Sunday, September 29, 2019

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf... 6th Circuit Court of Appeals Hearing

~ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf at her Trial in Knoxville, TN ~
#HATJ on 6th Circuit Appeals Hearing and Congressional "Whistleblower" Hearing with Acting DNI Director

Some background context to the following conversation, legal viewpoints are my opinion only I am not an attorney and I do not speak for Heather or Randy:

1) The great flaw of the US Constitution is the clause that gave Congress the power to regulate commerce.  This is where the banking root got into the swamp sewer pipe.  From this began the infiltration of US common law and courts by UCC law.  Congress, as you know, must run for office every two years which means they are perpetually raising donor money.  The Federal Reserve has unlimited ability to create money.  And you can see how that works through myrids of corporations and shell corporations and political PAC committees and lobbyists.  The US Congress is the Federal Reserve's backdoor into government.

2) Adam Schiff, the head of the House Judiciary committee, ancestors were house mates with Amschel Rothschild in Germany.  He's as a tool of the bankers as much as anyone can be. Heather's cousin was once married to "finance guru" Peter Schiff another member of the Schiff clan.  Peter Schiff's father, Irwin, was actually an amazing guy, he told the world the IRS tax code was completely voluntary and there was no law saying you had to pay it  and for that the banking families buried him, as a warning to any banking family who doesn't toe the line. He died in federal prison in October 2015 while he was serving a sentence of at least 13 years for tax evasion. 

3) Congress was holding its hearing about the purported whistleblower with acting DNI director Joseph Maguire. Trump released entire transcript of this "nothing burger". The President of the Ukraine said he felt no pressure from Trump.

4) 6th Circuit Appeals Court made its ruling on Heather and Randy's based on appeal tactics by Heather's Sinophile attorney Dennis Terrez  (he does lots of China free trade junkets) and Randy's lawyer.   Both lawyers took the defaming approach of saying the two were not mentally competent because they defended themselves.  And the court should have never let them defend themselves. Presumably because Heather filed all her documents on the public record and they have to paint her as being crazy or greedy) Neither lawyer ever contacted or visited Heather or Randy.

5) Heather and Randy filed "command to cure" filings on these purported "defending attorneys" which they ignored.

6) These attorneys had no authorization to do and say what they did.  This is the attorney's creation and now they get to experience what they created.

7) 6th District Court rules against the attorneys, saying that despite what the mental state attorney's purport and their belief the court should have never let Heather and Randy defend themselves, they had the right to defend themselves.   The ruling also refers to the "Federal Rerseve Bank as the United States".  They purport Randy defrauded the United States.  You can read the ruling on BZ's web site. I believe these PDFs are on BZ's web site, but I was not able to find them as I write.

8) A leading Law Journal writes an article in just short of 12 hours about how this judge showed "tough love" to these crazy conspiracy theorists who were trying to get out of jail on a mental competence issue.  A LIE BASED ON LIES COMPOSED BY THE LAWYERS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DEFENDING. THEIR CLIENTS NOT DEFAMING THEM.

9) Heather spent nearly 20 years on her work. In what universe would Heather try to get out of prison with a tactic that says she is not in her right mind?  I know of nobody more sane! I can think of lots of reasons those behind the banking systems would want that narrative!  Defamation won't change the validity of the law work done.

10) The Federal Reserve is injecting liquidity into the banking system at 2008 levels because they cannot keep it working.   The filings have been having an effect on the Central Banks and on China! And everyone off world knows it, even if those on planet are still in denial.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Deconstructing the Construct: Ep 66 ~ We Move Beyond a Reset

September 26th, 2019: I awoke from a vivid snippet of a dream this morning, in black and white, where I was at work in a diamond mine deep underground, putting the ore into railroad cars on a track for removal into the light of day. This is all of the dream I remember... ~ Joseph David Henry Ware Bryan-Royster

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fall of Atlantis, The Lost Continent... Blavatsky in the HotZone!

~ ~

In this groundbreaking episode on the 144th anniversary of the founding of the Theosophical Society Mystery School (TS) in 1875, Dark Journalist takes us on a deep exploration of its founder, enigmatic Russian Esotericist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Through careful connecting of dots and analysis DJ shows that Blavatsky was extensively involved in the HotZone and visited Cuba on many occasions. TS would eventually open over 300 lodges there teaching that Lost Atlantis once ruled the entire Atlantic as major Spiritual and Technological force before it was destroyed! He also explores the spiritualistic manifestations of the mysterious John King who claimed to be the spirit of legendary Knight and Pirate Henry Morgan who invaded Cuba and governed much of the HotZone in the 17th Century. It was claimed that Morgan, who was a central personality coming through mediums in the nineteenth century, was also a major guide to hidden wisdom for Blavatsky, while others claimed it was Blavatsky herself who materialized this astral apparition as a spiritual teaching moment and as a message from the Mystery Schools to humanity.


