Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Learn How to Hold Corrupt Courts Accountable... Have the Courts of America morphed into War Crimes Tribunals?

Streamed live on July 25, 2014

Rod Class proves that they have. He lays out the timeline, pulls the documents from the Congressional Record, and ties the dots between the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the War Powers Act of 1917, and the Banking Emergency Act of 1933. He will explain how Licensing and Registration pulls the people in as War Criminals under the Amendatory Act. The Social Security Act of 1935 funded the War Effort, the Alien Registration Act of 1940 caused the "Alien Enemies" (the ordinary people born in America) to be "registered" as "Slaves" under conscription as Human Capital, and the Sovereign Immunities Act of 1945 put all functions of government of the once-proud Constitutional Republic under dominion of the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund. 

It is illegal and unlawful to hold a War Crimes Tribunal in an ordinary courtroom. It is a direct violation of the DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS and other Acts and Treaty's signed by the USA. A War Crimes Tribunal can only be conducted under the Rules of the Leiber Code that is still in full force and effect in America.

You will learn effective techniques to expose the Jurisdiction and take yourself out from under it. Rod Class has a reputation for his paperwork that exposes the fraud at every level. Join him and his team as they teach you how to look at your own situation with wide-open eyes. From there, you will learn Sovereign Strategies that can make your life more bearable.

Text Source: Video Source: Learn How to Hold Corrupt Courts Accountable to the Rule of Law!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Adventures into Sovereignty: Archived Show 4/24/15

Rebecca and the Law Team of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice talking about the need for the tribunal and the exciting events surrounding the launch of the crowdfunding campaign on Monday the 27th, and the unveiling of the websites, the Natural Justice Academy, The Sovereign Voice Magazine, and more...

Links on the Doreen Hendrickson tax case:

Video Source:

Monday, April 27, 2015

Countdown to the Launch of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice...

Bringing pure truth to corrupt law and governance systems, the International Tribunal for Natural Justice is the world’s first People-Powered Tribunal.  The ITNJ stands as sentinel and protectorate for all nations and individuals, so we invite you to stand with them during their official launch, taking place Monday April 27th

The ITNJ is the only Tribunal in the world not beholden to any nation or group of nations, nor any corporation or group of corporations, and is not directly funded by taxes of any kind. While the ITNJ may accept contributions from any source, the ITNJ does not rely on any sources except the People.

Relying primarily on funding freely given directly by the People of the World will keep the ITNJ completely neutral and unbiased as a pillar of justice for and by the People.

We offer our deepest gratitude for your contribution at any level. Launching the ITNJ is a powerful step the People are taking to regain our sovereignty. Every level of contribution enables the International Tribunal for Natural Justice to move forward on its mission, for the benefit of all. Thank you for your contribution and support.

Sacha Stone and Rebecca Cope host a panel of special guests to discuss how we draw the ‘line in the sand’ to stop fascism and tyranny creeping into our lives and taking over our world. This is a global online event where experts in pure-law will shine the light of truth on systems of law and governance gone rogue. They will discuss the role of the ITNJ as the new planetary leader in restoring natural justice and common dignity to humanity.

Timezones: Monday, April 27th at 4pm PDT, 7pm EDT, Midnight BST, Tuesday 7am Perth, 9am Melbourne

Sign up for your FREE ticket and invitation to the online event at:

Please share widely! Thank you!


The Time Has Come To Be The Change | Introduction to the ITNJ by Paul Conant

Updated April 26th 2015: The ITNJ Truth Symposium is scheduled for April 27th 2015. Here is more information about the event:

Bringing pure-truth to the corrupt law and governance systems.

Sacha Stone and Rebecca Cope host a panel of special guests to discuss how we draw the 'line in the sand' to stop fascism and tyranny creeping into our lives and taking over our world. This is a global online event where experts in pure-law will shine the light of truth on systems of law and governance gone rogue. They will discuss the role of the ITNJ as the new planetary leader in restoring natural justice and common dignity to humanity.

Timezones: Monday, April 27th at 4pm PDT, 7pm EDT, Midnight BST, Tuesday 7am Perth, 9am Melbourne

Sign up for your FREE ticket and invitation to the online event at:

There will another one in June, stay tuned!

The International Tribunal for Natural Justice is an organization which hit the world stage in February of this year, and is rallying to be a major force for change. 

As we discussed in the post How the Cabal Maintains Their Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It - Un-Consent, there are no true systems of justice on Earth. What we have are private corporations masquerading as public servants in our justice systems, health organizations and governmental bureaucracies. All of which is designed to keep us passive, ignorant and divided. 

But amid this climate of total dominance and control is an emerging population of knowledgeable individuals willing to take up their co-creative powers and be the change. The ITNJ is a global unified organization with the goal of taking an active role in bringing justice to a world dominated by pirates. We were asked to participate in this effort and are very encouraged by what this organization has the potential to do. 

Paul Conant was kind enough to put together an introduction to the ITNJ, which can help others see the value in what this can mean for humanity. 

The good news is the whole system is already set up for reform, but the linch pin is us. Humanity can not remain inactive and hope for any meaningful change. As such the ITNJ consists of some of the most active people on the planet, who have taken the time to gain key knowledge about what the problems are and where we need to focus our energy to bring about the harmonious changes many are coming to realize is the destiny of this world. 

One mind at a time we will move forward on the path, spreading awareness and compassionately educating our fellows, unifying all of humanity in this global effort.

- Justin

Source - ITNJ Committee

Paul Conant and Rebecca Cope hosting a booth for the International Tribunal for Natural Justice during the Third Annual Free Your Mind conference convened by Mark Passio in Philadelphia, PA, April 10-12, 2015

We asked Paul Conant to draft a message about the ITNJ that our entire team could use as a template to send to our family and friends, and this is what he came up with.  We liked it so much, we wanted to share it with you too!

Dear Beloved Friends and Family,

I am writing to all of you to introduce you (and in many cases re-introduce you) to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), an initiative to which I have dedicated many months of volunteer effort.

The ITNJ initiative has arisen as a response to the disregard for the rule of law exhibited by (alleged) public officials, corporate directors, and “world leaders” everywhere who have deliberately privatized and weaponized the governments of the world against their own people.  It is the culmination of years worth of work and research on the part of many people from a diverse set of backgrounds who are dedicated to safeguarding a viable future for humanity, and who recognize that we the people must take responsibility for holding our governments to account when they violate basic human rights.  Whenever the community at large neglects to do this then it sets a precedent that allows continued violations to take place.

Such violations include but are not limited to:

Starting wars based on lies

Wantonly pillaging the ecosystem

Authorizing torture

Authorizing slavery

Holding non-violent and peaceful people in prisons

Engaging in organized child abuse

Use of the mainstream media to knowingly spread lies

Use of the private banking sector to systematically impoverish the world

Deliberately training police and military to escalate rather than neutralize conflicts….

Unfortunately the list goes on and on.… Today we know conclusively that many of these activities are being facilitated by politically and financially powerful individuals and governmental and corporate organizations who perennially avoid being brought to account for their actions due to their influence and ability to maneuver about the world.

There is an extensive back-story behind this tribunal and it’s purpose.  To summarize as succinctly as possible: many legal scholars, researchers, and activists who make up the ITNJ’s body of volunteers have discovered conclusively that the courts in America as well as the rest of the world are actually for-profit corporations masquerading as legitimate representational bodies.  Not only that, but most of the world’s countries are themselves corporations too….

