As the millennium approached, Hayes agreed to spearhead another campaign, this time focused on global warming and a push for clean energy. With 5,000 environmental groups in a record 184 countries reaching out to hundreds of millions of people, Earth Day 2000 combined the big-picture feistiness of the first Earth Day with the international grassroots activism of Earth Day 1990. Earth Day 2000 used the power of the Internet to organize activists, but also featured a drum chain that traveled from village to village in Gabon, Africa. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered on the National Mall in Washington, DC for a First Amendment Rally. Earth Day 2000 sent world leaders the loud and clear message that citizens around the world wanted quick and decisive action on global warming and clean energy.

Much like 1970, Earth Day 2010 came at a time of great challenge for the environmental community. Climate change deniers, well-funded oil lobbyists, reticent politicians, a disinterested public, and a divided environmental community all contributed to the narrative—cynicism versus activism. Despite these challenges, Earth Day prevailed and Earth Day Network reestablished Earth Day as a relevant, powerful focal point. Earth Day Network brought 250,000 people to the National Mall for a Climate Rally, launched the world’s largest environmental service project—A Billion Acts of Green®–introduced a global tree planting initiative that has since grown into The Canopy Project, and engaged 22,000 partners in 192 countries in observing Earth Day.

Earth Day had reached into its current status as the largest secular observance in the world, celebrated by more than a billion people every year, and a day of action that changes human behavior and provokes policy changes.

Today, the fight for a clean environment continues with increasing urgency, as the ravages of climate change become more manifest every day. We invite you to be a part of Earth Day and help write many more chapters—struggles and victories—into the Earth Day book.

Stay tuned! 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. In honor of this milestone, Earth Day Network is preparing to announce an ambitious set of goals to shape the future we need.


Today I joined Work Circle at Sirius Community to help Llani and Linda Davidson in the Orchard with chores relative to the Growing Season. Early Harvesting of Green Onions for Spring Salads was my first task. Then I helped Llani move Wood Chips via Wheelbarrow to place around one of two Sea Buckthorn Trees that she transplanted with her mother, Linda. Lastly, I brushed off the Spade, Shovel, and Pitchfork before wiping with Vegetable Oil and putting them away inside the Gardening Shed next to the Laksme Greenhouse... ~ JDHWB-R

Thursday, April 21, 2016


FEMA High Level Briefing Mega Earthquake Swarms Coming

Tom Lupshu - Published on Apr 17, 2016

I have come to the conclusion that we will be facing disasters of a new caliber after meeting with an Individual with very alarming information about possible future events being discussed by the federal emergency management agency. A lot of events were talked about that they are making preparations for at this time. All this and more is included in the video. Thank you all for everything you do for the community here at this channel and the community over at Bunker Report on Facebook!
The real reason behind the secret FEMA alert meeting

PROJECT INCENSION - Published on Apr 20, 2016

PROJECT INCENSION: Interviewing: Sgt. Pattie L. Brassard and Sgt. Daniel Brad MacBolen on The real reason behind the secret FEMA alert meeting.

Video Source:

THIS POST MUST GO VIRAL! Reference is made in 2nd Video to Duncan O'Finioan, who spoke live on the One People Round Table show (19 April 2016) with Lisa M. Harrison & Dani Arnold McKenny from an undisclosed location in Iowa... Prepare to bug-out now. ~ JDHWB-R

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


One People Round Table 19 April 2016

Posted 20 April 2016

The One People Round table Discussion today was the kick off of the 24 hour gathering across the world.  With all the talk across the main stream and alternative media of April 19th being a very symbolic and "charged" day, we decided to gather together- online and in physicality- to "hold the space" and the intention of Peace and Transparency.

During this weeks show  Dani did a special report on the Arch of Triumph that was being unveiled in London on the morning of the 19th.  We discussed Time and Shifting realities, the financial fuckery that is currently being seen, the Shanghai Gold exchange and China's Yuan Backed Gold Fix,  the shaking and quaking of the earth.....

April 19 has been hyped up with multiple events expected to happen, both positive and negative. From a tsumani of positive energy bathing the planet to the co-opting of this energy with the erection of the Baal Arches (Arches of Triumph etc), as well as financial shakeups.

.... and for the last hour, we had Duncan O'Finioan join us for a discussion of what he's been experiencing in his very crazy world.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Revolution Is in the Air
By Chris Hedges - Posted on April 16, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C—The sustained, daily civil disobedience at the Capitol by demonstrators denouncing the capture of our political system by corporate money is part of one of the largest and most important movements for social justice since the Occupy uprising. Join it.

Six hundred of the protesters have been arrested, and I was among 100 arrested Friday.

The protesters, organized by Democracy Spring, have converged on Washington from across the country. Young. Old. Black. White. Brown. Native American. Asian. Christian. Jew. Muslim. Buddhist. Atheist. From the left. From the right. Some marched for 10 days along a 160-mile route from Philadelphia to Washington.

On Friday, about a dozen protesters who had slipped into a tour group to get into the Capitol used zip ties to bind themselves to each other and to scaffolding inside the rotunda. They remained until they were arrested. In addition, scores of other protesters were taken away by police during the day.

“We the people demand a democracy free from the corrupting influence of big money and voter suppression,” they shouted. “We demand a democracy where every vote is counted and every voice is heard. Democracy Spring!”