9500 B.C. - I was watching Rhea, seated upon her tripod at The Oracle, as mists from fissure in the Earth below her granted prophetic vision about the future of Poseidia. She then spoke of a great column of fire... but I was distracted because I then saw her tripod was empty and the Seer of Atlantis appeared in front of me, just like magic. Was it her shapeshifting? Rhea then flashed her eyes. We started to make passionate love on the floor of the dome, when I noticed that the Key to Life and Death was gone from its chain around my neck! Rhea had vanished in an instant and Dion stood in her place, grinning. The President of the High Council was cleverly tricked by a Priestess of Belial and, in sheer horror, my eyes beheld Dion stabbing Rhea deep in the heart with a very long dagger. Her screams echoed through the air as she lay dying atop the tripod seat, bleeding into the fissure… It was at this point when I noticed that the floor was shaking beneath my feet, then cracking as I sprinted through a door to safety, just in time, before a falling column crashed behind me. I jumped into a crowded boat docked on the waterfront as it was pushing away from a chaotic scene of crumbling architecture. The dome shuddered violently, as I knew that the High Priest of Belial was activating the laser, using power of the Tuaoi Stone. I looked to have another glance at the shore to witness as the dome fell and a hot blast of fire shot high into the heavens with a deafening roar. This sent a wall of water towards the retreating boats, swallowing us in the foaming brine before all went black in a shroud of darkness...

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry of Trump

Efforts to impeach Donald Trump have been made by various people and groups who assert that U.S. president Donald Trump has engaged in impeachable activity both before and during his presidency. Talk of impeachment began before Trump took office. Formal efforts were initiated by representatives Al Green and Brad Sherman, both Democrats, in 2017, the first year of his presidency. On September 24, 2019, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announced that six committees would undertake formal impeachment proceedings because of reports about controversial interactions between Trump and the country of Ukraine.

Grounds asserted for potential impeachment have included possible violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the Constitution by accepting payments from foreign dignitaries; alleged collusion with Russia during the campaign for the 2016 United States presidential election; alleged obstruction of justice with respect to investigation of the collusion claim; and accusations of "Associating the Presidency with White Nationalism, Neo-Nazism and Hatred", which formed the basis of a resolution for impeachment brought on December 6, 2017. Since the Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate during 2017 and 2018, the likelihood of impeachment during that period was considered by all to be a partisan fantasy. A December 2017 resolution of impeachment failed in the House by a 58–364 margin. The Democrats gained control of the House in 2019 and launched multiple investigations into Trump's actions and finances. Speaker Nancy Pelosi initially resisted calls for impeachment. In May 2019 she indicated that Trump's continued actions, which she characterized as obstruction of justice and refusal to honor congressional subpoenas, might make an impeachment inquiry necessary. An increasing number of House Democrats and one Republican were requesting such an inquiry.

In December 2016, Democratic senators Elizabeth Warren, Dick Durbin, Chris Coons, Ben Cardin, and Jeff Merkley introduced a bill that would require the president of the United States to divest any assets that could raise a conflict of interest, including a statement that failure to divest such assets would constitute high crimes and misdemeanors "under the impeachment clause of the U.S. Constitution". Vanity Fair characterized this as a preemptive effort to lay the groundwork for a future impeachment argument. Concerns had previously been expressed that Trump's extensive business and real estate dealings, especially with respect to government agencies in other countries, may violate the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, sparking debate as to whether that is the case.

Immediately after his inauguration, The Independent and The Washington Post each reported on efforts already underway to impeach Trump, based on what the organizers regard as conflicts of interest arising from Trump's ability to use his political position to promote the interests of "Trump"-branded businesses, and ongoing payments by foreign entities to businesses within the Trump business empire as a violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause. In March 2017, China provisionally granted 38 "Trump" trademark applications set to take permanent effect in 90 days, which were noted to come in close proximity to the president's making policy decisions favorable to China.

The Washington Post further noted the creation of by Free Speech For People and RootsAction, two liberal advocacy groups. On February 9, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D, NY) had filed a resolution of inquiry titled "H.Con.Res. 5" to force the Trump administration to turn over documents relating to potential conflicts of interest and to ties with Russia. Some sources identified this as the first step in the process of impeaching Trump. Fox News outlined two potential bases for impeachment, one being the Emoluments Clause and the other being complicity with Russian interference in the 2016 United States presidential election. On March 21, it was widely reported that Congresswoman Maxine Waters tweeted "Get ready for impeachment," which Waters explained was in reference to the allegations of collusion with Russian interference in the election.

On January 17, 2019, new accusations involving Trump surfaced, claiming he instructed his long-time lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie under oath surrounding Trump's involvement with the Russian government to erect a Trump Tower in Moscow. This also sparked calls for an investigation and for the president to "resign or be impeached" should such claims be proven genuine. The Mueller Report was released on April 18, 2019, and Robert Mueller himself made follow-up comments on May 29. The report reached no conclusion about whether Trump had committed criminal obstruction of justice. Mueller strongly hinted that it was up to Congress to make such a determination. Congressional support for an impeachment inquiry increased as a result.