In America, Title 28 of the U.S. Code § 3002(15a) outrightly defines the “United States” as a “federal corporation”!  Furthermore, these corporations are actively engaged in a war against the people today, which was discovered by 2,000 researchers who followed a gun case in D.C. that exposed deep currents of corruption running through the “justice” systems of the world.  To explain how this works in one email is unfortunately not possible – however, for a more extensive view of this story, click here.  Much more data showing how all this works can also be found at the official website for the Committee to Support the ITNJ – – where we will be posting more documentation and confirming research over the next several days and weeks.

When you realize that the basic fact of the matter is that the various “governments” of the world do not truthfully represent the people but in actuality merely pretend to represent the people, then you will start to understand why it is that so many “leaders” and corporate directors appear to be so incompetent and rapacious.  When you see how the legal system has been co-opted to become nothing more than an “enforcement arm” of the banking sector – which has been used as a weapon to artificially usurp the very time and energy of people all across the globe – you will gain a solid understanding of what is happening in our world.

Poverty, war, slavery, and even pollution are not inevitable – these things are merely symptoms of a status quo that derives its “authority” through fraud, threat, coercion, and manipulation.

However… have no fear!  For we are the ones who are assisting the systems as they operate now, and it is none but ourselves who can change it.  We are the very energy source that status quo requires to exist.  And this is very good news, for it means we are endowed with the ability to change it!

Of course, we cannot expect the system to change by itself without a sufficient amount of enlightened public participation.  We cannot superficially inch and wrangle our way towards “civilization” through coercion and conflict – nor can we establish a peaceful and harmonious world strictly through our current manner of funding or voting.  Instead we will only get there through education, cooperation, and by refusing to accept a world of needless suffering for ourselves as well as the rest of the human family.  Unscrupulous public officials, predatory corporations, and war-mongering world leaders need to stand down – for the sake of our collective future – and one very important step towards making this happen is for the people themselves to convene a tribunal to lawfully hold the willing perpetrators accountable. 

“Natural Justice” = the Golden Rule in action.  And the twin pillars of Natural Law are:

Do no harm.

Do not allow anyone else to get away with harming you or another.  (Especially when a systemic pattern of abuse has revealed itself conclusively to the whole community!)

When anyone anywhere has had their right to a peaceful existence stolen from them through immoral coercion of any kind it is an affront against all human beings equally, and it becomes immediately incumbent upon the community to fix the problem.  And this is the true and original purpose of any honest and valid court/judicial system:  to assist the greater community in the preservation of our rights and life.

Any institution that deliberately pursues differing or contrary aims cannot be rightly considered a true source of Law!

This is why the ITNJ was officially established and announced to the world on Feb. 14, 2015.  It is a valid court of the people, and it is here to set a basic precedent: that the rights of the people to a sustainable and peaceful life, and the community, resources, knowledge, and wisdom necessary to maintain such an existence are more important than the “rights” of corporate/legal-fictions to do whatever they want regardless of how their actions affect the living world and humanity.

The ITNJ plans on being the first international court in the history of the world to be live-streamed on the Internet.  We are inviting the world to participate – a feature of this court is that we will be using the principles of e-governance to allow the public to be a voice at this court, and we now have the technology that allows us to do this.  To read more about this endeavor, please visit  On that site you will find our Constitution and Treaty under the “ITNJ” drop-down menu.  And, as mentioned before, for more information, research, and to learn about how to participate/volunteer, visit

We are reaching out to the people of the world for support.  The more who sign the ITNJ Treaty, and the more donations from the people, the more effective and beneficial to the whole world it will become.  We officially launch our crowd-funding campaign on the 27th of this month.  Check out our website:  This means I am personally asking you to consider reading the ITNJ Treaty, and sign it if it speaks to your conscience.  After all, this Treaty is for everyone.

And please consider making a donation – to make a donation NOW visit the site:

To get on our mailing list and receive updates as things progress, you can go here [scroll to the top of this page and find the subscribe button in the right column and enter your email address above it].

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this letter – if this message resonates with you, then I ask that you read the material in the links and/or share this letter with others on your social networks and help make it go viral.

I wish everyone nothing but the best in the warm months ahead!

Many well wishes!

Paul Conant


Original post of Paul's letter on April 17, 2015 here at Lantern of the Hermit - JDHWB-R

Friday, April 24, 2015

Face to Face w' Sacha Stone, D, and Thomas Brown: The CERN Question

Here is the Video Archive of Wednesday nights show "Face to Face with Sacha Stone".

On Wednesday night Sacha asked me to join him and Scientist Thomas Brown to dig deep into the CERN questions:  What IS CERN?  What are they really using it for?  and Are the Scientists within CERN actually aware of the ramifications of the "experiments" that are going on?

I spent a good portion of the show sitting in the dark as we had a power black out here on a large portion of the north coast of Morocco, lol.

This was a really interesting show to be a part of.   While we opened the door to many questions and theories, it was very apparent that this discussion was just the first of many to come, as the subject matter is VAST and 2 hours is barely enough to scratch the surface of the question of CERN.

Dani Arnold McKenny


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Akashic Records Report - Major Events Are About To Unfold

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. - Editor,

In a recent interview,  a woman with access to the Akashic Records stated there will be some major impending changes on our planet, including a change in power and a new currency in the near future.

When a person dies, they have a life review in which they see and experience their affect on others, which helps their spirit achieve mastery, she said. According to the information she received from “source” (i.e. the Akashic records), Earth was originally a paradise planet, but experienced a fall and moved into denser and denser vibrations. Many of the early spirit beings came here a mission to get the planet back on track, and a lot of them are reincarnated now in this lifetime, she reported. Our old world is dying as a new energy is in the process of manifesting on Earth, but we have to go through a kind of birth canal to get there, which causes a lot of unresolved issues to surface, she pointed out.

In this interview, Aingeal Rose O’Grady, discusses her remarkable ability to access these records which are reported to contain all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos.

“I find it interesting that there is this intelligence that does record every minute, every little detail of life”, she said.

Further, each person has their own ‘library book,’ as it’s called, as well as a ‘database’ which is the record of all the lifetimes a person has led, and their track record for successes and failures during them, she explained. She views the records as spiritual in nature, though some have said there are “holographic crystal discs” that hold this information.

So What Does O’Grady Foresee?

New Earth Energies

O’Grady stated that we are adjusting to new earth energies and it is going to manifest but it will take between 10-15 years.

Keep in mind that Pluto is in Capricorn until 2023, so that would less than 10 years from now.

In brief, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in 1776 during the American Revolution. It is no coincidence that revolutions are happening all around the world right now. Pluto is known as the “Destroyer” and typically breaks down that which is corrupt and allows that which is in humanity’s best interests to replace those control objects that have kept us economic slaves for hundreds of years.

According to O’Grady, she gets her material directly from “Source”.

Source told O’Grady: “It’s like we’re going into this birth canal.  This light is coming in and it is stimulating a lot of unhealed things in people,” adding that ,”The old world is dieing.  It’s just not going to be the same.  In that process, you will have people leave.  They won’t be able to handle the pressure of it.”

Shift In Consciousness

“The shift is happening on so many levels.  It’s happening to our biology’s, our animal our plant life.  It’s seen under the oceans.  There’s a huge cleansing going on and everybody is feeling it.”