The hundreds of arrests this past week have been largely ignored by a corporate media whose lobbyists, along with those of other corporations, are a familiar presence on Capitol Hill. The mass media’s blackout of the largest number of arrests at the Capitol in decades is one of innumerable examples of our corporate coup d’état. And until corporate power is overthrown—and it will be overthrown only from the streets in sustained acts of civil disobedience—the nation will continue to devolve into an authoritarian police state. Corporations will continue to strip us of our remaining rights, carry out the deadly assault on the ecosystem, impoverish workers, make a mockery of our democracy and cannibalize what is left of the country. The system of corporate power is incapable of reform. It must be destroyed.

We will have to do this together. No one will do it for us. And as the numbers in the streets swell—and I will be with the protesters in Washington again on Monday—the corruption of our political system becomes ever more apparent.

It is imperative to protest in Cleveland and Philadelphia during the Republican and Democratic conventions later this year. The building of movements and sustained civil disobedience is far more important than voting. Voting without powerful and organized movements is futile. Voting without profound electoral reform, including banishing corporate money from politics, is useless.

The hope of Democracy Spring organizers is that growing waves of people will be arrested at the Capitol. Monday is expected to draw hundreds of people to a sit-in. While the protests center specifically on four bills before Congress that would expand public financing for federal campaigns, pass a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, end gerrymandering and restore the Voting Rights Act, they also have challenged corporate domination of all aspects of society. The daily marches have focused on themes: labor, racial justice, student debt and (on Saturday) climate justice.

Democracy cannot be sustained if it cannot be seen. Those in power must be made to fear movements that are willing to disrupt the machinery of state. The elites must be kept in check.

The question, as the philosopher Karl Popper pointed out, is not how to get good people to rule. Most people attracted to power, Popper wrote, are at best mediocre and usually venal. The question is how to build movements to stop the powerful from doing sustained damage to the citizenry, the nation and the environment. It is not our job to take power. It is our job to keep power constantly off balance and fearful of overstepping its reach to pillage on behalf of the elites.

This is why, as Ralph Nader points out, our last liberal president was Richard Nixon. Nixon was not a liberal or endowed with a conscience. However, powerful grass-roots movements, including the anti-war movement and labor unions, frightened him and others in power. Nixon in 1974 signed an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act that raised wages by more than 40 percent. He created the Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. He called for universal health insurance and passed progressive legislation including the Mine and Safety Act, the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act—much of it authored by Nader. He pushed through a minimum tax on the wealthy—the alternative minimum tax—and called for a guaranteed minimum income for the poor under the Family Assistance Program. During his administration, for the first time since World War II, spending on social service programs exceeded expenditures on the war machine.

It was the pressure of radical movements and independent parties such as the Progressive Party and the Communist Party that saw Franklin Delano Roosevelt create the New Deal, which delivered a series of social and economic reforms that only the Nixon presidency would rival. Roosevelt warned his fellow oligarchs that they had better part with some of their money to create public works projects, Social Security and some 12 million jobs during the Depression or face the prospect of a revolution in which they would lose everything. Roosevelt later said that one of his greatest achievements was saving capitalism.

The insurgent candidacies of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have made it clear to citizens across the political spectrum that money has replaced the vote. Their supporters and other Americans now understand that the elites have gamed the system. They grasp that they have been shut out. And this has engendered the anger and frustration that fuel movements willing to step outside the established boundaries of the political process.

The corrupt institutions of power have, for decades, successfully used empty political theater to create the fiction of democracy. In our managed democracy, usually only corporate-approved candidates—including Barack Obama, who was anointed by the Chicago political machine—are able to get elected to state or national office. It is nearly impossible in our system of inverted totalitarianism to vote against the interests of ExxonMobil, Bank of America, Raytheon or Goldman Sachs. On all of the major structural issues, from the failure to regulate Wall Street to imperial wars and the evisceration of our civil liberties, there has been complete continuity between the Bush and Obama administrations.

The voices of citizens are rising from the streets of Washington and fracking sites in Colorado. They are rising from towns and cities such as Ferguson and Baltimore where police murders are terrorizing poor people of color. They are rising in Los Angeles from underpaid workers and the Dreamers. And these voices will, if we sustain and join them, become a deafening crescendo. They will create the kinds of movements that alone make social and political change possible.

We all have the capacity to refuse to cooperate. We do not have to be complicit in the collective suicide of the species. We can bring democracy into the streets. By joining boycotts, demonstrations, strikes, hunger fasts and popular movements, by carrying out acts of civil disobedience, we ignite our souls, we create another narrative, another way of being, and we expose the dead hand of authority.

The elites are in trouble. They have lost credibility. Neoliberalism and globalization have been unmasked as tools of corporate exploitation. The billions spent on propaganda to maintain the illusion of democracy and the benefits of the “free market” no longer work. The endless wars, which have not made the United States, Europe or the Middle East more secure, are now unmasked as blood-drenched arms markets for a war industry bloated with trillions of taxpayer dollars.

The war industry and the fossil fuel industry, like all corporate systems of exploitation, are at their core systems of death. They assault a planet that needs to swiftly build green infrastructures and egalitarian social systems that make life possible. The battle before us, as anyone who follows climate science understands, is urgent. It is about defeating these systems of death. It is the battle for life. We may lose. These systems are powerful and ruthless. But if we do not resist, we extinguish hope.


Photo: Actress Rosario Dawson demonstrated Friday on Capitol Hill. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP)

Monday, April 18, 2016


One People Round Table

April 19, 2016 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
  Location: Sydney, Australia (local time)

Now capable of a LIVE Audience of 200!!!