A formal impeachment inquiry was launched on September 24, 2019, as a response to the 2019 Trump-Ukraine controversy, in which Trump and his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani pressed the Ukrainian government repeatedly since at least May 2019 to investigate Hunter Biden, the son of 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden. The purpose of the requested investigation was alleged to be to hurt Biden's campaign for President. In July Trump issued a hold on military aid scheduled to sent to Ukraine, releasing it in September after controversy arose. There was widespread speculation that the withholding of the aid was intended to force Ukraine to investigate Biden; both Trump and Giuliani seemed to confirm that there was such a connection. As of September 24, 2019, the on-record support in the House of Representatives for launching an impeachment inquiry is 185 Democrats and one independent (out of a total of 435 representatives).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dream of September 16th 2019 and Extension of it in Meditation

~ Aluna Ash 9D ~

September 16, 2019 EDT USA

I had a dream just before waking up... I was 11 years old at Cotillion dance class in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium and dancing with Elizabeth, a girl who was my same age in class, At first, I felt my steps were awkward as my torso (due to an adult back injury in June of 2000) was inhibiting my ability to do the steps in simple fox trot we were learning that day, so my mind had put me into my Avatar at age 69 (current age) though I was in the dream at age 11. When I let go and allowed Elizabeth to lead me, we flew across dance floor. I moved the way an eleven year old would. She beamed with a radiant smile when I did this... then I awoke from this vivid dream.

I listened to the archived Thursday/Friday LMH Members call later on September 16, 2019 and went into meditation during the "doing" portion with Night Sky app and music Lisa put to accompany it playing. I immediately was back in the dream scene dancing with Elizabeth at the Civic Auditorium in Pasadena. While she led me and smiled... I had let go of my current state of body (age 69), resuming age 11 and we whirled out the door where scenery shifted into a wooded setting, similar to what I remember from living at Sirius Community in western Massachusetts. Elizabeth held my hand as we skipped through the woods until reaching a stone bridge (granite color) and stepped onto, crossing a raging river with rapids beneath us. At the midpoint of this bridge, keystone beneath us, a golden gate (closed) did manifest before us and what appeared to be an adult shimmering translucently stood to the right of it, She had red  hair and green eyes, reminding me of Amber Moksha Majjama (who passed away July 15, 2019). When we reached where the gate blocked passage, she opened it... as her form changed to that of a huge Yellow Swallowtail butterfly! As soon as Elizabeth and I crossed the threshold at this gate, the woods became vibrantly alive with color and it was similar to how they looked when I was taking psychedelic drugs in the early 1970s. I relate this also to how garden at Charlotte's looked when she saw it as it really appeared at Home on the other side of life. At the gate while crossing, granite stone morphed into a "Rainbow Bridge" between the Construct and Home. This scene vanished as the music changed during my experience of the archived "doing," and I emerged from meditation.

On September 17th I listened to "doing" portion of same archived call, returning to the point where Elizabeth and I followed the Yellow Swallowtail butterfly into the colorful woods on the other side of the river via rainbow stone bridge. Beautiful flowers adorned both sides of the path and mythical sprites, pixies, and gnomes were visible, along with squirrels, rabbits, and birds as we walked. Eventually, a clearing of golden wheat opened before us, as the wind picked up in intensity. We watching as leaves flew from trees at the edge of it and began to howl. Up ahead through the haze, I could see a large pyramid of stone, like the  Mayans built in Central America. When we neared it, the sky had changed from blue to grey with the incoming storm and it began to rain. Following the butterfly, Elizabeth and I helped each other to climb up this structure to its summit, and observed there was a flat space, where we could stand and view the surroundings. The sky was now black with forked lightning flashing as we held onto each other to keep from being blown off  balance. Upon our approach, we saw two Archangels, both adorned in white, materialize in front of us. They wrestling for dominance at the summit, and I knew they were Lucifer and Michael! Then the rain subsided.  The sun broke through cloud cover. They looked in each other's eyes and then made Peace with each other, signified by a hug, before ascending into Heaven. The butterfly circled the pyramid's summit and spiraled upward, while Elizabeth and I watched with awe. Here is where the music changed on Lisa's soundtrack, dissolving this scene on my internal viewing screen. The meditation  ended as I opened my eyes.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

FULL MOON IN PISCES... "Prepare for Incoming Loveliness"

Moon Photographed by Leslie Ann Daly

THE ORACLE REPORT ~ by Laura Walker, published on September 12, 2019

Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday September 13th, 2019: I bought My Lottery Ticket Today!

Mega Millions Game in Tennessee

People Around the World are Playing the Lottery in Synchronicity Together.

On September 13th, 2019 we played the Lottery in many different countries across the face of the Earth.
Was anyone Lucky enough to Win?

Monday, September 9, 2019


Upriser: We Are From the Future 2
Decentralization in Synchronicity is the Key!

"We Are From the Future" is a series of transmissions offering a higher intelligence perspective on science and life.

This video series is sponsored in part by If you would like to sponsor future episodes, please email

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Phone: (978) 369-5070


PO Box 1318, Concord, MA 01742

Friday, September 6, 2019

I AM in a Rocking Chair on Front Porch in Crossville, Tennessee

~ J.D.H.W. Bryan-Royster ~
 Visiting with my son Damian and Charles, while I look for a new Home in the Volunteer State near where they live...