O’Grady added that she continues to see blessing going all over this planet from outside sources. “Because of these blessings, we are being supported in manifesting in a way that we never have been before.”

In this writer’s opinion, it sounds as if our planet is being watched over and protected by our galactic neighbors.


O’Grady believes that people should prepare themselves for any sort of earth changes by having proper water, medical supplies and storable food but added that we are heading toward something that is “really, really wonderful”.

Evil Is On Its Way Out

“Source has told us that ‘evil’ is on its way out. It’s a process. It’s unrealistic to think that it’s going to happen overnight, not with all of the things that need changing. There is so much miraculous stuff going on… people (are) waking up (and) creating new paradigms that I think we’re going to succeed.”

“We have until 2017 for all of this cleansing process and all of this evil to be over with.  A lot of this is consciousness dependent.  Thoughts are materializing much faster now.”

Government Will Not Give Up Easily

“I think we still have a government fight on our hands.  They’re not going to give up easily in terms of their agendas to continue to take away more of our rights and our freedoms but we are the ones who really have to take hold of ourselves and stop our codependency on all these systems.”

A New Way Of Life -New Currency

O’Grady believes that we need to start growing more of our own food and come up with a new money system that replaces the current fiat currency.  “I don’t really see the end of money but I see a change in who controls it and what we do with it.”

Many investors and corporate insiders are dumping their stocks in their own companies in mass quantities. It has become apparent that the current unsustainable system of fiat currency is about to meet its inevitable fate.

O’Grady stated, “Our thoughts are manifesting at a rapid rate right now and we really need to be choosing the highest (good) in all situations.”

You may want to incorporate abundance and prosperity for everyone in your thoughts and meditations.

For example, after I clear myself and my surroundings before I meditate, I then ask my spirit guides and guardian angels for guidance and protection. Additionally, I thank my friends and family on both sides of the veil as well as our galactic neighbors and friends for helping to protect us and ask for their guidance as well. I thank the visitors to in5d for being a big part of this amazing awakening process and lastly, I thank Mother Earth for being such a gracious host to us.

If our thoughts are manifesting quicker then ever, then please help to envision this new world of abundance for all!


Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Gregg is currently working in collaboration with Michelle Walling, CHLC, in opening a holistic walk-in clinic called Alternative Holistic Healthcare (AHH) in Sarasota, FL with subsequent subsidiaries around the world based upon this model.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

War Crimes Drama in Washington, DC Courtroom...

Rod Class DC Gun Case Exposes the War Powers Act of 1917

Sacha Stone, London, England, founder of New Earth Nation, interviewed Rod Class about his DC Court Case three days before he was arrested in a bizarre series of circumstances October 28, 2014. This case has shined a focused spotlite on the level of Corruption going on in the Courtrooms of America.

The Rod Class DC Gun Case, 1:13-cr-00253-RWR, took an unexpected turn the morning of November 6. Former World Bank Lawyer Karen Hudes showed up at his hearing, along with a former FBI Agent, and several members of the AIB Radio Research Network.

Hudes, and those in attendance, were so outraged at the actions taken against the popular Legal Scholar that Hudes intends to file an Amicus Curae into the case to demand that the Judge set bail for the 60-year old Class. Hudes, and other concerned networks, want all interested parties to attend the Status Conference set for (Mon) 11/10/2014 at 11:30 AM in Courtroom 9 before Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts.

Sacha Stone, London, England, founder of New Earth Nation, co-hosted an interview with Rod Class about the upcoming Case a week before he was arrested under bizarre circumstances October 28, 2014, and held without bail in a DC jail.

Rebecca Cope, Co-host, Adventures Into Sovereignty, Andrew Bartzis, Galactic Historian, New Earth Nation and Rising Life Media have in the works a documentary and E-Learning Series to present the SOURCE DOCUMENTS that Class has uncovered in his ten-year research. It is this information that has caused the system to go into over-drive to shut Class up, any way they can.

Class has been embroiled in a DC Gun Case since May, 2013, that should have been dismissed the first time Class filed his pro-se paperwork. The gun law he is charged with violating was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the Heller v Palmer case he cited in the first go-round.

Before his arrest, Class filed proof in a Superior Court of Record that he is a private citizen. He gave notice of this change to the DC Court. They denied it. He filed an Amicus Curiae to show cause on October 3, 6, 7, in the private to the judge and they ignored that as well. The Judge has Registered mail sitting in DC that they have refused to accept.

Rod Class stands mute on his Amicus Curiae to protect the public. The Judge and the Prosecutor and the Public Defender have used every ploy, including Diesel Therapy, riding him around in a bus until he is exhausted and demoralized, before they bring him before the Judge.

Think this can’t happen in America in 2014? What does Rod Class know that has caused the Judge to violate Article 100 of the Lieber Code? The Judge has breached the International Law Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal. The Court does not seem to care.

Class’s efforts to hold corrupt officials accountable to the rule of law are legendary.

It was Class who forced the North Carolina Courts to admit, on the public record, that the Administrative Agents posing as “Public Officials” are NOT. The ruling from the Judge was clear: They are “private entities, in fact, CORPORATIONS.”

To make sure he understood what the Judge meant, Class asked for an Administrative Review. He placed evidence from the Governor’s website listing the various offices of “government” for North Carolina.

The ruling by Judge Ridgeway, 11 CV 1559, in 2011, proved what Class had uncovered through his research: The “Agencies”, including the elected Governor, are NOT ‘Public officials responsible to the people. They are not organized under the Executive Branch.’

Class now had the proof he needed: The Administrative Agencies posing as government answered to the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund. An unscrupulous International Banking Cartel under the thumb of the Vatican had taken over every function of government in the United States and forgot to tell the people. (And at least 118 other countries worldwide.)

The DC case has revealed the dirty little secret the Cartel has taken great pains to hide for 100 years. The War Powers Act of 1917 as amended was used by the Banking Cartel to set the people up for an extortion racket that makes the Mafia look like Sunday School teachers.

The War Powers Act, Aka Trading with the Enemy, was amended in 1933 via the Amendatory Act to set the people up to be charged as an Enemy of the State. The DC Judge has invoked this Act as his authority to charge Class.

There is one major problem: the Judge had to be appointed under the Constitution in order to preside over an Article III Constitutional court. It is the only way he and his cronies can gain access to the accounts set up for the people’s use under the provisions of the War Powers Act. Charging Class as a War Criminal allows them access to the accounts. They can partake of the “spoils of war” and believe they have no accountability for their crimes against humanity.

Article III of the Constitution, backed up by the 11th Amendment, limits the power of Judges to preside over Civil cases only. Criminal cases must be presented before a Jury. The Judge is a neutral blind observer. There must be an injured party before a case can commence. The jury must find the accused guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The Judge declares the appropriate sentence. Robbery and murder are criminal offenses requiring a jury verdict, for instance.

Rod Class, a disabled veteran, did not injure anyone. He didn’t even break a law. Instead, he is accused in a set-up that is well-documented; he faces a possible prison sentence of 10 years for a Statutory violation that has already been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

What type of court has the presumed authority to charge Class in a Civil action that carries a felony penalty that could land him in jail for years?

There is only one place in Statutory Law that gives a Judge any authority to preside over such a case: 50 USC Chapter 3, Section 23: War and National Defense. The War Powers Act of 1917, as amended, has been invoked.

