Life - Liberty - Justice
When government becomes corporate there is no government and no freedom!
When in the course of human affairs it becomes necessary for citizens to break the political chains that bind them, thereby to reclaim individual sovereignty which is the 'right' of their being man, qua man, it is for man to declare the cause and nature which impels self-liberation and to act accordingly.
Freedom-loving citizens around the globe are choosing so to do and will succeed.
Now is the time for change - Absent Limits
Begin with the Declaration of Individual Rights
Introduction to Individual Rights
Here is a document offering a radical alternative to government. It is premised on Individual Rights according to the nature of man.
Self ownership and self rule is the founding tenet, exactly as Thomas Jefferson described in the 1776 Declaration of Independence for America. That document is still hailed by many as the foundation of the greatest liberty mankind has ever experienced in all known history, and rightly so.
How then, it might be asked, has liberty become so eroded that today greater tyranny exists, even in the so called 'free world' than existed in 1776, for which that momentous document was written?
The "Constitution of Man" is divided into two parts presently but will later be combined into one document.
The two parts are…
The Declaration of Individual Rights - being articles 1 & 2
The Constitution of Man - being the balance - (presently near completion)
A third part, (presently being drafted), concerns the protection of Individual Rights, known as The Rights Commission
These 3 parts [will] coexist in a manner that renders all forms of past and present governments redundant; all democratic and slavery systems inclusive.
Individual rights are your freedom and your future
1. You now have a ‘Declaration of Individual Rights’ and it sets you free from any who decree that you are a chattel for their collective entitlement however they describe it, or conceal it.
2. You now have a ‘Constitution of Man’ written not for a country, or a state, or an empire, but for you, dear reader. Your race, creed, colour, religious persuasion, language, sexual orientation or culture matters not. The Constitution of Man truly is ‘of’ man. It is of your nature, your body, your faculties, your free will, your consciousness, mind, body and soul, your unalienable rights, and it belongs to you equally as to every human individual living today in any place, and those not yet born.
3. You now have a ‘Rights Commission’ (nearing release) It has one purpose: to protect you from physical abuse, (battery, rape, murder) or contractual harm such as fraud, thereby preserving your unalienable rights and those of your children in perpetuity. It’s task is your protection, so to protect itself from abuse is the most vital protection of all.
The Declaration of Individual Rights is the starting point. Its premise is Life, Liberty and justice - absent limits
Do not fear such a radical solution to societies woes. Imagine being able to indulge whatever fancy you wish, that so long as it does not abrogate another's right to choose likewise your freedom will not be taxed, plundered or stolen from you.
Are you willing to consider a life of liberty and justice? Are you willing to stand proud before your children and announce your sovereign being? Millions are seeking to do just that but they see no way to escape government without putting another in its place. So they are stopped in their tracks.
That never stopped Jefferson and the Founding Fathers did it? They recognised the truths of man as self evident. We can build from that foundation once more - and this time we will close all the loopholes. We will free humankind from bondage, tyranny and slavery and institute a protective mechanism so that never again will man’s freedom be violated.
Declaration of Individual Rights
Whereas history has proven morality and justice derive from Unalienable Rights and peaceful coexistence is possible to man, Sovereign Individuals of planet earth now find it necessary to preserve in perpetuity mans freedom to search for and sustain life, and to pursue happiness, and recognizing the likeness we share, so do now ordain and establish this ‘Constitution of Man’ to ensure true freedom, justice and law bound by Individual Rights derived from the right to life in the nature of man, qua, man, and the protections thereof guaranteed by these words taken directly from the hearts of the One Sovereign People, inseparable in perpetuity.
That the value that is life itself derives from the volitional action of living, and whereas mans’ value has been harvested and plundered for centuries by pirates, monarchies, military rulers, despots, oppressors, dictators, lawmakers, mercenaries, fascist, socialist and communist regimes, republican and democratic rule, tyrants and corrupt corporations, none have fully allowed that the sustaining of life according to free-will choice is the in-bodied nature of man, qua man, the fundamental right bestowed by Creator source equally upon every individual; absent limits.
This Constitution of Man shall ensure the right of all individuals to fulfill their purpose, by choice, necessarily forbidding the initiation of force, fraud or coercion by any individual or group against any other individual or group, and to morally and practically ensure that force only be used (for purpose of arresting its continuance) against those who initiate it.
To establish liberty, equality and justice in perpetuity, We, the One People of Planet Earth do now ordain and establish the Constitution of Man equally of and for all [wo]men in posterity and.perpetuity.
Article 1
Declaration of Individual Rights
1.1 Right to Life
1.1.1 Man’s right to his own life is self evident truth.
1.1.2 Man’s right to his own life is of nature and by nature; natural rights are self evident truth.
1.1.3 Natural rights are Unalienable Rights belonging to every individual equally.
1.1.4 Unalienable Individual Rights are innate (belonging to one); indivisible further.
1.1.5 Unalienable Individual Rights are endowed by the Creator, immutable, inviolable; neither given, taken or transferable.