April 19 has been hyped up with multiple events expected to happen, both positive and negative. From a tsumani of positive energy bathing the planet to the co-opting of this energy with the erection of the Baal Arches (Arches of Triumph etc), as well as financial shakeups.

Lisa Harrison and Dani Arnold McKenny invite you to join them this week to expand on the topics of recent months and share your own research.

This will be immediately followed by a 24 hour party around the world.

Time to come together with friends, loved ones and like minded to share in the collective grounding of some positive energy.

To join in and be part of our LIVE studio audience for the show please click on the following link at the scheduled time.

The same link/room will be open for the following 24 hours so if you are having a get together at Deor just having a party for one, please use the same link to join us live for the following 24 hours.

Turn on your video and talk, sing, dance and share with others from around the world.

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 415 762 9988 (US Toll) or +1 646 568 7788 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 180 302 226

International numbers available:
Sydney, Australia Time Zone (RT live broadcast)
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Tue, Apr 19 2016

Eastern Daylight Time Zone (LOTH location)
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Mon, Apr 18 2016


Occupy Politics in the USA: Democracy Spring in Washington, DC (April 11-18, 2016)

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Tsunami of Dollars Coming Back to America Soon!
 By Greg Hunter On April 14, 2016

Emergency Fed meetings at the White House, the launching of new gold trading market at the Shanghai Gold Exchange, revelations Deutsche Bank admitting it manipulated gold and silver prices, China starting its own global payment system. These may all seem unrelated, but accordingto macroeconomic researcher Rob Kirby, they are all connected.  Kirby explains, “With China and their upstart CIPS, which is the China Interbank Payment System, China appears to be on the verge of merging their interbank payment system with SWIFT.  My gut is telling me that this will very much marginalize America as the main processor of global payments.  This, in my view, will embody very possibly a global reset in terms which currency is going to be the world’s reserve currency.  I have a very sneaking suspicion that when China merges with the SWIFT system, I believe there is a very strong possibility that China will back their currency with gold.  I do believe this is why China has aggressively been buying physical gold for the past 10 or 15 years.  They have been doing it with a view to dislodging the dollar or greatly diminishing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  That’s what I think is at play right now.  I think U.S. bankers and regulators have caught wind of this and are aware it is coming.  I also believe this is the reason for all the secret meetings they have been having.  The Federal Reserve Board met in secret behind closed doors (Monday morning), and they gave us some frivolous reason why they were meeting.  The Fed Chairman, that Monday afternoon, walked over to the White House and met with, not just the President, but also the Vice President.  The notion that the President and Vice President would be in the same room at the same time tells you this is national security related.  If you don’t think the preservation of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency isn’t a national security issue, you better think again.”

Could there be a dramatic and overnight reduction in the value of the dollar?  Kirby contends, “I think this is coming in very short order now.  The trail of bread crumbs is indicating this is what is afoot right now.”

Does that mean dollar devaluation and a bank “holiday” coming soon? Kirby says, “How quickly this happens is open for conjecture, but that is clearly the direction we are heading.  We are unmistakably headed in that direction.  The only real question is how long these criminal central bankers can MacGyver the system together and keep it together with elastic bands, paperclips and bungie cords.  This is going down.  This is going to happen. I think it’s going down in the next two or three weeks. . . .We’ve all speculated that this would eventually happen.  Now we are here, and the clock is about to strike midnight.”

What have the President and the VP been told by the Fed Chairman in these emergency meetings this week? Kirby says, “My guess is they are probably explaining to them just how deep the   pooh is that they are about to be thrown into.  It’s deep, and it’s going to be over their heads. . . . Historically, when banks have nothing else they can do, they take us to war.”

If they don’t take us to war? Kirby says, “Everything is on the table. . . . My thinking is there are an awful lot of U.S. dollars out there right now that are going to be coming home to America. . . . The adjustment in global reserve accounts could create a tsunami of dollars coming back to America in a very, very short period of time. That could trigger something approaching a hyperinflationary event or, at least, stagflation and super inflationary pressure.  That’s the minimum occurring very, very soon.”

About the recent revelation of Deutsche Bank suppressing the price of physical gold and silver? Kirby points out, “The price rigging ultimately comes back to and will be shown that it really is an operation of the U.S. Treasury and the U.S. Federal Reserve. . . . The short interests, or the paper sales of precious metals, have been used on purpose to suppress the growing demand for precious metals, or to make it appear that people are still happy with dollars and don’t prefer precious metals to dollars. . . . Whether the U.S. central bank declares that gold or silver are not money in some hubris filled silliness doesn’t diminish the fact that gold and silver are money, and your U.S. Constitution says gold and silver are money.”

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Does a Financial Collapse in the USA Start on April 19th, 2016?

In a shocking move, likely to crush the US economy overnight, China is refusing to make its new gold-backed Yuan, convertible to or from US Dollars.

The new Yuan, which will be gold-backed, will be introduced next Tuesday, April 19, 2016.  China decided to make the Yuan a more reliable currency when the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed to add it to the list of world currencies used for Global Reserves and International Trade.

China has been collecting huge amounts of gold bullion for years.  Now, with a new gold-backed Yuan to be issued next Tuesday, the entire world will have a choice of a new currency to use for international trade: The old US Dollar which is backed by nothing, or the new Chinese Yuan, which is backed by gold. Which currency would YOU use?