Class understands this Act. His history lesson starts with the Civil War. The Banking Cartel funded the war efforts for the South. Lincoln refused to borrow money from them, preferring instead to conscript the resources of the American people as collateral to back his currency, the greenback. Lincoln was assassinated for his efforts, but he had given the bankers the perfect method to overthrow the fledgling Republic.

In 1913, during a Christmas Recess, the Cartel bribed enough Congressmen to pass the Federal Reserve Act. They set themselves up to print the currency for the USA. They started World War I in 1914. In 1917, they got the War Powers Act passed.

Understanding the ramifications of this Act 100 years later will make it clear why the Secret Shadow Government wants Rod Class shut up.

Reading the Act reveals how cleverly the American people were set up by the bankers and their agents. They stole the resources of the people, kept them as the spoils of war, and set the people up as war criminals. This Act explains why the Bankers and their cronies, the 1%, control all the resources, while the 99% struggle to survive, lose their homes to fraudulent foreclosures, and get railroaded before a War Crimes Tribunal on trumped-up charges.

During World War I, under the War Powers Act of 1917, and in full force and effect from that time forward, all private property belonging to the people was conscripted for the use of the war effort. To conscript means “to draft for military service.”

This Act imposed restrictions deemed necessary “during a time of war.” What was formerly a right – to trade with anyone anywhere – now became a “privilege” requiring permission. One had to apply for a license to “trade with the enemy.” License and Registration procedures were put in place to keep up with the property the people contributed to the war effort.
The Alien Property Custodian, Agent in charge of registration, was required to keep up with the contribution of the people. This Agent had authority to create war bonds, or death bonds, or other means, using the people as collateral to fund the war debt.

Under Power of Attorney Appointment, the Agent was appointed Trustee of the Trusts set up for such purposes. All rights, title, and interest to manage the people’s property as if it was owned by the Government was placed under the Agent’s control.

EXCEPT: The Alien Property Custodian had to settle any claims brought before him resulting from the use of the people’s property. Under Section 7, “No person shall be held liable in any court for anything done or admitted under this Act.”

Courts were not allowed to hold peaceful inhabitants accountable for failure to pay a debt. The people had no choice in the matter, all property belonged to the State, under Section 9 of the War Powers Act, the Alien Property Custodian was required by law to settle the debts. All one had to do was present the claim under Oath, via signature, and it had to be settled.

UNLESS: a person was guilty of War Crimes. If one was even suspected of aiding and abetting the enemy, all such property could be confiscated and permanently turned over to the State, and no such compensation would be required.

Please read that last paragraph about ten times. It provides major clues why neither you nor your grandparents nor great-grandparents ever saw any debts paid or resources returned “after the war is over.”

World War I was over in 1918. How can the War Powers Act of 1917 still be in force?

Most people do not know their history like Rod Class does. They are not aware of the National Banking Emergency declared in 1933 that has never been lifted. They do not know that a price was put on the head of every newborn through the Social Security Act of 1935. Section 501 set a price of $1.8 million per live birth, and Section 502 gave the government mandatory funding of $1 Million for every year thereafter, in 1935 dollars. This funding was conscripted from the future labors of the offspring and placed in trust. The Alien Registration Act of 1940 set up the method to assign a unique name and number to each child. The Birth Certificate, issued in the given name of the newborn, provides proof that a trust was set up, and a Government Copywrite Trademark issued, in order for the Custodian to have a means to settle any debts.

Rod Class, 60, has provided, at minimum, $61.8 million, to “the government” to settle his debts. His paltry military disability check will not even pay for the rising costs of his defense in the DC case. He has to depend upon donations. If he goes to prison, his pension will be pulled and his wife, who is also disabled, will not have funds to live on. Yet someone had access to those funds and more.

The provisions passed in 1917 set the people up to be used as collateral for the currency. In exchange, the Federal Reserve Board, a for-profit, private enterprise with no more “federal” standing than Fed-Ex, had agreed to pay the debts of the government. That included the needs of the people.

Need a new car? Present a bill with your signature to the Custodian. The Banking Cartel had agreed to settle all debts in exchange for the rights to print the currency.

Today, the Department of Motor Vehicles claims the right to conscript the Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin when a new vehicle is purchased. The auto dealer is told to send it to STATE OF (home state). The private party who paid for the vehicle receives a Certificate of Title from DMV, “equitable title,” a “beneficial interest” to use the vehicle. Proof of Driver’s License is required for permission to use what was thought to be the private property of the one who “bought” it.

The Register of Deeds converts real estate transactions into a fee-simple Warranty Deed. The former owner is now subject to a Tenant (property) Tax to use the property. Building permits, restrictions, and fines accrue if one fails to maintain the property as specified by the owner. Fail to pay the Property tax for two years and the “tenant” can be forced off the land even if there is no mortgage.

“The Agents” are conscripting and claiming ownership of the people’s resources like clockwork for some undisclosed party. Why is the Agent not paying the debts of the people as required by law?

Title 31, Judiciary, traces how it requires the Judge, the Prosecutor, and the Public Defender in order to access the account in the “Defendant’s” name. Rod Class filed his paperwork to require the Prosecutor and the Public Defender to act as Trustee in order to honorably settle any accounts that were required in order to settle his DC Case. The Judge “denied” his paperwork, as he has denied countless pages which expose the grand swindle.

When a Judge accuses the “Defendant” of a war crime, the Judge can gain access the accounts set up to settle any debts. He can preside over the creation of court bonds, prison bonds, and gain access to municipal funding as “legal” bribes for looking the other way when he knows that a man is not guilty of any crime. He pads his retirement account as an agent for the Cartel.

As a War Criminal, Class has no rights and no remedy. The Judge can deny him access to the accounts, no matter that he files proper protocol, proves that he is not an enemy of the State, and places proof of the accounts. He has no means, method, nor duty to access the accounts. That is the Fiduciary Duty of the Judge and the Court acting as Bank on behalf of the Cartel.

A Judge does not have to prove that Class is an Enemy of the State. The charge itself is enough for the Judge and his cronies to access the accounts and put the spoils of war in their own pocket.

So Rod Class utilized the only choice left to him. He served notice that he is not a “US Citizen” under presumption of authority to the Corporations Posing as Governments. He filed proof of his Private Citizen Status.

The result: The Judge knows what Class has filed so he circumvents justice by failure to pick up the Registered Mail.

The comedy of errors has been well-documented by Class and his band of Researchers. The Trailer for the Documentary Series will be released in the coming days. The Source Documents Class teaches from reveals the truth of the methods used by the Cartel to take over every function of government while the people weren’t paying attention. For more information, contact Request information on the E-Learning Course that is in production to reveal the Source Documents from the Congressional Record, from various Acts, and from a deep understanding of the Statutes and Codes that have allowed a Judge to treat himself and his cronies to the “spoils of war” at the people’s expense.

Class has placed his paperwork in an archive that is readily available on the internet. His teaching is freely available on the AIB Radio Network on Various international organizations, including New Earth Nation, have his back. An International Tribunal is under organization to hold these illegal Agents and the Corporations posing as Government accountable to the Rule of Law.

This article was written with help from the Rod Class Research Network by Rebecca Cope, Co-ordinator, New Earth Nation Law Academy. For information about the International Tribunal for Natural Justice contact

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The True Matrix Story Based on Cobra’s Update...