1.1.6 Natural and Unalienable rights are both of the Creator, inseparable.
1.2 Right of Equality and Sovereignty
1.2.1 All individual men are created equal by their Creator, which according to the nature of being man, qua man, is unequivocally the Unalienable Right to Life permitting no trespass.
1.2.2 By the Unalienable Right to Life endowed by the Creator, all men are sovereign equally according to the equal nature of being man, qua man.
1.2.3 No form of eminent domain shall henceforth exist, period.
1.2.4 Beliefs of one individual or an aggregate of individuals shall not annul, invalidate or usurp the unalienable rights of another. No religious claim of right may negate or usurp the unalienable individual rights of others.
1.2.5 No individual man, or group of men, shall be legally or otherwise deemed, classified or treated as Animal.
1.2.6 Individual rights of man preside over all other life forms.
1.3 Right to Liberty
1.3.1 Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness are the Unalienable Right of every individual.
1.3.2 Free-will choice of thought and action by any and all individuals are guaranteed inclusive of the responsibility, liability and accountability naturally and inherently flowing therefrom.
1.3.3 No individual severally, or individuals collectively may initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individuals self or property;
1.4 Right to Value and Property
1.4.1 Unalienable rights that constitute the natural essence of man are; they cannot form or be the object of a transaction or contractual agreement, whether voluntary or involuntary.
1.4.2 Property rights derive from every individual’s natural right of self-ownership and Unalienable Right to action.
1.4.3 Individual property rights derive from every individual’s Unalienable Right to action; from which action, material property is cultivated, made or earned.
1.4.4 An individuals rightful action that removes from the state of nature, or that blends an individuals labor with matter, over a res nullius, creates that individuals inalienable right to the material property thereby cultivated, made or earned.
1.4.5 Property exchange transfers rights over things, but it does not create the right.
1.4.6 Unalienable Rights are fully preserved in any process to contract for acquisition, or to exchange property.
1.4.7 Each Individual has the right to own personal property free and clear; no right to alienate property rights over things entails the right to alienate the right itself, property rights thus preserved.
1.4.8 Value resulting from each and every individuals thought, speech and action to cultivate, make, earn or exchange property, is guaranteed 'Property' of said individual, regardless of thought, deed or value manifestation; including each individual’s free will choice to gift, trade or dispose of said Value or Property;
1.4.9 No redistribution of wealth by means of legislative assemblies or any such like institution shall ever exist unless by the reparation of crimes committed against another.
1.4.10 Property, being that which can be bought or sold is alienable, but the right to procure such property is unequivocally forbidden by Inalienable or Unalienable Right.
1.5 Right of abdication
1.5.1 By the nature of man, qua man, whomsoever chooses to violate, deny or abrogate the rights of another, abdicates his free-will right so to choose by any action so to do;
1.5.2 Save to protect the life of another, initiation of force against another constitutes willful surrender of self rights for that duration, for which no mitigating circumstance may prevail.
1.5.3 Every individual has the Unalienable Right to dispose fully and freely of one’s own body (life), of one’s own faculties, of the fruits of one’s labors in non violation of the rights of others.
1.6 Right of Protection
1.6.1 Individuals shall be deemed to have attained the "age of Independence" at age 16 years, whereupon fully accountable for their actions as adults; notwithstanding intentional malicious actions by individuals younger than 16 shall be considered violation of another's individual rights.
1.6.2 Retaliatory force may lawfully and morally be used by an individual separately, or individuals collectively, only in defense against those who violate Clauses 1, 2 3 or 4 herein;
1.6.3 Physical retaliatory force is lawfully limited to that necessary to arrest or cause the initiated force against any individuals self or property to cease. (Refer to Article 4)
1.7 Rights in Perpetuity
1.7.1 By the right to life inbodied by all individuals including value derived therefrom, no individual separately, or individuals collectively, shall abrogate, subjugate, subordinate, fraudulently acquire, usurp, invade, violate, commandeer, steal, arrest, confiscate or detain the duly secured value of life or property by principle of law of any individuals domicil without prejudice by creation on earth;
1.8 Exceptions
1.8.1 No exception shall ever exist or amendment be made to Clauses 1 through 7 herein, inclusive.
Article 2
Group Rights
2.1 No rights are ascribed or conferred to collective bodies; aggregate numbers of individuals regardless of howsoever claimed.
2.2 The rights of the whole can be no more than the sum of the rights of individuals.
2.3 Human rights, indigenous rights, fundamental rights, workers rights or other such claimed ‘collective rights’ are obsolete; redundant.
Constitution of Man
The Constitution of Man includes Article 1 & 2 of The Declaration of Individual Rights
Article 3
The Constitution of Man will provide that … for any state or country that adopts it, it supersedes, overrides and makes null and void all current laws, regulations, directives, statutes, executive orders that, now or in the past, conflict with this Constitution of Man. This implies passing through a transition phase where the old regimes are phased out. This is the subject of present attention.