When this new currency is issued, countries that have been forced to use US Dollars for decades, and have had to keep billions of dollars in their foreign currency reserves, will be free to dump those dollars.  However, they won’t be able to dump them to China for the new gold-backed, Yuan! China has reportedly decided “there can be no conversion of gold-backed Yuan to or from US dollars.”

What China fears is that many countries around the world will want to trade their reserve US dollars  for the new Yuan, leaving China with mountains of worthless US dollars. China already has several trillion in US dollar reserves and does not want or need.

Now the time comes for countries around the world to decide whether or not they wish to continue trading with the USA at all.  This could cause the US Dollar to crash basically overnight.  What have YOU done to prepare for this financial apocalypse?

Friday, April 15, 2016




One People of Earth IN-Community/Unity Link 'n Sync Tour...

Thank You for Supporting Our T-Shirt Campaign!
 March 23rd through April 11th, 2016

With help from family and friends, almost $50. USD has been raised toward purchase of supplies to hold an initial IN-Community Synthesis Workshop presentation next month.

Joseph David Henry Ware Bryan-Royster

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Democracy Spring Activists Plan Washington DC Sit In Protest


From Selma to Seneca Falls, from Stonewall to Ferguson, the history of American progress is marked by the moments when We the People come together to stand up for what is right. Movement moments. From five-million signer petitions, to State House resolutions, to ballot initiatives advancing fair elections, there is a growing movement in the US demanding solutions to our deeply corrupt political system.

But to shift the political climate much faster in favor of reform — during an election year awash in a tsunami of big money — we need to create a watershed moment to show Washington that Americans are determined to claim the democracy we were promised. With little more than our peaceful, dignified determination to stand up (by sitting down), we have the power to create that watershed moment. Together we can defend the basic, beautiful concept that in our democracy everybody deserves an equal voice, not just billionaires and big money interests.

Here’s the plan.


The campaign will kick off just as the advancing presidential primaries bring the national election to center stage, on April 2, when a pioneering group of marchers from every state in the union will gather with supporters at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia on April 2nd. There, where the dream of American democracy took flight, we will issue a simple demand to Congress: listen to the People and take immediate action to end the corruption of big money in politics and ensure our elections are free, fair, and afford every American an equal voice, regardless of wealth. And we will call on every member of Congress and candidate for office in America to join citizen equality champions in taking an Equal Voice for All Pledge that commits them to fight for pro-democracy reform. Then, in the spirit of Granny D, the Selma to Montgomery marchers, Cesar Chavez and the farmworker pilgrimage, and others who walked for freedom, we will set out on a 10 day, 140-mile march from Philadelphia to the Nation’s Capitol.

On the road to Washington, Democracy Spring marchers will meet with fellow citizens, talk to the media, and create a firestorm of anticipation by laying out a simple choice to Congress: either pass bills to make the 2016 elections free and fair for for all people as equal citizens, or be prepared to send us and thousands of patriotic Americans who join us from all across the country to jail simply for demanding an equal voice.


When the march arrives in Washington on April 11th, we hope we will be able to rally to celebrate that Congress has come to its senses and passed at least one of the perfectly-viable reform bills now pending before it. But if they refuse to do anything, we will have no choice but to reclaim the People’s House in mass, dignified but determined, nonviolent sit-ins to force their hand.

Inspired by the American civil rights movement, the women’s suffrage movement, and other successful traditions of nonviolent direct action, students and teachers, grandparents and grandchildren, faith leaders and former elected officials, as well as a number of celebrities and public figures already confirmed, will risk arrest in mass sit-ins at the Capitol and in Congressional offices every day for at least a week. This is our moment of moral clarity: will Congress send thousands of patriotic Americans to jail instead of simply doing it’s job to ensure that our elections are free and fair for all people? Millions of people throughout the country watching an unprecedented nonviolent confrontation at the Capitol will find out.

During the sit-in, we will maintain a public convergence center as a gathering point for supporters and the press and will coordinate call-in days, online petitions, Twitter storms, local solidarity actions and more to amplify the power of the mass sit-ins for people across the country and the world.


Given the current makeup of Congress, immediate reform is extremely unlikely. In fact, we expect that the defenders of corruption in Congress will choose to put thousands of Americans in handcuffs instead of passing perfectly-viable, on-the-table pro-democracy reforms supported by the vast majority of the country.

But no matter what happens in the immediate endgame, we win. Because mass nonviolent action at this moment, on this issue, will focus the nation’s attention — as never before — on the urgency of this crisis, the existence of solutions to it, and the strength of the popular demand to enact them.

A Democracy Spring will unleash unstoppable momentum for deep reform. It will reveal exactly which side the members of Congress and the candidates for office from President to state legislatures and city halls stand on in this fight to save democracy. With the Equal Voice for All Pledge as a tool we will leverage this momentum and exposure to make crystal clear for voters across America which candidates are committed to reform and which are defending the status quo of corruption.

Together, we will force this issue into the heart of the 2016 election narrative and make the election a referendum on whether our democracy should belong to the People as a whole or to the billionaire class alone. That’s a referendum we will leverage historic momentum to win, setting the stage to achieve fundamental reform that will give us — finally — the democracy for all we were promised.



Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Democracy Spring is NOW... Happy Birthday Thomas Jefferson!


#Democracy Spring Movement Launches Voting Rights Sit-in Washington, DC - Sputnik International

Thousands of demonstrators have gathered at the US Capitol to stage a mass sit-in to call for election reform.