Therese Zumi here; I have been following Cobra’s blog since its very beginning in the spring of 2012. I also attended one of his first conferences namely the one in LA Nov 2012. I started my website four months prior to meeting Cobra and he encouraged me to continue writing and this resulted in the presentation of The Event information as given by him in LA. He then gave links to this info on my website in the spring of 2013. In the past two or three months I have been compiling and studying information about the Archons and the 2 separate although aligned factions of them namely the Jesuit Archon group along with their minions the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers  and the Chimera Archon group.

This article is designed to be an overview of the history of our entire situation of imprisonment by these beings up until the present. The vast majority of the information compiled here comes from Cobra.

Truth of Our Imprisonment

We know that Our Solar System has been under control of Orion/Andromedan Chimera Empire and their Draco/Reptilian minions for the last 26,000 years, effectively putting planet Earth under quarantine status, isolating it from positive ET races. These archons came originally from the Andromeda Galaxy and then created races such as Draconians and Reptilians through genetic engineering over long time periods – millennia – using them as slaves to expand and run their empires.

Because new readers ask the question “why do the Galactic Confederation not just land and intervene and stop this madness now” I am including a direct quote from the Solar System Update that Cobra provided us with on February 9th 2015 which reads “The Light forces were forced to sign a non-interference treaty which states that they will not interfere on the surface of planet Earth directly and in turn the Chimera will also not interfere on the surface directly. Although this treaty was quite harmful for the development of humanity in the last 26,000 years, it has also prevented humanity from being harvested by Chimera and their Draco/Reptilian minions directly. This is the reason the Resistance Movement agents are not contacting human beings on the surface of their planet. This treaty is also the reason why the Reptilians have not been massively eating humans for breakfast in the open in surface human cities after 1996 when their presence under the surface of the planet was huge, with 500 million entities present. This treaty is also the reason strangelet bombs were not detonated on many occasions. As soon as the Chimera threat is gone, the Light Forces will intervene on the surface of this planet directly.”

These mad archon beings who are controlling us through their two distinct groups namely the Chimera Archon and the Jesuit Archon dark nobility family faction do not in any way think or function like human beings. You must understand that Cobra is in no way exaggerating the situation when he explains why the Light Forces had no choice but to sign this ‘non-interference treaty’. This is the reason that he repeats to us again and again that The Event or the final day of the Liberation of this planet will not commence until the electromagnetic fence – the veil – the matrix - has been taken down completely.

Archon Control

The truth about our reality here is so chocking and so unbelievable it sounds like a plot from an extremely complicated space war movie. In fact up to nearly 80% of modern day space war movies with their scary frightening stories of aliens and their plans to take us as hostages have been created and inspired by the minions of the aliens who have been holding us hostage for over 25000 years.

When Cobra started his blog in the spring of 2012 we started to hear the truth about our prison wardens the archons. He was chosen by the RM to be their spokesperson and was informed on a regular basis about updates that were considered necessary to convey the truth to us - puzzle bit after puzzle bit - so that we could digest the information. It was less than one year ago in April of 2014 that we were given the information about the chimera and their military bases. It was then we learned that there were two separate but cooperating archon groups controlling us on every level imaginable, namely on the surface, from chimera bases just below surface and not in least on the astral etheric planes.

Positive Military Becomes Aware of the Immensity of Our Control

The group that Cobra often refers to known as the Positive Military have had plans for decades for mass arrests of the cabal. However it was not until April or May of 2012 that they became aware of the reason behind the many disturbances and interferences of their plans. It was first then that they became aware of the presence of the archons! It was then in the spring of 2012 that they learned about the powerful group of physical archons within the Jesuit Archon faction who had access to nuclear weapons and were threatening to use them if need be if mass arrests commenced! They were cut away from their access to these weapons in June 2012.

However what we did not know until nearly two years later was that the archons – another group of them – the so called Chimera  - were controlling 12 main military bases worldwide and had other even more dangerous bombs namely strangelet and toplet bombs!! (1) That was a great chock and we were all thinking ‘what next’. We were wondering if there could ever be a chance of liberation from these mad beings? Then amazingly we were informed by Cobra on January 29th 2015 that“ALL physical strangelet and toplet bombs of the Chimera group have been cleared. Only plasma strangelet and toplet bombs are now remaining. Plasma plane remains the main strong area of the Chimera group and this needs to be taken care of before the Event happens.” In the Monthly interview with Cobra in March of 2015 Rob Potter asked Cobra what the difference was between the physical and plasmatic strangelet/toplet bombs and we were informed that there is very little difference i.e. equally very dangerous.

On the surface physical plane the archons are incarnated within the Jesuit organisation into so called black nobility families. They spiritually control their administrators the 1) Draconian Illuminati that run the financial system, 2) their warriors = reptilian mercenaries that protect the Illuminati and 3) their slaves = US = you and me and everyone else through our nine to five jobs.

The Veil/Matrix and Its Two-Fold Function of Controlling Us

This Veil/Grid/Web/Matrix/Net exerts control over us on two levels. On the (1) physical level the Jesuit Archon faction maintain control over us through the 1a) Orion Babylonian debt slave financial system and 1b) through mass media programming. So to simplify things one could say that the Jesuit Archon faction work mainly on this physical level through the Rothschild faction who manages the money for them {they have been their bankers for the last two centuries} and controls the media. 1c) The Rothschild faction has also totally infiltrated modern medicine and genetically altered us through vaccinations which they developed through the W.H.O. in Nazi concentration camps during WW2. The Jesuit Archon faction is where we find the master mind controllers who have used 1d) religious indoctrination and the design and creation of ‘hell’ (see Jesuits below) to keep us in tow. 1e) They have controlled education worldwide.

Then the control is exerted on the 2) etheric astral and mental planes levels through 2a) electromagnetic spacetime distortion chambers that create the illusion of a closed loop that appears to be eternal {Philadelphia experiment} and their version of so called Hell and Heaven etc. 2b) every human being is planted with etheric crystal implants before incarnating which remove memories from these planes and past lives. They control us with these implants using their remote control operated etheric scalar implant technology.  It is they the archons who have been the so called ‘lords of karma’ pretending to be higher spiritual beings ‘encouraging us’ to incarnate time and time again in their prison. What we call karma is their programming system. On average it is they who decide 65% of our life path.

The archons have had Draconian administrators on the etheric and lower astral planes who maintain the artificial intelligence technology that has been keeping the matrix in place.

In turn the Draconian administrators’ use reptilian slave warriors to constantly exert mental and emotional pressure upon the incarnated humans so as to suppress any spiritual advances or fight for liberation.

They have also used amoeba like elemental beings to exert additional pressure on us.

Archon Human Personal Relationship Control

The Archons have been sustaining their control (2) with a special technology that is called The Veil. It is an electromagnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending maximally 8.6 miles upwards and downwards from the surface ground level of our planet,  that to a great extent prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine Earth. The Veil is being operated by the non-physical Archons. This technology could be best described as etheric HAARP. This technology distorts the time / space structure on quantum level and thus creates big difficulties for UFO propulsion systems of the positive ET forces. In the past, this has hindered the progress of the positive ET races towards this planet significantly.