Article 4 & 5
The Constitution of Man will include provision for an elected body to be 'provisionally known as the “Universal Rights Commission”. Although it may loosely be seen as the replacement body for government, it will never be government. It's whole purpose and strictly contained function will be to uphold and protect the sovereign, unalienable, Individual Rights of all members of society equally, for orderly, universal, peaceful, harmonious co-existence of human life. The Rights Commission will be forbidden from passing any statute laws of any kind. Provision will be made that should any one, or any group, attempt to subvert or divert the "Rights Commission" from its task of protection, the 'Rights Commission' will self cancel and the "One People' will have opportunity to re-build their protections.
If one were to paraphrase from the Declaration of Independence the Universal Rights commission might be introduced like this…
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (as exists today) it is the Right of the One People to abolish it, and to institute protections for the preservation of unalienable individual rights, laying its foundation on the nature of man, and organizing its powers in such form, as shall without amendment or challenge ensure opportunity to effect their Safety and Happiness in perpetuity
Article 6
The Constitution of Man will include provisions for amendment to its clauses but will expressly forbid any alteration of the "Nature of Man" principles and unalienable individual rights on which it is founded.
Please note that using the term “of” man implies, as distinct from "for" man, that it is an unalienable part “of” man and therefore can not be denied or rejected or separated from man.
Thus, the “Constitution of Man” (not “men”) refers to that which is already an unalienable and un-separable inherent aspect of every “man” himself, qua man, or the part of “man” he was always destined to bring out from within. In other words, something that has always been an internal part “of” man from the very beginning but that he may have been unaware of or did not know how to bring about or manifest in a physical way so that all men who were “created equal” could find that truth inside.
No such constitution has ever been written before - always for a country, or body of people, in concert.
In other words this Constitution of Man does not present man with something “for” him to relate to and live by but that which is already “of” every Unique Living Being from their moment of first breath so that inherently they will sense it within the moment they hear of or read it and say, “Yes, this is what I have been waiting for” and know it within their heart in that very moment.
Rights Commission
The "Rights Commission" consist of an elected body tasked with the protection of Unalienable individual Rights in perpetuity.
The Rights Commission document is “work in Progress” presently.
Matters discussed on this part of the website are not idle discussion offered as theory or thoughts for interesting discussion. They are not about money, power or fame either. This discussion is of far greater importance and inestimable relevance. These pages are about humanity and whether or not our existence on this jewel-like water planet is able to go forward into the so-called “Golden Age” of Peace on Earth.
Provision will be made in the Rights Commission (Charter) for …
Universal acceptance in all countries regardless of language or cultural differences.
Regional divisions to operate at a local level.
Policing divisions whose sole purpose and function is to protect the One People from criminal activity including molestation, theft, assault, rape and battery.
Police will be authorised to use retaliatory force against those who initiate the use of force, sufficient only to arrest that initiated force. Provisions will be made to facilitate Police action, but also including to prevent police from abusive actions.
Judiciary divisions to determine whether a crime has been committed and within Objective law to ensure repatriation or remediation.
Facility for the Judiciary to structure and publish 'Objective law' so that the One People will know in advance of any action that violates another's "Rights" what retribution or punishment might result, mitigating circumstances accepted.
Inter-divisional operation to ensure continuity of protections across borders and including for Island countries.
Provisions for the equivalent of 'Citizens Initiated Referenda" (CIR), not for the making of laws since Laws are forbidden, rather for amendments to "objective laws" administered by Judiciary which may prove too lenient or punitive.
All the above provisions rest on the foundation of self rule and its protection. The One People, singularly, are masters of their own destiny, beings of a self made soul, and nothing may deprive each individual from the unalienable Right to their own life, endowed by their creator.
When the Creator gave man dominion over all the earth and all that is in it, man was also endowed with the necessary faculties that would enable man to live and preserve his life. Mans body, his organs, his free-will, volition, emotions, consciousness, mind, heart and soul belong to each man and woman individually. Nothing may be permitted to usurp or violate mans Unalienable individual rights; nothing!
The Rights Commission will exist to protect your Unalienable individual Rights and nothing more, ever!
Thereby, government as we've known it is abolished, yet the protections of our rights that the Founding Fathers offered in the American Declaration of Independence are by this "Rights Commission" ordained for the One People, equally and universally, across the globe - absent limits.
Do not ever lament loss of the nanny state; it too was a control mechanism. Instead, celebrate the freedom of your mind and body, celebrate your "Life" by living it. Celebrate with your children, loved ones, with your friends. Celebrate your achievements and theirs. Celebrate your freedom to trade and to travel, to give, to share, to participate and speak freely, and to know will full rectitude that a glorious future is yours. And to quote Thomas Jefferson, know with full understanding that "Rightful Liberty is drawn around you by the equal rights of others."
Succeeding pages for the Rights Commission is "work in progress" presently.
Note: INforcement, not ENforcement, is the key to implementation of these principles. Any collective "power over" structure is hierarchy and it is up to the individual to self-govern and understand that all power comes from within each and every sovereign human being. Joseph David Henry Ware Bryan-Royster
Note: INforcement, not ENforcement, is the key to implementation of these principles. Any collective "power over" structure is hierarchy and it is up to the individual to self-govern and understand that all power comes from within each and every sovereign human being. Joseph David Henry Ware Bryan-Royster