“Almost every American agrees our democracy is seriously out of whack – that our elections and government are dominated by wealthy interests,” Kai Newkirk, lead organizer of Democracy Spring, said in a statement.

“And yet Congress is doing nothing. So today we say no more.”

Sputnik's correspondent on the ground says hundreds of arrests have been made. Officials say the number of arrests at the Capitol is unprecedented.

"Over 1,000 people have confirmed over the phone with our organizers that they are going to be risking arrest this week," Democracy Spring's deputy campaign director Curt Ries told Sputnik. Demonstrators hope to "send a clear message to Americans across the country that their government is not only corrupt, but is refusing these solutions."

The group is calling for four specific reform measures. In addition to overturning the Citizens United ruling that legalized unlimited corporate campaign contributions, Democracy Spring is also calling for a modernization of voter registration, the creation of a public campaign financing system, and a restoration of a scrapped provision of the Voting Rights Act that allowed southern states to approve their own voting procedures.

Demonstrators plan to remain in protest throughout the week.

Thomas Jefferson is born, April 13, 1743

By Andrew Glass

On this day in 1743, Thomas Jefferson, who drafted the Declaration of Independence and served as the nation’s third president, was born as the third of 10 children into a prominent planter’s family in Albemarle County, Va.

Near the close of the Revolutionary War, Jefferson served two terms as Virginia’s governor. Returning to the United States from France after the ratification of the Constitution, Jefferson became the nation’s first secretary of state under President George Washington and then vice president under John Adams. During those years, he led the Republican-Democrats, one of two rival political parties, from which today’s Democratic Party descends.

Jefferson had briefly retired from public life but returned to it after the death of his young wife, Martha, in 1782. He then helped craft congressional legislation that laid the foundation for governance of America’s western territories.

Soon after Martha died, a French visitor, the Marquis de Chastellux, having conversed at length with Jefferson at his Monticello home, wrote:

“Let me describe to you a man, not yet 40, tall, and with a mild and pleasing countenance. … An American, who without ever having quitted his own country, is at once a musician, skilled in drawing, a geometrician, an astronomer, a natural philosopher, legislator and statesman. … Sometimes natural philosophy, at others politics or the arts, were the topics of our conversation, for no object had escaped Mr. Jefferson; and it seemed as if from his youth he had placed his mind, as he has done his house, on an elevated situation, from which he might contemplate the universe.”

In 1801, Jefferson merged the roles of president and party leader, setting a precedent that all presidents have followed. During his two terms, he arranged purchase of the vast Louisiana Territory from Napoleonic France.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

IN-Community/Unity Tour: This is a Part of Original Intention...

Interfacing with indigenous peoples on the 5th Longest Walk from La Jolla, CA to Washington, DC in solidarity with the raising of awareness about drug use in native communities and inner cities...

American Indian Movement co-founder Dennis Banks is leading another historically significant walk across America to heighten awareness of substance abuse issues, suicide and other traumatic crises facing Native American people, according to a press release.

“The Longest Walk 5” began Feb. 13 in La Jolla, Calif. It is planned to end July 15, 2016 in Washington, D.C. The walkers passed through Taos, NM Saturday and Sunday (April 2-3). The interview depicted took place along State Road 518 just outside Taos.

“The issues facing our people and the issues facing our Earth are connected,” Banks said in a prepared statement. “They both arise from the kind of thinking that does not value people or the Earth. Native American traditions oppose this sort of thinking. We say all life is sacred, and we speak as the conscience of our Earth.”

Banks added that the organization behind “Longest Walk 5” plans to “host forums to see how communities are addressing one of the most difficult issues facing people and the Earth today. We will gather information about solutions from community leaders, law enforcement, clergy and drug program directors. College students will interview community members, students, parents, spiritual leaders, counselors and tribal officers in an attempt to get the bigger picture of the issues.”

The Walk is a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations of food, medical attention and supplies, such as new socks, running shoes, water and energy snacks, are needed.

My Original Intention for IN-Community/Unity Link 'n Sync Tour launched 3/20/2016:

One People of Earth IN Community
Multidirectional Overland Tour
Interfacing Caravans: 2016-2017

Multiple Starting Points and Stops at many established, new, and forming Intentional Communities...

Vehicles joining caravans encouraged to convert to fuels beyond petroleum in the course of our journey together...

Purpose is to share an idea of building  a One Earth Community Switchboard: created to network decentralized hubs in sustainable communities evolving as an alternative solidarity economy...

Self-governance through the process of consensus decision making on the local level IN Community is fostered...

Collective monitoring of people elected to represent constituents at every level in this Republic to ensure transparency in legislation and for calling out actions in variance to local consensus, even to the point of recall elections if necessary...

Interfacing with indigenous peoples on the 5th Longest Walk from La Jolla, CA to Washington, DC in solidarity with the raising of awareness about drug use in native communities and inner cities...

Goal of multidirectional overland tour is to BE the catalyst for spiritual, political, and economic transformation; reaching critical mass during the next two years and moving across the face of Gaia...

We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for... and we’re done waiting!