There is one specific grid on the etheric and astral planes that has had the purpose of controlling human personal relationships for millennia. This is the reason for most personal conflicts. This grid has two main levels - one level is the etheric astral where archons and their minions work to control us (2) and the other in the physical where the control is in the hands of the deep Jesuit factions where physical Jesuit archons are in control. Cobra made it very clear that these beings are very dangerous and that there will be no Event until they are cut off from their resources.

On the etheric and lower astral planes, their Draconian administrators maintain the artificial intelligence technology that keeps the Matrix in place. It has an alert system so if an awakened being creates a hole in this Matrix with his Light, Draconians send a Reptilian slave warrior to exert pressure on the psychological weak spots of that awakened being to lower his vibration and thus close that hole. Also, those Reptilian slave warriors constantly exert pressure upon the mind and emotions of incarnated human beings on Earth in order to prevent their spiritual growth and to suppress their fight for freedom. If that is not enough, they also send amoeba-like elemental beings that put additional pressure. All those negative beings usually hide in folds of distorted spacetime structure on astral and etheric planes:

Their power is in fear and hidden agendas. They lose all power in the face of light, truth and courage. If we are aware of all this without fear, the light of our consciousness will straighten those folds in spacetime structure and all those negative beings will be removed from astral and etheric planes of planet Earth:

How Many of These Beings Have There Been?

We were informed in May of 2012 that there were on the surface of Gaia a few dozen archons (Jesuit org) few hundred Draconians (in illuminati banking families mainly) and few thousand reptilians (mainly in mercenary armies like Blackwater later Academi etc.) At that time we were not aware of the existence of or presence of the archons in the Chimera Archon faction and their control of 6 United States and 6 European military bases. In the so called DUMB’s or deep underground military bases there were for example at one time up to 500 million reptilians after the archon Congo invasion in 1996.

However the numbers of these beings in control of our reality have been much greater on the etheric and astral planes. We learned the following on January 3rd 2013 “The etheric Archon grid is controlled by a very small group of etheric Archons who give their orders to millions of etheric Draconians (sector commanders), those to billions of reptilians (warriors) and those to amoebas (semi-conscious elemental beings that just obey orders without questioning).”

The Veil and Its Other Two-Fold Function

You will recall that the Light forces were forced to sign a non-interference treaty agreeing that they would not interfere on the surface of planet Earth directly and in turn the Chimera would also not interfere on the surface directly. So the main function of this veil has been to keep ET’S out and keep us in the dark as to the fact that there exists a Galactic Confederation of benevolent ET races who cooperate with one another in this and other galaxies. The technology of this 'electromagnetic frequency fence' distorts space / time structure on a quantum level. But apart from keeping ETs out the veils function has been the programming and reprogramming of humanity through endless reincarnation and recycling processes effectively using us a slaves’ for their needs. 

The Chimera

The following details about the Chimera Archon faction were disclosed by Cobra during the months of April to October of 2014.

1] This group includes the leaders of the dark forces from the Andromeda galaxy.

2] They came to Earth in humanoid physical bodies 25,000 years ago and quarantined the planet.

3] They have built a scalar electromagnetic fence around the Earth (the Veil), effectively preventing positive ET contact and thus isolating humanity. The leaders of the Chimera Archon faction are the guardians of the electromagnetic null zone. [Veil/Net/Grid/Web/Matrix = global plasma scalar mind control network]

4] This network is being operated from the military bases and encompasses the whole planet.

5] They earlier constructed a vast network of subterranean cities, using Draconians as slave handlers and Reptilians as slaves and controlled the human population on the surface of the planet from there. 

6] Earlier their main strongholds were under Africa, China and Tibet. They had no direct contact with the surface civilization until the early 20th century.

This very secret negative group, codenamed Chimera, within the Negative Military has infiltrated militaries of all major nations during and after the Congo Archon invasion in 1996. This group secretly controls the vast majority of military bases around the world, many of those bases belonging to the US military:

The Chimera Archon faction has enforced secret agreements upon leaders of all national militaries worldwide to suppress and erase all traces of benevolent extraterrestrial contact.

They are heavily linked to the Jesuit Archon faction and the NSA.  

Strangelet Bombs

The Chimera group has put physical* strangelet bombs (1) inside most of US military bases and some military bases of other nations and these bombs form the main line of defence against the advance of the Galactic Confederation and the Resistance Movement forces towards the surface of this planet.

Besides the strangelet bombs on the physical plane the chimera have also created these bombs on the plasma astral etheric level. So the veil or the global plasma scalar mind control network is tied to strangelet bombs and this is why its removal is a very delicate operation that takes so much time.  
*All physical strangelet bombs were successfully deactivated by the Resistance Movement in January 2015.

On Jan 29th 2015 we were informed that “It is also true that Chimera controls a system of subterranean strongholds, with Long Island now being their only major access point to the surface.” The Chimera group has a system of detectors, monitored from Long Island, which detects any space vehicle that would land or make contact.

“These subterranean strongholds of the Chimera are totally unrelated to DUMBs (deep underground military bases). All DUMBs have been cleared already and the Negative Military and the Cabal have no access to Chimera strongholds, so they are stranded on the surface.” 

Some Additional Information about the Chimera and the Veil

The following short description of plasma may support your understanding of plasma scalar devices in general. Plasma is the fourth aggregate state of matter after 1) solid, 2) liquid and 3) gaseous and is in fact the connecting link between physical and etheric matter. We were also reminded the following by Cobra “You need to understand that the physical plane matter is just a condensed plasma wave and plasma anomaly reflects directly on the physical plane.” Plasma scalar devices can thus influence our physical bodies and the Chimera Group uses these devices to attack Lightwarriors and Lightworkers by influencing their body functions, disturbing breathing and heart pulse. They also use plasma scalar lasers to project thoughtforms into the minds of Lightworkers, plasma infrasound to lower the frequency of the auric membrane of Lightworkers and plasma ultrasound devices as an ultimate spying and surveillance machine.

The Chimera group must not be confused with the ‘breakaway civilization’. The breakaway civilization originated in the Nazi occult space program {see below} and evolved into a military-industrial complex with many black projects, whereas the Chimera group is the driving force behind the breakaway civilization, manipulating it to support their maintenance of the quarantine status of planet Earth.

Chimera = Creators of All War

Unknown to 99% of humanity there is a silent full scale war ongoing between the Positive Military and the Chimera group worldwide. 

The Chimera Archon faction is practically speaking the creator of all wars on Earth including WW1 and WW2. It is they who lie behind the current devastating wars in Syria, the Ukraine, Iraq, the IS Islamic State group and their hideous warmongering and terror campaigns in the entire Middle East area. The ongoing tension and war just about everywhere else on this planet is created through them and their mercenary soldiers/snipers.

Besides the seeming unending ongoing war on this planet, there has since the Archon invasion in 1996 also been an intense war going on in this Solar System.

To read many fascinating details about this Solar System war and ‘The Alliance Fleet’ go to the (4) link below which was posted by Cobra on the 31st March 2015;

For more details about the Chimera Archon faction see Secret Space Program below.

The Jesuits

According to Cobra the Jesuit group were created 500 years ago and have been running the show on this planet since then.
This organisation is a 16th century creation of the Farnese family which is one of the most powerful papal black nobility families in Italy. So we can deduct that the Jesuit organisation is the hiding place on the surface of the planet for the archons that are incarnated into the black nobility families.

The Jesuits are working under the command of the Archons to maintain the quarantine status of planet Earth. 