Released Today (November 29th, 2015) as an Open Intention of Heart for Collective Brainstorming into Manifestation as the One People of Earth IN Community... Namaste'

I AM, also known as Lamplighter (One of Many Aspects IN Source)
or Joseph David Henry Ware Bryan-Royster

On October 4th, 2015 I visited the Leverett Peace Pagoda on the occasion of its 30th Anniversary and personally met Dennis Banks, a co-founder of AIM (American Indian Movement) and learned of the 5th Longest Walk: War on Drugs. Now this historic trek on foot across 14 U.S. States (La Jolla CA to Washington, DC: February 13th - July 15th, 2016) has passed through Taos, NM as of April 2-3 and continues to move toward its culmination in our Nation's Capital with a message of vital importance that Dennis shares in the video. At some point on this journey, the IN-Community Overland Tour will interface with them and walk alongside Dennis as he brings into clarity severity of the drug problem in Native American communities, on and off the reservations. I AM in Solidarity with him ~ JDHWB-R

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Event, Is It The Sign We Have All Been Waiting For?

Making The Connection

Learning to make the spiritual connection to the light energy that is in all of us
will help us to remember who we really are.

My Event

The truth isn't a conspiracy if you deny it, it is just an excuse to continue to search for it. Once we recognize that the truth to everything is inside us and has been there our entire lives, we will realize that only our own fear and ego is what has preventing us from becoming aware of this startling fact of life. This article The Event, Is It The Sign We Have Been Waiting For? will expose the simple facts that the entire human race has been denying themselves for thousands of years.

A recent trip to the Smokey Mountains in Eastern Tennessee, showed me how willing I have become to ignore the simple truth of my life. My intentions were to under go a Quantum Healing Hypnotic Regression Therapy Session in the hopes of finding out what my purpose for incarnating on this planet was. To find out who I really am and what the truth of my existence is all about.

My ego or more simply my fear prevented the hypnotist from being able to put me in a trance. Just like my many failed attempts to astral project, every time the hypnotist came close to putting me into a trance my ego resumed control. My fear of allowing someone else to have control prevented me from letting go. Ultimately it lead me to question my own motives for the entire experience and my conclusions disturbed me to my core.

Here I was looking to let some Higher Power, perhaps my subconscious or my spirit guide reveal to me the purpose for my existence, when ultimately that is the entire reason for incarnating here in the first place. Every clue pointed to the simple fact that my whole life and every life on this planet's ultimate purpose is to come to these conclusions on their own.

Certainly I was frustrated, as I had created such high hopes and expectations for this event but this experience was not a failure, just the contrary. It motivated me to search for the real reasons for why I felt this Therapy Session would lead me to the answers that I have sought my entire life. Suffice to say I did not give up and it was not the money I had paid for the session that motivated me but the sincere desire for enlightenment.

On the last day my conclusions were confirmed when I was put into a light meditative alpha trance which was designed to remove my fear and reassure my ego but lead me to having a conversation with a power greater than myself. Before I reveal what that conversation was like and what transpired, let me share with you some of my knowledge and the history behind the topic of that conversation.

Once The Event takes place everyone on the planet will have a Spiritual Awakening!
The Event

This Event described on such sites as and other sites, is a precursor to the ascension process and is designed to awaken the human race to the fact that we are not alone and never have been. It is designed to level the playing field and reveal once and for all, the Alien/UFO phenomenon.

It is a way for the Council of Worlds to enlighten the entire human race all at once, to reveal long buried secret information hidden by our Governments and to allow humanity to decide their spiritual orientation. Although it will be an Event many have been waiting for, many may panic as it will shatter their current paradigm or world view.

All factors have been taken into consideration and prepared for and that is why it is so long in coming, as it is imperative that the majority of the human race can handle the information that will be revealed. Without a doubt many will be angry and perhaps violent or suicidal and this is why it is imperative that the rest of us help them to understand and remain calm and not to panic.

The Event

Recently I had been reading on the internet about an Event that will shape humanity's destiny and lead us into the Golden Age of Mankind. An Event so powerful, so unmistakeable, so profound that no one will be able to deny it. I was under the false impression that this would be caused by Nibiru or Planet X and the Polar Shift but I now realize that is not so.

Certainly Nibiru Planet X and the Polar Shift will have a profound impact on life on our beloved Earth but this is not The Event I had been reading about. The Event as I had read about would begin with a burst of love and light sent from the central sun of our Universe. This burst of energy would not just affect Earth but the entire Universe and bathe every living sentient being in an unmistakeable feeling of love, light and peace.

        This Event will be the beginning of change so profound on this planet that no one will be able to deny it. It will change our social structure, political nature, economic system and religious beliefs and that is only the beginning.

        This Event will lead to the arrest and imprisonment of the criminal elite, Illuminati, Cabal (whatever you wish to call them) that have raped, enslaved and pillaged the masses for untold generations. This removal of the powerful rich elitist that have run our world for so long will pave the way for our entire banking structure to shut down (for two weeks) only to be rebooted by the Vatican's vast wealth and other funding designed to provide a more fair and equitable system for every person on the planet.

        This Event will lead to the Full Disclosure of the Alien/UFO phenomenon that so many know of but no one can prove. It will allow for the release of censored information on a scale that will make the Renaissance look like a Kindergarten class.

        The Event will provide for a complete restructuring of our health care system that will include cures for diseases not money making treatments. It will involve holistic medicine, vibrational frequency treatments and spiritual solutions, that will cost the individual nothing.

        This Event will bring and end to our oil based economy and transportation systems, allowing for clean energy and vehicles to finally become a reality. It will allow for free energy to finally be realized and applied to every home in the world.