This Jesuit Archon faction is mostly found in the Catholic Jesuit group worldwide. Their ‘work’ is mind control – the control of the people. We humanity have been mind programmed and mass controlled through organised religion for 2500 years.

The Jesuits have the religious indoctrination of sin and hell, and are behind many operations to control populations. They have controlled education worldwide.

The Jesuits spiritually control their administrators who we have already learned are 1) Draconian minion administrators incarnated into the Illuminati that run the financial system and 2) their warriors = reptilian mercenaries that protect the Illuminati and create their wars.

Here it may be of interest to know that the actual creation of what is known as ‘hell’ within the Roman Catholic Church was created in the year 393CE on the lower astral planes. This was at the time of the second of three archon invasions (3) when archons and their slave races came through a dimensional portal in the Caucasus with the goal of destroying mystery schools and as part of their aim of introducing the Christian mind programming cult they created a Virtual Reality Hell to strengthen the position of the church.

The previous Jesuit Superior General {Black Pope} Hans Peter Kolvenbach is instrumental in keeping the fear vibration among humanity on the surface of this planet. He is the mastermind behind the 911 (Twin Towers) and 311 (Fukushima) false flag attacks and the main engineering force behind the Syria conflict. He is conveniently living in Lebanon, very close to the Syrian border.

The main purpose of CIA is to install Jesuit-friendly political regimes throughout the planet and especially to dictate their policy regarding positive ETs.

The real reason why the Jesuits created CIA, NSA, NRO and NGA was to monitor and evaluate the threat that positive ET races pose to their empire. 

The Jesuit Agenda

On November 28th 2013 we learned the following about The Jesuits from Cobra;

The Jesuit agenda (5) is to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance with its agents and hijack the process of creating the new financial system. Needless to say, top people within the Eastern Alliance are aware of this and will not let it happen. Also, top members of the White Dragon Society have learned their lesson after their predecessors were fooled decades ago when they surrendered much of their gold to Jesuit agents for worthless pieces of paper (US government bonds). The White Dragons are much more careful now, especially as the Jesuits are trying to infiltrate them through Te-Wu, the Chinese secret intelligence agency. 

The Jesuit plan is to let the Light forces purge the Illuminazi* {*see further down} faction (Rockefeller, Bush, Kissinger, Cheney & Co.) and then secretly team up with the Rothschilds to take over the process of creating the new financial system. Their agents are present on endless negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal and they are trying to steer the agreements closer to the Jesuit agenda. This is the source of proposals to make the Pope the new M1 (monetary controller). This is the reason why the new Jesuit Pope is promoting the idea of a central world bank. They are also seriously considering the idea of allowing a worldwide debt jubilee so that they would be portrayed as saviours of humanity under the wings of »benevolent« Catholic Church. 

They would then promote the Catholic cult in a renewed, more publicly appealing way, and gradually absorb other religions into it (starting with Buddhism) until they would reach their goal of a global religious mind programming cult, at the same time keeping all past atrocities of the Catholic Church under the carpet.

2 Illuminati Factions Controlled by The Jesuits

The Rothschild Faction.

Rothschilds are the bankers for the Jesuits in the last two centuries.

They manage the money for the Jesuits. The most influential are: Jacob de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, David de Rothschild and lately also Nathaniel Philip de Rothschild.

Cobra has explained that our entire Financial System is like the Internet. It is a huge computer program controlled by the cabal.

There have been numerous secret projects to say the least that have been funded from this financial system for at least 4-5 decades.

Additional funding was needed for those projects and actually every human on the planet contributed about 25% of his salary to these secret projects through siphoning off taxpayer money!!!

80-90% of both the United States media and the European media are in the controlling hands of the Rothschilds. Through special compartmentalized CIA programs they have infiltrated the truther movement to the point that about 70% of intel in alternative media is disinformation coming directly or indirectly from Jesuit sources.

Because we the people have been so mind programmed unawares by these individuals, we have accepted the information provided to us by the Rothschild media. The key here to our liberation is taking control over the mass media. The day that we regain the control of the mass media is the day we have won.

Therefore this is the first condition for their surrender = the surrender of the control of the mass media.

I recall Cobra saying in LA in Nov 2012 that “when we reach the media we have won”. This will happen soon bigtime when ‘the elephant in the room’ becomes visible to all.

This Rothschild cabal faction has totally infiltrated modern medicine; one example is vaccinations. We have been genetically altered through vaccines. The idea behind the Rothschild idea of medicine is to keep us all as working slaves. There are cures and healing for everything. This will all be released and balanced at the time of The Event.

The W.H.O. which is Rothschild based, developed vaccinations in the Nazi concentration camps during WW2. Between the years 1945 and 2010 we received those ‘biochips’ implanted there {if we were vaccinated}. Their function was to cut out conscious ability and make us zombie like. The Resistance Movement have now cleared these chips.

To sum up here Rothschild Faction = Bank control = Media control = Medical control!

Rothschilds do not operate independently but obey orders from their Jesuit Archon overlords.

The Rockefeller / Illuminazi* Faction.

This Illuminati faction is composed of 1-2000 people involved in Medicine, Science, Nazis and Technology. This faction is a Jesuit creation of the 20th century with a purpose to hinder and misuse the technological and scientific progress of humanity:
The key players of the Rockefeller / Illuminazi faction are: David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Herbert Walker Bush (George Scherf Jr.), Dick Cheney, Jay Rockefeller, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove and Paul Wolfowitz.

Blackwater also known as Xe or Academi is a private Jesuit army obeying the dictates of the black nobility. This army operates outside all laws. This army is controlled by people both within the US government as well as outside mainly from within the Vatican State. In other words Blackwater is a religious army serving the Pope in Rome, through the Order of Malta. The Order of Malta is considered under international law to be a ‘sovereign entity’ with special diplomatic powers and privileges. Like Blackwater the Order of Malta is ‘untouchable’ because it is at the heart of the elite aristocracy.

In other words the cabal has its own mercenaries which they have used in war after war to trigger conflicts that create chaos of some kind or worse still civil war. In the conflicts in Egypt and in Syria we have heard about mysterious snipers and they belong to this private mercenary firm.

One example of the silent worldwide full scale war ongoing between the Positive Military and the Chimera group is the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 a scheduled international passenger flight that disappeared on 8 March 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport Malaysia, to Beijing Capital International Airport in China. According to Cobra and the Resistant Movement the hijacking of this plane was an act of war of the chimera group. The plane was taken to Diego Garcia military base which is one of their main chimera strongholds.

It is important to understand how heavily the Jesuit Archon faction and the NSA are linked to the Chimera Archon faction and that it is they who have enforced secret agreements upon leaders of all national militaries worldwide to suppress and erase all traces of benevolent extraterrestrial contact. In an interview in February 2015 Cobra was asked if the ‘unholy four’ – Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kissinger and George Bush Sr - were still in direct contact with the chimera group in their Long Island base and he said that unfortunately they still were.

Secret Space Program

In 1934, many races of the Draco empire contacted the world leaders and made secret treaties with them, offering them advanced military technology in exchange for enslavement of the mass human population. This was the main reason for the great progress of technology in the 30s. All those projects needed financing and financing came through confiscation of privately owned gold through Gold Reserve Act of 1934.

Very strict secrecy protocols were established and no leaks about »deep events« which could disrupt the quarantine status were tolerated. This is the reason why you can find no real proof about the existence of ET civilizations anywhere and most »evidence« is fabricated by the CIA to further confuse the issue.