        This Event will show how information and technology has been with held from the human race, including an entirely operational space fleet, star gates, teleportation, time machines, moon bases and the true nature and history of mankind.

        This Event will lead to an all new educational system designed on the truth, spiritual enlightenment and reestablishing our connection to Mother Earth. It will create a whole new way to consume food, eliminating the need for the slaughter of animals. It will allow the human race to live in harmony and peace with the planet while learning how to live without creating pollution, fear and greed.

All that being said you can now see how I might be motivated to trying to confirm some of these profound changes by undergoing a Quantum Hypnotic Healing Regression Therapy Session. I have been writing about many if not all of these changes on Hub Pages and other sites for over three years, now. So for me to finally have the hope that these kinds of changes might actually occur in my life time, I had the intense desire to seek some kind of confirmation.

This confirmation came for me, as I mentioned above, in a telepathic conversation with light beings during an meditative alpha trance.

Ascension is the Goal

The whole purpose behind the events unfolding now in our lives is to propel mankind into a spiritual awakening that will eventually lead us to ascension. Our planet has already begun this process which is causing most of the geographical and weather events that are so common now. The Mayans new this, as they kept a detailed calendar, that allowed them to recognize when our planet would align with the Galactic center.

The Powers That Be and rich elite are fully aware of this also and are using any means possible to keep the public in the dark, through the controlled media, by claiming climate change is due to our own negligence and pollution. Do not be fooled, the public is no more to blame for the weather and tectonic stress, than they are for the endless wars or economic strife.

What I choose to call the Keepers of the Garden but many others call the Council of Worlds has maintained a stringent control system on what information the public is allowed to become consciously aware of about our solar system and those that live in it. They are now allowing more and more Alien contact to be made through channeling, conscious contact, videos and pictures as means of awakening the populace.

This contact is what is awakening the masses through sites such as YouTube, ZetaTalk and Light Workers which contain vast amounts of credible UFO sightings, information on various Alien civilizations and the reasons they're here now.

The reason so much information is being released now, is that the ascension of Earth and our civilization is near and the more people that can awaken and remember their true existence the easier it will be for all of us.

Once humanity reaches the tipping point, where the majority of mankind has awakened spiritually to the true nature of their existence, then the ascension process will begin for humans on this planet.

In the past this has happened to many groups of people that seemed to vanish into thin air, such as The Anasazi in New Mexico and some of the Mayan Civilization.

However The Event that I mentioned above will ensure that we reach the tipping point but this Event will not ensure that everyone reaches a spiritual awakening. This is why it is so important for those of us that have already recognized this knowledge, ideas and experiences to share what we know with others. So that we may help those undecided or on the fence and to help those in denial to refrain from panic.

Alpha Trance

While I was meditating the hypnotist or facilitator as he chooses to be called, asked light energies to fill my consciousness with their being. I close my eyes as I meditate and this always gives me a visual representation of a void but during this experience the void was filled with light.

This light was very bright but would produce various forms of light such as beams, shafts or flares that was incredibly fascinating to behold. He continued to ask for these light energies to move from my crown chakra down through my other chakras to encompass my entire body, which I felt they did. He asked them to remove my conscious fear and reassure my ego that achieving a hypnotic trance would be alright. The effort was designed to help with a later hypnosis session but what transpired was my own question and answer forum.

Before the meditation began I had planted the question in my consciousness 'why my ego was preventing me from allowing myself to be hypnotized' and immediately the thought that came into my head is that because you already have the answers that you seek, the information you possess needs to be applied.

I wasn't consciously thinking of the questions or answers, they just seemed to flow through my head and I seemed to merely be a spectator. As a matter of fact, at that point in the meditation I couldn't formulate any coherent thought process, even though I tried.

It is very difficult to put into words the experience, because the feeling of being a bystander in your own mind, was just overwhelming me. I was in total awe of the experience and just overcome with wonder of how it was possible. It was like two separate entities were having a conversation in my head and I was just there to listen. What was even more odd and profound is that they were talking about me, not to me, which added to the veracity of what I felt.

The conversation basically went like this . . .

    What is preventing him from gaining the knowledge he seeks?

    "Fear, fear of success, fear of putting this knowledge that he has found to practical use."

    Why does he fear this?

    "He has been conditioned to fail his entire life, to fear the unknown, not to trust himself."

    How does he overcome this?

    "By using this knowledge to meditate everyday, learning to listen to his heart and trust it, this will lead to confidence in the process."

    Why was he unable to be hypnotized?

    "He must learn not to seek the truth from outside sources but to feel it, the information is inside him but he must learn to activate it without help, he can do this, he was sent here to do this, it is his lesson, he agreed to it."

    Is their veracity to his knowledge of the Events unfolding on Earth?

    "Yes, but his conscious mind has not organized them correctly, they are jumbled, they need to flow, meditation will help this. His information is correct but how they will unfold is still undetermined."

    Could you clarify this concept so that his conscious mind can understand?

    "The human race can alter the illusion or the story, thoughts are energy. Their entire history is created by their own thoughts or energy. Thoughts create the story. Human desire or thoughts can and do change the outcome of events. They have the power to alter future possible events. They know this but deny it, he denies it because he does not practice it until it is imperative that he do so. It is not an accident that he is where he is in his life, he created this 'reality' (with our help). He has forgotten who he is, this is the lesson all of humanity must learn."

    Are there things he needs to do to help this process?

    "He knows that his diet is not helping, it must change, he knows how to change it. It is imperative that the cycle be broken, he know this. He knows that he must make the time to invite us in, to invite the light into his heart on a daily basis, to ask for help. He must ask for help, he must ask for the fear to be removed, he must continue to write. He must exercise more and he must practice this on a daily basis. This cannot be done for him."

    Why does he not do these things if he knows they will enlighten him?

    "As we said before, Fear is the only thing holding him back, that and habit. The cycle must be broken, he knows this. Not all of his thoughts are his own, we implant these ideas in his mind, we show him through what he calls 'synchronicity' that the truth lies within him, that 'he' must seek it and trust it when he finds it."

    How does he know it when he finds it?

    "The ideas, concepts or thoughts will resonate within him. He will simply feel the truth, there is no need for proof."

    What is the buzzing or ringing he hears in his ears when he is outside?

    "That is the vibration of his (spiritual/holographic) body as it begins to resonate with the Earth's frequency as it rises to the 5th dimension. It is a physical as well as spiritual process and the body must match, to make the transition."

I had begun to hear a buzzing in my ears while in Gatlinburg that reminded me of white noise or static, which was very distinct that I had only heard occasionally before. It only happened when I was outside and not distracted, just quiet with my own thoughts. It was much louder than the ambient background noise one sometimes hears when all is quiet.

I had serious misgivings about continuing to write, so hearing that I should continue, really helped. As matter of fact everything that had been talked about, I of course knew deep in my heart but like most humans, I have made procrastination an art form.

The conversation lasted for about twenty minutes and covered pretty much the same things, reemphasizing that it was up to me to get results no one else. That I had been lead to Gatlinburg to receive the information I was now getting and that if I applied myself I would get the answers that I sought.

It ended with a message that I think applies to everyone . . .

    "We are always with him and love him more than he will ever know. His life as it has unfolded was of his own choosing but designed to make him open to new ideas and concepts. If he follows his heart and changes his daily routine he will find the answers that he seeks and be reunited with his brothers and sisters in the stars."

His brothers and sisters in the stars . . . this thought has stayed in my head to this day and has motivated me to change even more than I already have. I have the courage but do I have the commitment, it is hard when you don't 'see' positive daily results.

When my meditation ended, I was filled with a peace I had never known before, that was quite magical and completely serene. Later that evening I tried hypnotism one more time and was rewarded by reliving a past life that helped me to confirm how physical life works but that I will share with you in another article.


I have not written many articles about the Alien/UFO phenomenon, mainly because for me it is a foregone absolute truth.

    Carl Sagan is attributed to saying, from the movie Contact "If we are alone in the Universe, it sure seems like an awful waste of space."
When confronted with information or theories that is without absolute proof requires faith and because of this, one must decide for themselves what they believe. Humanity has been conditioned from time immemorial to believe what other people tell them is the truth. Most people would prefer to let others do their thinking for them, as it allows them to agree or disagree, to choose.

I am stubborn in that regard and prefer to do my own thinking but have found a way to determine the truth by listening to my heart. This method takes practice, commitment and the ability and desire to listen for the answers.

I call this 'synchronicity' as once you begin to practice this method you will invariably find that the answers come in a form that you might least expect, your daily life. I have found that if you ask your subconscious mind as you are drifting off to sleep for clarification on any subject that it will answer you in the form of dreams and/or events that take place in your daily life.

Once you begin to practice this method you will find odd coincidences that happen during the day that will remind you of the question or subject asked to your subconscious. It is quite amazing and startling to discover this. Most often you can ask a question or clarification on a subject with an answer already in mind. Then if your answer or thinking is correct you will see positive things occurring in your life, if your thinking is wrong the results will be negative or lead to unfavorable incidents.

For instance you may be thinking about the subject on your drive to work and if you are right, every light will be green. Or you may see numbers that are too coincidental to be chance, such 11:11 on a clock or 333 on a license plate or 77 as the temperature and you will see this over and over again until you make the conscious connection to it.

If your thinking is incorrect or wrong he will stub your toe, or bang your head, or every light will be red and problems will continue to occur until you formulate the correct thinking or answer. This kind of synchronicity has happened so many times in the last five years since I began using this method, that I no longer wonder about it but at first you will be as amazed as I was.

Once you begin to see this and recognize it, you will realize that the odds are astronomically high against it being just chance. That being said, I have come to the conclusion that my experience in Gatlinburg, TN was to drive home a point that has been told to me over and over again by many people whose opinion and advice I admire and solicit.

Many people have told me in no uncertain terms that it is time that I stop searching for the truth and use my knowledge to create my own paradigm or world view based on it. That I should practice this knowledge in my everyday life as a way of confirming my own thoughts, to practice what I preach, so to speak.

It is true that I do not always do this and backslide into old habits, I have not made and absolute commitment to my own ideas and theories. The lingering doubts and ways of my past have a way of coming back again and again to subvert my thinking and commitment to myself. Perhaps it is easier to look outside myself for answers, when I know in my heart the answers lie within.

    "The path of least resistance, leads to the garbage heap of despair!" - The, The

Perhaps I also need and Event to propel myself to the next level of human consciousness. However only by recognizing these short comings do I have any chance of correcting them and that my dear reader is why I write these articles, as self exploration and discovery.

Perhaps I should have made the title to this article The Event, Is It The Sign I Have Been Waiting For? but since being human is the only existence I can remember I included myself in the human race and made it The Event, Is It The Sign We Have Been Waiting For?