The very beginning of the secret space program was in 1917 when the Light forces had formed the Thule society in Germany. However very soon it was infiltrated by the Archon-controlled Rothschild agent named Adolf Schicklgruber (Hitler) and became an instrument of the dark and it further morphed into the Vril society which was developing secret German space program:

When the Chimera group saw this, they realized that the surface human population has reached sufficient technological development to reach for the stars and pierce the Veil. To suppress that, they have made their first contact with the surface population through Karl Haushofer on his travels to Tibet. After that contact was made, Chimera-controlled Haushofer was the main occult force behind the Nazi Germany:

During World War II, Draconian forces attempted an open takeover of the planet through Nazi Germany. That attempt failed with the victory of the Allied forces and Draconians settled for a more covert approach.

After the Nazis have lost WW2, they have been imported into the United States through Operation Paperclip, where they formed the backbone of the military-industrial complex, continued to develop their secret space program and started to build deep underground military bases, financed with Yamashita gold.
They imported about 2000 leading Nazis to the United States through Operation Paperclip and many of those Nazis still form the backbone of the shadow government that runs the affairs on this planet.

The real secret space program started in the early 1960s, when the Chimera group has given permission to the negative militaries of the USA, NATO European countries, USSR and China to build joint secret Moon and Mars bases in certain restricted areas. Also, a secret treaty was signed between the Cabal and the Draco/Reptilian/Zeta complex which gave the Cabal technical support in construction of Lunar and Mars bases whereas those negative alien races were given permission to build underground bases on Earth together with the Negative Military.

The secret space program and construction of the underground bases was operated by Rockefeller / Kissinger / Bush / Rumsfeld / Halpern / Cheney military-industrial complex through corporations such as Halliburton, Bechtel, Rand, Sandia, Wackenhut, Morton Thiokol, Raytheon,  Blackwater…ACADEMI = (former Blackwater).

The Chimera group was behind the scenes, carefully watching the moves of the US military-industrial complex and making sure that the quarantine status of the planet was maintained and kept intact. 

Between 1960 and 2000 there was an intense space war going on. The light forces began to clear disturbances in outer space. In 2012 the majority of this solar system was cleared, only the Chimera group was remaining. This group represents only a few beings, yet the main problem has been their connection with the Strangelet and Toplet bombs (on the physical and plasma plane).

The real reason why the Jesuits created CIA, NSA, NRO and NGA was to monitor and evaluate the threat that positive ET races pose to their empire. The main purpose of the CIA is to install Jesuit-friendly political regimes throughout the planet and especially to dictate their policy regarding positive ETs. (9)

For many more details about the Secret Space Program see links below.

The Old Financial System + The New Financial System

One of the reasons the Jesuits have created WW2 was to orchestrate a worldwide gold grab to finance their black budget programs to maintain the quarantine status of our planet (secret space program, deep underground military bases etc.) Operation Golden Lily was a Jesuit operation and General Yamashita was a puppet in the hands of the Jesuits:

In 2012, the Resistance Movement removed the vast majority of the physical gold from the hands of the Cabal. This crippled the Cabal's operations extensively. Since then they hide the last few trillions of their money in Lichtenstein. Due to the fact that they need 2-3 billion dollars daily to keep their show running, they could last for 2 or 3 years (info from 2013) if their resources would be left untouched, which, of course, they will not be.

It was around September of 2013 that we learned that the “BRICS group has announced the creation of a new global bank that will become one of the building blocks of the New Financial System:” For those among you who might not know what the BRICS group is, it is composed of B=Brazil R= Russia I= India C= China and S= South Africa. Many other countries have been in the process of affiliating themselves to this group for a couple of years now to remove themselves from the power of the cabal.

As mentioned earlier in this article Jesuit agents are trying to turn the plans of the BRICS alliance to remove the petrodollar supremacy of the military-industrial complex into plans to use global currency reset for the Jesuit plan of world domination.

You also need to know that Jesuits were infiltrating China since the 16th century and they have a vast network there. Regardless, the top people within the Dragons and the Eastern Alliance* are fully aware of the Jesuit manipulations and will NOT allow their positive plans to be misused.

*It will be of interest to know that the Alliance extraterrestrial forces are the master force behind the BRICS/Eastern Alliance on the surface of this planet. 

Sometime in 2013 Cobra was asked about a monsignor in the Vatican who was charged with the money laundering of 26 million$. He told us that this sum of money was nothing compared to the trillions of dollars that have been laundered through the Vatican. On May 17, 2013 Pope Francis denounced the global financial system, blasting the “cult of money” that he says is tyrannising the poor and turning humans into expendable consumer goods.

Cobra has questioned this ‘benevolent’ pope many times regarding actually doing something about all the positive ideas and comments he makes. It would seem that the property/money owned by the Catholic Church in Brazil alone would if used cover the costs of removing all hunger and poverty on this entire planet.

Funding of our New Financial System

Some of the funds which are part of the money that will be returned to humanity are, a) money that has been stolen from us which includes about $ 70 trillion*** from old money patriots connected to the Positive Military, b) $ 100 trillion from the White Dragon Society and Templar groups, c) $ 120 trillion from the Resistance Movement and d) $ 10 trillion from the Saint Germain Trust, ... also the couple of trillion that the Cabal are still holding will be confiscated when they are arrested.

This article ‘The New Financial System’ was posted on The Portal on the 28th of April 2012 and gives the details of what will happen at the time of The Event. 

*** Re Trillion$ just for reference you might enjoy having an idea of what trillion might mean regarding spending worth. Cobra has mentioned the sum of 1 trillion Dollars all in all as the approximate costs for the Secret Space Program and spaceships are expensive to build!

Victory to the Light

During the Breakthrough Phase, the Veil is slowly being dissolved and the quarantine slowly being lifted. On August 8th 2014 we were informed that “Behind the scenes, clearing of the Chimera group continues. We have now reached the stage when only the core of the Chimera group remains and clearing that core group is now the main challenge.” We know that the plans of the Resistance Movement are steadily proceeding in the right direction and there have been so many amazing developments in the past few months. The article to follow this one will be an overview of the details of the progress of this disintegration of the veil and our path towards Victory of the Light.

The Breakthrough is near!

Compiled by Therese Zumi Sumner


For exact details about this entire article you can find many links on the page on my website entitled Dark Cabal Rulers.

(1)  For detailed information about strangelet/toplet bombs go to ‘1E] CHIMERA 16TH SEPTEMBER 2014’

(2) For precise Details of how deeply we are controlled see following four Cobra posts




8] ARCHONS ~ PLANETARY SIT: UPDATE ~ ETHERIC PLANE ~ OCT 15th 2013 = Precise details about the etheric body implants in humans

(3)  For the ‘Three Archon Invasions’ details go to the link 1A] ARCHONS ~ FALL OF THE ARCHONS ~ MAY 8TH 2012 on Dark Cabal Rulers or see direct link to Cobra's post on The Portal below (6)

Dark Cabal Rulers

(4) 3 Important links for the Secret Space Program Information

The Secret Space Program April 24th 2013

Solar System Situation Update February 9, 2015

The Alliance Fleet 31st March 2015

(5) The Jesuit Agenda Thursday, November 28, 2013

(6) Direct link to Three Archon Invasions from May 8th 2012 on The Portal